Whenever i got sick of work(which is very often) i will visit my fav budget airlines webpage. Jetstar, Tiger, air asia, firefly and even lionair. Just to find some inspiration on where to go next. Where i go next is more than often decided by the prices of airticks.
Proudly, so far, my air ticks for tis yr are all below SGD100. That is for Langkawi, BKK and Bali.
Sadly, now, cheap air ticks in my definition is Below SGD100, for RETURN.
I've a feeling that i wont be flying as frequent as i wld like to. Meaning that i will most likely be coaching or ferrying to nearby getaways like Malaysia, Bintan or Batam, which is fine with me.
Just that i'm hoping that Jetstar and Tiger can come up with more routes because.. where budget goes, i go.
I just found out tt Jetstar flies to Japan frm Aust. Will they fly from Sing to Japan someday since we are the midpoint btw those 2? Sigh..
Darcy came back today aft a wk away at ET+hsemates. It's the first time he's nt at home when i am. The hse seems quieter, cleaner and more lifeless. I shld say tt i was fortunate to fall sick since he got away as the flu medicine and cough syrup numb my senses and brought me to a floating dimension. I spent my first 2 days without him sleeping.
It feels weird not having to fight for my blanket as well as my bed space. I can sleep in whatever positions i like and roll all over the place without worrying of squashing him. I can wake up at whatever time i like because he wasnt there to bark at me at 8am to open the door for him to go in and out. I can spend my whole day watching drama online without wondering if he's bored and in need of some entertainment. Suddenly i feel that i have more time to spend and soon i was thinking of getting another tuition assignment or two. Think bout the extra income i can get.. ($_$)
Despite having more time, bedspace, drama watched, i'm still glad that he's finally back. All i can say is, it has been a long long week.
When i left darcy there last sun, i was hoping tt they wld call me up the following day to pick him up and bring him home as he had been a terror. But sadly, the feedback i gotten were..
'Hes a very well trained dog..' frm ET's hsemate
'Hes an angel''Its an eye opener, i cant belive he can be so docile' frm ET
'Hes so teh..' frm another hsemate.
Thru out his 1 wk stay there, he didnt bite them like he did me, he didnt bark except when he gt lock in the toilet(just for fun they said) so he barked once to get their attention, he sit when told to and simply said, he acted the role of an angel pretty damn well.
They, ET and the hsemates are now looking for a sheltie to call their own.
I just hope theirs wont be suffering from spilt personalities like mine. =D
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