Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Re-solutions

Since my previous post, I went to check for my 2011 resolutions and I realised I make none. So I went even more backdate and found out that I didn't have any in 2010! Goodness! Look like I had given up on myself!

Come 2012, I will be different. I will set some resolutions! Monthly resolutions to be exact! Hope this time it will work! Even if not, who cares!

Here goes..

Resolutions for Jan 2012

1. Charge less than $500 to credit cards.
2. Start my tuitions!
3. Exercise at least once a week.
4. Only 1 overseas trip!

Let's see in 1 mth time if this is going to work.

Ohh.. how about some quarterly resols as well!!

1. Only 1 overseas trip for first quarter.
2. Have at least 4 students.
3. Attend tango lessons regularly!

Happy New Year all!

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

On shoes..

Finally the long awaited long weekend is here. 3 whole days of sleeping, slacking, rotting and doing nothing I don't want to do. It's not so much on the festive season, its more on the time spent on myself, Darcy and dad.

I wake up to my Day 1 with coffee and cooking. Then I did some cleaning up in my room and my shoe cupboard. The parents had been nagging at me for months or was it years to tidy up my shoes and I finally did.

Starting with the shoes in the cupboard, those obvious choices that I know I will never wear again, throw. Then was those in the boxes. I opened them 1 by 1, some taking a moment or two to recall when did I buy those and some who instantaneously I know when I bought and where I wore to.

Shoes, to my surprise, could actually evoke a lot of memories.

That pair of 1.5 inches shiny dual straps heels that I wore to my JC prom. That pair of 3 inches skimpy black heels with a crystal buckle that I wore to my Rotaract dinner in my last year in Melbourne. That pair of 2 inches black leather covered shoes that I wore to my graduation. That pair of heels that I wore and walked along Clark quey, boat quey and back and ended up with large blisters on both feet. Yes, memories indeed.

Shoes, on the other hand can also remind you how old you have become - I found 2 pairs of heels that I loved and only wore once or twice and I had forgotten completely about them.

I still remembered my first pair of Charles and Keith's. It was a pair of 1.5 inches platform, white base with light blue straps. I remembered it was love at first sight. I remembered I bought it at CWP, one of the first few branches those days, where the shoes were comfortable and so reasonably priced. Now, their shops are everywhere and their quality and pricing are nowhere like before. Simply said, I can't remember when was the last time I bought something from there although I still like to walk in to check out their design, try on 1 or 2 and still ended up leaving empty handed.

After the cleanup, it got me thinking. Shoes, are they like our lives?

You pay a bit more for a pair of pretty shoes to wear to some major events then you come back, put them back into their boxes and forget about them. Whereas those cheap and comfortable flats, tongs, boat shoes that you wear on a regular basis are put there on display day in day out so you can have easy access to them.

Life is not about major important events that you dress up to attend and then forgotten, its about how you live it that's what makes it important.

The graduation ceremony is not the highlight of your schooling years, its the time you were schooling that matters. The wedding dinner is not what matters most to a couple but how you have walked down this path together and how you will be walking down together that matters.

Maybe important events do play a part. They act as a fullstop to indicate the completion of a particular paragraph of one's life. Then you can start a new paragraph.

Guess I'm thinking too much. Shld start thinking on my resolutions..

Merry Christmas all!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011




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Monday, December 19, 2011

Seriously feel like crying...

Naggy mum, drenched shoes on a Monday morning do not goes well together.

Worst still, no milk for my morning coffee..

Seriously, anything is able to tip my scales now.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011


More working days to go.

I hope all well will ends well.

Tis e season to be jolly!

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Friday, December 09, 2011

Birthday 2011

Did I mention that I started my day with a sunrise and closed it with shooting stars.

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Thursday, December 08, 2011

Watching the storm on the 19 floor.

Imagine this..

It's 6pm. Outside, the skies are getting darker. The storm is approx 20km away. There, it had already started to pour.

You see a strike of lightning. Follow by peace. Almost 5 seconds later, you hear the lazy tumbling of thunder.

You sit by the window side, eyes fixed on the storm 20km away, approaching in a slow yet majestic speed. Trying to catch all the lightnings possible but the white apartment building stands towering in the way, right smack in the middle. The rays of the setting sun falls on the white building, turning it pale shiny orangy.

