Wednesday, October 24, 2007


4 wks ago, while waiting for the dance gers for dinner at Raffles City, i saw a bracelet watch at a push cart outside the foodcourt. I didnt ask for its price as i predict that it will cost at least $60 due to its location. I place it back and walk around the shopping centre once more. While walking around i told myself that i will buy the watch if it cost $30++.

I found another push cart selling watches at the basement outside Marketplace. There i saw similar bracelet watches on sale at $15. I became happier and went upstairs to ask for the price.

It cost $35. Of course now i'm nt willing to pay $35 for a watch that is worth $15 or even lesser. I walk away once more.

Over the pass few weeks, i stoped at venders selling watches here and there but i wasnt able to find MYWATCH. I thought hard and long and after finding a bargain queen (or so i thought) i decided to bring her there to try my luck to see if she's able to cut the price to $25.

Once there, the salesgirl saw me holding MYWATCH and took another watch that looks similar yet different in all else. Different in the sense that its 'texture' is rougher, the quality is not as good, the hour and minute hand is just a black arrow and most importantly the price is $15.

Now, i'm willing to pay $35 for MYWATCH. So, i bought it.

One commented that she's surprised that i will like this kinda watch as its not me. But somehow, i find it beautiful.

Several times last nite, i held up my wist not to read the time but to admire my watch. And more than once, when i want to know the time, i was caught up by my watch's beauty and forgot bout the main purpose. Sigh.. Pretty.

I just read from my STU magz that 11th of Nov is World Singles Day. Haa.. frm where one?

I was suppose to start a temp assignment today at a local bank. But i had a headache the whole night and wasnt able to get much sleep at all. In the end, i request to start work tmr. Its an office job, underpaid. Thats all i will say. Sigh..
Reason for my headache will be more interesting. I blame it on heatiness. The dance class went for some dessert at Menotti after our lesson. Once there, we were informed that all dessert are 50% off its original price as it's after 10pm. Haa.. Heaven. We ordered a lot and share. Esp the soffiato. uhh.. powerful. Then there was the overdiluted torino (my fault) which still is heaty. Hence, the headache. Or maybe, i was just lazy. Argg... Work again. sian.

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