And i was still wondering how come the air ticks promotion for melb is still not here yet..
SIA: ONE to travel, between April to May, total cost $888. Which is considerable cheap for SIA. But not the cheapest so far. Also, even if i travel in may, where will i sleep??? Dun think my fav-ex-hsemate will welcome me very much!! Also, i wanna go snowcapped mountains!! May where got snow???? Argg!!! I need even better promotions!!!
Emirates is still going at 1.4k+ for the period i'm looking at lor... Super sianz!
MIA is going at 1k but need to transit in KL, which is like duh.... (For those who dun noe where melb is, its down under, futher down South from Indonesia, whereas KL is north of Sing. So it will be like flying up, stop, flying back down, past Sing and down much more to finally Melb)
Thai Air is about 1.1k and transit is in BKK which i totally dun mind as long as there is sufficent time for me to pop by Plantinum Mall. hahaha.. talk bout double standard..
During the wkend trip in Melacca, CL brought a book along 'Move your stuff, change your life' (or something like tt). Its actually about fengshui and its realistically simple to follow. So after picking up some tips from the book for the areas i deem more in need of improvement, i came back home and make some minor adjustment to my room.
SO, i put money in my fortune and wealth corner but i'm still feeling poor and stingy.
Also, i paste some of picts of melb in my travel corner but how come the promotions are not here yet???!! Maybe i need more picts!
Argg!! Save me before i go crazy!!
1 comment:
It needs time to settle lah. Hmm. . . Maybe u need to put some enhancement in the travel & helpful ppl corner for the promotions to come?
Okay, write ur wish to travel on a PURPLE paper & place it in ur wealth corner. Be specific on ur wish. IMPT : Keep that corner free of dust/dirt as often as u can. =)
Maybe, place SIA & other airlines logos at the travel & helpful ppl corner?
All the best!!
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