The storm gets nearer and you see faint rainbow at both ends, the rest disappearing into the dark gloomy clouds.

As the storm moves closer, somehow the rainbow becomes clearer. Until a full rainbow is formed over the white building.

This is my moment of bliss.

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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Snapshot - 东和说


他说: 你很安静,不爱说话。
我说: 比较内向,比较慢热。
他说: 你很强。安静的人,心很强。
我说: 为什么?
他说: 因为什么事都藏在心里,越藏越强。
我说: 是这样吗。

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Tuesday, December 06, 2011


I may have become stingy to some, 斤斤计较 to few and being thrifty to one or two.

But money spent on my parents and darcy will never be too much or over. Because they really are worth every single cents.

And its not that you are not worth it, but you are and should not be my priority. Just hope you know and can understand.

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Friday, December 02, 2011

Last trip for 2011

Waiting at changi T1 for ET. Flying to KL. Once again she is late. At least this time she doesn't need to travel from 1 end to the other end of SG.

This year, although I didnt travel as much as the previous year but I dare say the trips are much more satisfying. Like diving at my first shipwreck, with mantas in the cold, like getting my wish of being at somewhere with blue skies, cool fresh air and bright sunlight in Oct, like travelling alone and surviving thru it, it makes me believe in myself more. Also, whenever in doubt, just ask.

Luckily my next trip is not too far off. But where will I be gg next aft the next trip? Thinking, thinking, thinking...

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Me: 糟糕。脸涂太白了。
Dad:不会啦。Mrs yip的才算白 。
Me: 哪里可以拿她比。那是千年老妖。
Dad: 哈。说的也是。

Tis My Dad

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Back to school...

If there's a college that offers a Degree in Love, I'm sure module 101 will be How to love yourself.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Went to batam last weekend with the colleagues. It was nice and the beds in holiday inn are just nice and comfy enough for a good night sleep and a 2hr nap after breakfast. I wonder if its because of those budget backpackers accomodation that had trained me to be super adaptable to different beds. Haha.. just a thought.

I remember my first night in lijiang accomodation, my god! When I lie on the thin mattress, I could feel the board underneath. The mattress was almost non existent. I didn't sleep well that night, as expected. I vowed to check out and find another accomodation for my second night. I checked out that morning but check back in that night. That night I slept on half of my blanket and rolled the other half around myself. Creating my own cocoon. I slept well that night. From then on, no bed is too hard. Haha.

I'm Physically and emotionally tired. I had been sleeping enough but reckon with the morning shifts, late night dramas plus the auntie visiting, I still required more rest. Looking forward to my 3d2n stay in another posh hotel this coming weekend. Yums.

Emotionally tired because starting to get restless at work again. Feel demoralized by the current situation and know I have to take a step forward. Looking for my next step now. It doesn't necessary has to be a step up, it can be a step down but not a step back pls. Just a step away will be fine.

Snapshots of my yunnan trip. (you know how from time to time you will suddenly have a flashback of some images which you have forgotten, these are what I'm calling snapshots.)

That night at changi airport departure gates, I was giving the India policeman my passport to check and we had a quick conversation.

Pm: you are going to China for holiday?
Me: yes.
Pm: alone?
Me: yupe. And I hope I come back alive.

Thinking back, the last sentence doesnt sound that good to be said to a policeman. Oh well, I manage to pass all gates, enjoyed my trip and come back alive.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Eat, pray, love



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E bed is a good place to be in..


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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Little bits of bliss =D

Waking up early in the morning.
Coffee already brewed.
Sitting in bed with a good read.

Ahh.. cheap bliss!

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Monday, November 14, 2011

International Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day.

Shane says its International LULU Day. Initially I thought its a day to loose weight. Then he explained it as to chill and take things easy.

I see.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011


Hooked pinkies and thumb chopped.
4kg in a month. Attainable?

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Friday, November 11, 2011

一一.one one. 11





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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

to work on a public holiday.. bittersweetness.

