Wednesday, November 21, 2007

2 more days to e wkends..

Went to watch Stardust yest w Jul n XY at CWP. Haa.. It feels good to be able to catch a movie aft work. Cheaper rates furthermore. Anyway, stardust was magically fantastic. Wow.. The two hours flew by like a shooting star. I wont mind watching it another time, becaause its really good!!

Third day of work today and today was the latest i left the office (so far) at 6.30pm. hahaha... This feels good!

May be watching enchanted tmr.. heee...

I'm turing to magically fantasy nowadays.. Dun ask me why.

Come sat and i will be spending my wkend at ECP w my beloved younger ones.. Hee.. Hope tt it wont rain. hmm.. i shld bring my gastic pills.. hmm.. Hw bout my sleeping bag? Will i be able to catch the sunrise? Lets see hw den...

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