Friday, July 23, 2010

coffee beans @ genting

Finally.. time to sit down, sip my mocha latte, surfing on free wifi, reading my story book, at a temp of 20 over degrees.. oh, how i miss life like this.

Seriously, i have no idea where my parents disppear to. They went for breakfast n didnt come back. Reckon its still to early to make a police report.

Oh.. i have a follower. Felt like a cult leader now.. heehee. Just wondering, if she follows me and i follows her, wont we be walking in circles? Haa.. lame lei..

Well, my trip is nearly coming to an end. Will be back tmr via coach. I misses darcy! Talking bout darcy, ever little thing reminds my parent of darcy. For examples, when they see a toodler making a fuss and wanting his parents to carry him, they say he's so like darcy. Or when it started to rain, they will say 'darcy 快跑,下雨了。' or when crossing the road, they will say 'darcy车来了,快跑。' or when they see cockroaches, they say 'darcy有gaga, 捉它。' Faintz! Dun think this is healthy for them..

Anyway, back to my trip. We flew to penang on sat till mon, den travel for 3hrs(approx) via coach to ipoh, stay a night there and took a coach to cameron highlands, about 2 hours. Stayed there for 2 nights then took a coach to KL central, bout 4 hours, changed coach to genting which took less than 1.5hrs. Will be staying here for 2 nights, tonight being the last night and will be coaching back to sing tmr noon.

All in all, dare say the air ticks to penang is my most expansive flight ticket for this yr. Even the one way tick cost more than my bali return or lkw return. Haa.. damn cheapo. The coaches tick other than the one frm gh to sing are all around rm10 to rm35, depending on the dist travelled and the bus quality. And the hotels are all about sgd100 per nite for 3pax, w e one at c.h being more ex at sgd120 per nite for 3. All booked online. I cant imagine taking the walk-in rates. Its ridiculous!

Right, my fingers are starting to get numb w e tapping. Shall continue when i have a keyboard.

Back to my book n latte.


evie said...

WA!! so cheap ahh the coach rides?!! make me wanna go too.. :p

LOL at your parents! heh he's like their youngest son eh n u know the youngest is always being pampered haha.. err.. but darcy is not there right? maybe they are actually talkg to u but keep callg u darcy? hahahaa

PS your first paragraph u shld write "novel" instd of "story book" laa.. hahahahaha sounds so much better!!!

Ting said...

But its more like a story book den a novel.. haaa.. n they were thinking of darcy when they were saying those. If only darcy has a passport, den i can start a blog for him - lamp posts marking around the world. Haa..

evie said...

hahaha lamp post markings lol.. hmm i realise they wont put the date u write the comment huh

Ting said...

Oh ya.. any idea hw i can change tt?

Eagle Ivan said...

I think cannot put date leh, coz mine also dun haf. Hmm... But come to think of it, mb can ah, but need some1 who noes hw to input the html code to help. haha *lol*

evie said...

ohh i found this html code for date online. try it ahh if cannot then just delete it away loh..

.date-header, h2
margin: 0px;
color: #cccccc;
clear: both;
font-size: 90%;
letter-spacing: .13em;
font-family: palatino linotype, georgia, times new roman, serif;
text-transform: uppercase;
padding: 0px;
text-align: right;
padding-bottom: 0px;
margin-bottom: -29px;