Woke up, nua, watched drama, shower, changed and took cab to work. Beautiful blue skies, cotton-like clouds, nice. Reach office, nua, wait for work, 5hrs ready, left the office. Deciding if I shld go dance. Walk from cityhall mrt to esplanade, to Raffles place to Tanjong pagar. Was treated to a beautiful sunset in CBD area. Nice. I felt like a tourist once again. 45 mins later, reach Sakae and ordered 30sgd worth of sashimi, tempura and what not just to get the receipt for claims. Went for dance and practica. Nobody asked me to dance and I was feeling so left out till the instructor took pity of me and dance with me. Then the argentina guy finally came back and is willing to dance. Feel so grateful to him. I like dancing still..
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Monday, October 24, 2011


It started to pour while I was heating up the milk for my coffee, 5mins before I stepped out of my hse.

It was still grey and raining when I locked up the door.

Standing at my last bit of shelter finally able to open my umbrella and ready to step into the rain, the sun came out and shone on my path. Raining still.

Oh yeah. I know this will be a wonderful day!
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

tonned shoulders..

I miss walking with my few kilos-heavy backpack packed with my 450d, iPad, water, food, jackets and the 101 supposedly necessities.

What was defined as 沉 by others has become 习惯 to me.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011




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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Day 3 to Day 11 - 剩下的出走记

Day 3 from Dali to Lijiang, 爱上了。

Booked the bus from dali, departing at 8.30am, picked up was suppose to be 8.20am but by 8.50am none came. Then my accomodation received a call saying they can't find the driver and ask if I mind taking the 9am mini bus instead. So I took. Pick up came and brought me to the minibus. Only the last row was available with a Chinese guy there. I went over and sat on the opposite side and he spoke to me. Apprently, he is a Korean(born in 86) studying Chinese in Beijing Uni. So we communicate in mandarin.

It's weird to say this but it was very comfortable speaking with him. There was no awkwardness between us and no obligations to make small talk. 好久没有的感觉.Does travelling alone makes you feel this way?

更巧的是,we were both wearing blue Alibaba pants, army green long sleeves top with sneakers. Typical backpackers attire but still, weird. When we started comparing our itineries, we realised that we actually flew in to kunming on the same day, go straight to Dali, stayed for 2 days and head down to lijiang. And we will be leaving from kunming on the same day.

I ended up following him to his pre booked accomodation, shared a 6 beds dorm with him and 3 others, and spent the whole day with him. We walked through 束和古城,sat in one of the many typical cafes, drank yunnan small bean roast, read our own book, chat about his unreadiness to step into the working world then went for dinner with his 2 new found Korean friends who are also studying in China. It was a very enjoying and eventful day and we ended up going to 丽江古城 for dinner.


Day 4@lijiang



Day 5 lijiang - 泸沽湖

早上七点半的车。连早食也没吃就抱着包包check out 了。到了束和古城门口看到了几辆巴士去泸沽湖但就没有我的。等着等着终于等到了。上了车才发现只是七人位的。人人到了就出发了。

车程应该只有六个钟但到时太阳都在下山了。原因是,路上停了吃饭(30rmb),又停来游湖(30rmb)。这样就花了十个钟才到达。跟着同车的一起住进了青年宿舍(30rmb),接着就一起共进晚饭(30rmb). 吃饱了,就去湖边走走。

这群人都来至不同的省所以口音也有不同。和他们闲谈时还听得懂但一当他们说起中国历史之类我就跟不上,又开始发呆了。当他们知道我是独自来云南背包旅游时都会待别照顾我。其实中国人还蛮好的! 好温馨。

其中一位小弟(86 年)也很喜欢叫我读出华话字。真丢人了。如果有一天他来到新加坡,我一定找菜单来给他读。不过人家是去当医生的,英语应该也不赖吧。

Day 6 泸沾湖

一早起来就去找了一日游(30rmb)去绕湖了。 在车上认识了两位西安的小妹妹, 小尚和要妮。她们才二十二岁所以一直'姐姐,姐姐'的叫我。还蛮温馨的。那两位小妹妹告诉我这里的讲解,还一直和我闲聊。所以决定和她们明天一快回丽江。在她们的YHA住宿买了一张80rmb的车票后我就去找午餐吃了。


本来只有我一个人的咖啡屋,不久就来了一对小夫妻和他们四个月大的 border collie。非常活泼,一直坐立不安。好想达西! 和他们聊了才知道他们来自北京。和狗狗一起驾车来到泸沽湖。真羡慕! 如果达西有护照那有多好!

