Dear godfather's wife's godson, when are you coming over to carry those bottles of softdrinks back. Noone is going to drink them if u leave them here. And how about the bag of potatoes, they will be spouting soon u know..
Was watching Natnal Geo earlier on and there was a show on the ppl living in the Atlantic. I suddenly remember of one GP lesson in my JC where the teacher was asking us of our dreams and what we want to do. She asked me and i said i wanted to watch the sun rise/set in the North/South Poles as i'd seen frm discovery channels these images before, where the snow turns pink when the rays fall on them. And you know what that GP teacher said, 'theres no sun in the poles, they live in complete darkness.' I was like "huh? Are you sure you are qualified as a teacher?" Pls, everyone shld know tt there are mths where the sun disappear during the winter but there are also period where the sun resurface.. Goodness.. No wonder i hated my JC. Anyway, one of my wish is to visit the poles and catch the sunrise/sets as well as the auroroa. Well, one summer i shall do that. Before i turn 4o i hope.
Anyway, back to x'mas. This x'mas i spend it w friends i knew 7 yrs back. Some old pals frm Melacca came down on very late notice and everything was rushly planned. Resulting in a lot of last min changes. Say, we were suppose to have dinner at my place but it was changed to dinner at Riverside Point's Indonesian Restaurant.
River sence at Clark Quey. Taken w shaky hands.
Den a drink at Brewerkz. My second time there though. First was w Erica n FangMin when we came back. We had the beer during lunch hour and it was real cheap like say $3 or $4 only. We were jobless at that time and it was a hot hot day, hence the beer. (Tts bullshit. Erica was there. Why else do u think we were in a brewery.) :)
yh acting cool in Brewerks. A bit of Jay Chou feel rite?..
The friends frm Melacca.
Happy X'mas.
Us & X'mas tree..
Anway, when the clock strike twelve, we were on the train heading home. I'd always wondered how it will be like in the train during a countdown. I thought tt ppl will be wishing each other Happy uknowwat, the train operator will wish the passengers a happy watever or maybe the train will give a loud horn or something to mark the arrival of a special occasion. But NOPE. Nobody realised that it was 12 untill the smses came in. It was a SILENT NIGHT.
1201 (By yh)
Mine n His
We went back to my place, bath and cooked supper. Our supposedly dinner. The chicken drumstick was nt up to stdn. The taste didnt went in. Erica suggested using sour cream instead of light sourcream next time. Super disappointed.
yonghui panfried the prawns tt he peeled and boiled the night before and FORCED me to eat them. They are not that bad actually. But i'm still nt completely over my fear of prawns. Shall see hw it goes. I'm still nt enjoying them as much as i enjoy the rest of the food i eat. Still suffers from the uneasy, quessy kinda feeling after eating them.
Slept at around 5am tt day on the sofa due to my 'guai pi'. Woke up, shower, brunch, den down to city again. Till 7pm den back to wdl for a bdae celebration. Maybe due to the wine and the day's activities i was dead before 11pm. The red wine was nt bad though it was kindly spicy at first. But it goes ok with chocolates. No complains. YH came to get something and suan bian drives me back as theres some stuff for him to pick up at my place. I was sound asleep aft a shower. Finally, the bed is all mine.
Thats all for my x'mas.
Nice pict of Cheryl by yh.
Den it was work, work, work till last nite. We had a different kinda friday nite. We had a matchmaking session. Haa.. Believe it or not. That was what it was all about.
Several days ago, i changed my msn nick to 'I have a lovely princess to intro, any gentlemen interested?' It drew a couple of responses but all were eliminate except one. As my friend said he's introducing his friends who are the complete opp of him. That was why i accepted it. Anyway, i took my 2 princesses with me to meet him and his 2 friends. At first i thought tt it was gonna be funny but den when he intro his friend i became self concious. I started thinking "What am i doing? Am i that desperate?" Gosh.. This is not good. Its not his friends. It was just me. Realisations set in. I'm getting old and i cant believe that i'm actually doing this. On the other hand, we can think of it as a get-to-know-more-friends dinner. It was fun lar. But upon thinking about it now, hw much more weird can it gets? Gosh, is this the real world or wat.
Shit, what is this....