Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A powerful line

I was reading an article when i chance upon a phase which i thought is very powerful. Be prepared, here goes..

'Averages can be very misleading: like every story, every average has two sides.'

Well, do you want to know why i say this short little line is very powerful? Simply because, so many times in our lives, we have apply whatever ways n methods we know of to obtain an average to determine if the results is good or not. But in obtaining the average, we have forgotten the 2 sides which may be VERY good or VERY bad. We just thought tt as long as the average is good, we shld do it, buy it or sell it. But how many times in real life does the average actually occur.

We have actually forgotten that the average is just a figure that we have come out with ourselves and its not even a real sample from a population group. So, instead of finding an average next time, why dun we just randomly pick a sample from the whole population size that we have. At least the chances of occuring is nw 1/(population size) instead of N.A .

Yes i'n bored with nothing to do. Feel like quitting already. Cause.. i feel tt this is nt wat i shld be doing..

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