不久来了两位喷烟的龙,说话又带点中国人的嚣张。实在是待不下了。我买单了就慢慢走去湖边的小凳子,读我的书。虽知来了一群招不满的人。就一直站在我周围大声喊骂司机骗了他们。烦死了。里格村这么大,为什么偏偏要站在我旁边呢? 竟然是晚饭时间了,我再次回去了那间饭店。一进门就看见了昨天同车的四人。他们问了我跑到哪了,找不到我。他们一起包车游湖了。 好可惜啊! 和他们一块一定有好吃的!

因为他们已经吃饱了,所以我就自己到一桌坐着点菜。不久,和我同房的香港小妹妹(89年)和朋友们进来了。作晚我还跟他介绍了这里,今天就来了。她请我和他们一起吃但我也推了。还已为会自己吃,虽知店里的生意太好了,连老外也进来了。就放在我这桌。于是就和他们聊了起来。他们来自 Israel,会在中国五个星期。就谈到他们的国家,我的国家。也真好谈的。或许是我们太久没用英语沟通了,所以都很愉快有人可以谈天。一谈就三个钟头过呢,看着明天还要移动,我就说了再见回去收东西了。

Day 7 泸沽湖 - 丽江

Check out at 7.45am and made my way to the meeting point. Saw the 2 girls and we board the bus, getting the last seats available in the last row. When everyone has board, the driver discovered he has oversold the seats resulting in 1 extra passenger. He didn't say anything and let the last lady who board sit beside him. Then he drove to a minority house claiming a house visit. With that we waited for an hour for those interested to go in for a walk around. Once everyone is back on board, the driver wants 1 of the three of us to get down the bus and board the supposedly 10am bus. He claimed he will refund the money to the one getting off. WTF. Everyone knows there is no 10am bus. Due to the poor road conditions, the 210km distance from lijiang to luguhu requires 6hrs minimum to travel. Hence all buses will set off early in the morning at the same time. As he brought us to this house visit so he can earn a commission, all the buses had already left. He claims that because I'm alone, not part of any group I should be the one getting off. Fucker. The Xiao mei then said "不要欺负外国人。" He denied, saying he is not. So we asked what is wrong with the seating arrangements now and the bitch who board the bus last said she do not want to sit there because she is afraid she will fall. Now I know the whole story. No wonder the lady beside me was asking if I am alone and such. Because I saw her texted her friend, asked her friend aka bitch to check her phone and saw that bitch whisper to the driver. All these took place right before my eyes. I can't believe that they will stab me like that. In the end, one of the Xiao mei gave up her seat to that bitch and sat on the cushion beside the driver for the entire journey.

The things that made me pissed was that it was the driver's fault in the first place to oversell the tickets and he still has the guts to yell at me to get off the bus AFTER WASTING AN HOUR WAITING AT THE HOUSE VISIT. Then the bitches to be so selfish as to do something like that for her own benefits. And the guys in the bus, my god. They are all fit and well built and not a single one offered to give up their seats. Seriously, wtf!

Once that bitch has a seat, the driver drove off saying I can take the other bus that we will be meeting at our lunch place. During our halfway stop, I took a picture of him and the bus as well as the bus plate infront of him and stare at him in hatred. He better go home and thank his ancestors that I will not be complaining about him to whatever association I can come into contact with because the Xiao mei who gave up her seat threw in some nice words for him. Super pissed at him for turning my good impressions of luguhu to nothing. Seriously, Fuckers.

We finally reached lijiang at 4plus. Instead of taking the bus to Shangrila, I decided to stay a night in lj and spend the remaining day with the 2 Xiao meis. I followed them to their prebooked accomodation then we went for dinner. All this while, as long as I'm eating alone, I will choose the safest option I can find. But they brought me out and taste some of the street food which is so yum! I had been surviving on smelling them all these while so you can image my happiness when I taste some, since a bite won't kill. After dinner, we walked into one of the many shops selling 掏碟 and sat there listening to music and choosing the discs we like. It was still bright when we entered and by the time we left, it was already dark. Surprisingly, one of the Xiao mei and I have similar music preferences. Another common topic we can touch on is Korean dramas. The other Xiao mei will tell me about China cultures and history. Really had a nice time with them. We almost couldn't find our way back but somehow we got back.

