Tuesday, October 19, 2010

ma-de wannabe...

wanted to cook my tofu soup today so went to ntuc to get some. As usual, i will get those that are on sale and trust me, TOFU ARE ALWAYS ON SALE. I off work early so i have the time to slowly browse thru.

I know diff tofu has different uses (other than being make into steam lime tofu n perhaps oreo orange tofu or what have you) such as steaming, fried and soup. But i do not understand why they have silken tofu, super smooth silken tofu and silken tofu with omega3. SO being the xian qi liang mu that i am, i look at their content and start comparing the carbo, proteins, fats (OMG, TOFU HAS FATS TOO!!) and omega3.

In the end, i concluded this:

Chinese Tofu: Less protein
Super Smooth silken Tofu: Most fats
Silken Tofu and silken tofu with omega3 only difference is the latter comes with omega3 which is suppose to be good for the body. How so? Its said to decrease blood pressure, simulate blood circulation as well as reduce risk of heart attack. But only for products with EPA or DHA, products that contains alinolenic acid are not that effective. (source from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega-3_fatty_acid)

And the omega3 in the silken tofu with omega3 comes from alinolenic acid. (argg...) Meaning its just not as effective, but still, something better than nothing!

Oh dear.. i just read that too much tofu will cause dementia. But it will help protect the brain for younger and middle age people. I shld warn my FRIENDS to cease their tofu consumption then. TOFU are for young ppl (aka me) only!

Note to self: DO NOT eat spicy cuttlefish and drink mei jiu together unless during times of constipation.

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