i'd tried bringing out a battery flat phone..
i'd tried not bringing my phone out...
i'd tried bringing a phone tt auto shut down every now n den
but i'd nv tried bringg a fully charged phone yet being not able to make a call because the line got suspended due to 3mths worth of overdue charges..
nt until today.
i guess i'll nv be able to understand hw come some ppl rather forget to bring their wallets den their phone.
i guess i'll always be the minorities who feel tt its alright not having a phone.
But i think my dad dun feel the same way. He said, 'I'd nv been so embarrassed in my life! I'd nv forgotten a electric bill, water bill, phone bill watever bill. Yet today, i cant even make a call out because you didnt pay your bill!' All i could do was to laugh it off.
Guess my salary is not sufficient to pay for my phone bill.
Guess i was just trying my luck or testing M1 limit. Now i know, the limit is 3 mths, numerous red letters and several sms reminder.
Guess it wasnt my lucky day today. Because out of all days, today where my line got suspended, i was asked to send a sms by a stranger and all i could say was
'you want me to send now?'
stranger nodded
'i cant. my phone is not working'
stranger eyed my phone and gave me a puzzled look.
'i cant because i nv pay my bill so they cut off my line'
stranger decided to ignore me.
And i felt like a complete idiot.
DEN the friend who KNEW called immediately aft work.
Me: 'u miss me ar?'
she: 'no. i just call to laugh at you'
me: -_-!!!
NICE. Thats what friends are all about.
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