Spend my nite differently today.
Was with Jul and we went to Yogi Korean resturant along Mosque Street in Chinatown for dinner. After which being full, we went for a stroll along the long forgotten shophouses along tang ren jie.
The nite was beautiful with cooling breezes and the cresent hanging in mid dark skies.
All along i've been labelling Chinatown with the following words, 'Hot, humid, sweaty, old, crowded and noisy.' Along which, none of the phase is something i like. As a result, i've avoided this part of Singapore for an extremly long time. Not even bothering to visit this area even when i'm conducting my own annual Singapore tour. The most i will do is touch on its fringes for food, barely spending more than 2 hrs in this place.
But tonite, things are different. It was cool enough for a jalan jalan and with minimum people on the streets where mostly are tourists, Jul and i started a little walk around.
Chinatown tonight at 9pm will be termed 'quiet, peaceful, relax, cooling.'
We wonder from 3-for-$10 shops to clothing shops to 'Uniquely Singapore' shops to shops that sell almost all souveniers from APAC countries. Its fun looking at the items that are on sale, figuring out what are they, wondering who will pay such a price for them. They are not expansive i feel but still i assume that they will definitely mark up the prices to make a higher profit from the tourists.
Well, its another nite yet different. Wonder when will a nite as cooling as today comes along, and what will i be doing then?
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