Monday, May 03, 2010


my tupid phone kept shuting down even aft i restart it several times.. so pissed!

Anyway, Jetstar Bring A Friend promo is back frm today(members) to 6th May (or until sold out)!

Last i checked, BKK, travelling in Sept(fly on tues, wed) cost about sgd70 each!! YES! Including Return and taxes but on handcarry bags only. But its still dirt cheap! This is like the cheapest you can get for BKK.

Macau is sgd110 per pax!!!

Taipei obtainable at sgd200 each!!!!

Quick go!!! So exciting!!!!

Note: Travel from 21sept to mid nov or otherwise specified. I tried dates for 21st sept and there are seats!!!

Its so exciting but damn, i cant think of anywhere i wanna go and that period is not good for travelling unless i'm nt going Korea.. Shit!!! Wat a waste!

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