an even worst day at work today.
went off to orchard while waitg for someone to peel her potatoes, bought a much needed cup of macha white chocolate frapp(which cost $9) and went to my fav shop, Cold Storage.
The Cold storage at taka remind my of WOW AU, my Brunswick safeway. Just tt, its bigger, less crowded and a stone throw from home.
Anyway, i was at the veggie section, browsing thru the variety of salad mix they have, the fresh tomatoes and mushrooms, freshly squeezed(they state) juices and imagined myself back in melb. And suddenly, in my dark, gloomy, depressed state of mind, i recall some words a brilliant guy once said to me.
'Genius are often misunderstood.'
So, Yanting, Just hang in there, it can't get any worst than this.
waa oh no being misunderstood at work? :( yaa hang in there aft a while they'll realise their mistake!
and huh while waitg for someone to peel potatoes??!! LOL! waa n ur drink's so ex it must be really nice for u to pay $9 eh! what shop is it?
haa.. cause i was waiting for my friend who's having dinner(fries n stuff) elsewhere n she took so long, so i guess she needs to start from scratch.. hehehhe..
its GODIVA my dear.. n its actually so-so lar.. just tt e need for a truely chocolate drink is there..
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