Day 8 丽江 - 香格里拉

I woke up before dawn breaks somehow without the alarm going off, washed, packed and set off to the bus terminal at 7.15am. Took a cab(10rmb) to the bus terminal bought the earliest bus ticket available (78rmb) at 8.50am and waited for time to past. Finally, got onboard bus, after 4hrs, I reached shangrila. Found the bus(1rmb) to the ancient town and reached after 20mins. Luckily I didn't walk there as advised by others. I think I would have died of hunger.

Once at ancient city, I started looking for accomodations. Went to the first hostel, and thought of spurging on a private room but somehow something is holding me back. This is not the one. So I walked on and arrived at a YHA. My fav sign nowadays. I went in, asked to inspect the dorm, somehow decided to take it (40rmb per night) and went to make the necessary paperwork. Once everything is done, took my bag and when I was about to walk out of the reception area, I saw donghe walking in. It's funny how timing is always with us. He was quite shocked to see me, I was too hot and hungry to have any drastic reaction. I asked him to have lunch with me and he went to sit there as he has just eaten. Then we went for a little walk around and then to the Tibetan temple. Took a cab(10rmb) there and paid admission fee of 87rmb. We spent 3hrs there and went back for steamboat dinner(35rmb). As we were walking back to the hostel, we heard music in 四方街 so we went to check it out. It's actually the locals doing their nightly dance exercise. He went to join in while I sit out and enjoy. Afterwhich, I went on for a walk around while he went back to the hostel.

After an hour or so, I went back and was chilling in the courtyard when he came out. He was reading and writing his journal and getting lost in thoughts while I read on Shangrila and the to dos. Then we started talking again. From this trip to Korea to the relationship between north and south Korea. I think because he is very informed on global affair hence being very easy to talk with.

As our trips are coming to an end, I guess we are more depress with the thoughts of going back to work. The feelings are rather heavy and dull, I guess especially more for him than me as he will be stepping into the workforce soon and he still feel lost.

I don't remember feeling that way when I was about to graduate, all I knew was to get a job in the bank and then slowly figure out what I want. This "slowly" took me more than 3yrs and I am still "slowly" finding my way around. I know I am not happy with my job, its just a job not a career. But what do I want. Will I be contented with going to work everyday and waiting for payday and making travelling plans or do I want more than that?

Day 9 香格里拉

Woke up not knowing what to do. Maybe just walk around, find a cafe and read my book. Went out and suddenly remembered that one of my to-dos is to go horseridding in shangrila. So, I made arrangements for transport (40rmb) and went. The driver was very nice and in the end even drove me to the bus terminal to get my bus ticket back to kunming (240rmb) for the following day. The horse riding(300rmb) was not too bad although it doesn't feel like the correct season but well. I know it is super overpriced but well, my last few days here and Im feeling rich and silly. The ride only took 1 and a half hour. It is so much more expansive than Australia. So, just forget it ba.

I went back to the hostel and the staffs there were about to have their lunch and they invited me to join them. I did and it was good. They didn't allow me to do the washing up after that. There are indeed nice people in China.

Donghe having arrived in shangrila 2 days before me left today for lijiang then overnight train to kunming. A night in kunming and back to Beijing. This time saying goodbye was much easier. Although we have each others e-mail address, but I guess these are just on the surface. What can I expect from 一日之交? But this passerby did somehow play a minor role in my trip. 缘分,时机,说的就是这吧!


After my break, I went shopping for souvenirs. Hate it but gonna get it. Then went back to my hostel to put the stuff down. There I met my dorm mate Candy, a 29 yrs old white lady from south Africa who is teaching English in shanghai. She asked what I will be doing and if she can join and we ended up spending the remaining day together. We went shopping, went to a cafe to try the Tibetan milk tea, both salty and sweet(20rmb each for a jar) then went for dinner together. It was nice. She told me of the guy she met in lijiang, her work, her family, and her views on certain issues are pretty interesting.

Day 10 香格里拉 - 昆明

Woke up at 7.20am, did the necessary, check out, made my way to the bus terminal (7rmb) by cab. Board the 9am bus to kunming. It was so cold this morning. I can see every breath I breath out. It was that cold. The temp inside the bus is showing as 7 degree and the temp outside is 3. My hands are all dry and cold.

