Wednesday, November 10, 2010

just for thoughts..

was chatting w a libra on her 'dream-boyfriend' and as i picture mine..

he's tall, wearing a cap, with twinkling eyes, big smile, white shirt, broad shoulders, carrying a apple picking basket standing in an orchard..

Think we need to start travelling as reckon the 2 of us cant find what we want in SG...



yanxin said...

dear, what about the timberland boots? and white shirt?! thank goodness. i almost tot that we are looking for the same guy. anyway, i just realise i have a world traveler for a friend! haha. he may be that particular someone plans for our trips while we enjoy it~~ *grins* anyway, vietnam, cambodia and laos next year. want?

Ting said...

Oh yah.. e timberland boots. Blocked by the basket! Haha.. same same but different. Urs need cargos.. mine, anything will do. Haha..

I'm fine w Cambodia, Laos. Vietnam, nt tt keen but can give it another try. Den hw bout India?

Miss Libra, dun talk talk den take it as we have done it k. Must put into action.