Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On mi birthday... 2007

Friday surprise party for TYX n me (28 Sept 2007)

The birthday cake.

Wishes making..
The libras.
The party.
Someone stealing the chicken wings!!!
The family
The kids
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

Whats that on her face? Catfight.
Pokka green tea, the chicken eaters' first choice.
Even xiuyi wants to steal my Pokka Green tea.

Actual day (30 Sept 2007)
BBQ chicken at Billy Bombers.
They are not what it seems.. (Part1)
Their actual self toward each other (Part 2)
The four ladies.
Acting sweet.
Being bullied.. *sob*
My actual height..
Mi present frm xl.

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