Friday, December 14, 2007

Another friday nite..

Its been a while since i'm home so early on a friday nite. Been out doing stuff for e past 3 wks and today, its home sweet home.

Went to meet my ex hse mate for dinner just now. We had dinner at Phin's steak house which is situated along Liang Seah Place. He had snapper, i had lamb (I know, AGAIN) cutlet flown in frm NZ. I do not know bout his fish but my lamb is really great. Its one of the best i had so far. No 'sao' smell and its really tender. yummy.. And the price is really reasonable. About $15 for it. Next time, i'm gonna try the steak.

Anyway, it was fun chatting with my ex hsemate. He listens and comments and he's funny. He was telling me about his current hsemates and all the shit things that had happened to him. I told him 'Its only because of all these will you learn to appreciates me.' Haa.. He didnt comment to that. Just respond with a -_-!!! face, which says a lot of things. He did send me 2 photos of his current situation in Sydney Road and i shall be evil and post it here.. hahah... I scared him with stories of my jumping maggots and i hope he will be mentally prepared for it. Oh well, thats life abroad. Its frustrating when you experience it but years down the road, when you look back and think on it, it had become a comedy. Part and parcels of life..

The current state of my ex room..
The current state of the kitchen stove..
What MY room looks like
My study table, which is cluttered but not messy..

I went to have lunch with my ex-colleagues on wed. We agreed to meet at 1pm. In the end they arrive at only 1.30pm. I need to return to the office by 2pm. I was already prepared for their lateness as i was able to understand that. But sometimes i cant help but wondered. Is it really that bad or is it just the attitude? I mean, for them and me(was) we were always late for meeting up with friends hence causing the friends to wait for sometimes an hour or two. Some even stood up their dates as they were too caught up with work. Now looking back, was it worth it? Work is not all that. Just because you have work to do, doesnt means that you can make those who are free wait for you. Just feel that its not worth sacrificing your life for work. Theres a limit to how much one should dedicate to work and when work has step over the point, you shld know when to stop. No point getting all these bonus and acknowledgements when back home, your family dun even bother asking if you will be coming back for dinner. That just sucks.. Anyway, i'm over it. And i'm glad I'M OUT OF IT.
Today at work, i received an email rgdg a quary i'd raised. It was the first time i emailed the recipent.
His reply greatly insulted me.
"Hi Yan Thing, ...."
Damn... I'm not just a THING lor.. At least he didnt have typo in the my first name. It wld be lot worse if he typed " Any Thing". I think i will kill him!

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