The journey requires 13hrs. It's like another trip from Singapore to Hat yat. Just that I am covering it in the day. Many choose to bus back to lijiang then night train to kunming but I'm still a bus person despite the winding mountainous roads.

Now, 6-7hrs into the ride, we are back in the outskirts of Dali. Along the way, we have pass by many many fields and most are being harvested now. Manually. Maybe the next trip I can experience it. Now that I know what to expect from China.

好饿啊。好想吃杯面,薯片,鸡蛋,肉! 6 more hours to go.

Bought some tibits at the next stop(12rmb). 4 more hours to go.

Had cup noodles and green tea for dinner(11rmb). 2.5 more hours to go.

Finally reached at 10pm. Freaking tired. Board a private taxi to the backpacker, (30rmb). Got a bed(40rmb) in a 6 pax dorm. Now I'm left with only 20rmb after paying the deposit. I think I need to find a money changer tomorrow as my flight is at 10pm. Should I allow myself a starbucks?

Day 11 - 昆明

10am, Sitting at the balcony looking at the city sight in front of me, I raise my head and I saw the pale blue skies. Disappointed. Listening to the sound of heavy traffic and all sorts of noise pollution, will I be able to endure the next few months?

Flying off in 12 more hours, leaving this accomodation at 7pm, I have 9 hours to go. My last 9 hours here. Shopping? Cafe? I need a money changer. Shld I change 50sgd or 100sgd?

Never thought it will be so difficult to find a place to exchange money. They only have it in banks and from sgd to rmb, only Bank of China has it. And I need to fill in 2 forms and get my passport photocopied to exchange just sgd100. Wow. Amazing!

Finally got my money, went to have my breakfast, 蒸饺 (8rmb) then walk on. My face lights up when I see the lady in green, STARBUCKS! 31rmb for a caramel latte. Not as nice as sing, but can do lar. Sitting here in the outdoors, looking at those passerbys going places, I feel so bored! What should I do? 7 more hrs to go.

Went to buy pu er tea for my friend but they does not accept visa or.masters. In the end, called xy for help and she suggested ATM. It works! But she got a fright when she received my call, she thought something had happened to me. Haha.. Yah. No money. Shld have sign up for the China credit card the other time. But who would have know that I will be coming to China so soon.

Now, sitting on their shopping street, sheltered by the maple trees. It's Autumn, hence the leaves have turned yellow and under direct sunlight, they look golden. Kinda like back in Melbourne, Swanston street just that its noiser here and everything is in Chinese. 3.5 more hours to go.

Bought a Taiwan sausage dusted with chili flakes(3rmb), then a cup of mala potatoes(4rmb), to eat it in their seating area, I need to order a drink, lemon soda(15rmb). My stomach feels funny now. Haha. Shit. 1.5 more hours more to go. 200sgd poorer. Shit!

Question: 洋芋和士豆有区别吗?


好不容易才叫到车,很幸运的师傅是好人,没带我多走。路途中也和他聊了。很多人知道我是新加坡人后都很惊讶。然后都夸我华语太好了。 真是不敢当啊! Haha.

Waiting at the airport for check in, I'm half an hour early. Hungry again. What should I eat? Kept forgetting that there is food provided in the plane. Too used too budget airlines.

Finally home. Darcy couldn't recognise me. He sat there and looked at me not knowing who I am, then when he saw my mum, he went to greet her and jump at her. Until I made some sound then he realised its me. Reckon I smell like China to him. Oh dear.

This trip, I feel more like a tourist than a traveller. Many times I will look for a coffee place to chill like a tourist because I have the mindset that I can afford it, so why not. Partly because I didn't want to burn myself out by pushing myself too far hence I spoilt myself rotten with treats here and there.

Counting the alone time I had, only 2 days in Dali, 1 day in Lijiang, 1day spent travelling back to kunming and 1 day in kunming, the others are all spent with someone else. Surprisingly. After spending 11 days alone yet not so alone, all i can say is, I'm enjoying it and I am addicted to it. Where will I go next? Another 2 weeks, alone.


Out of touch with the World, in touch with Earth.


Route: Kunming - Dali - Lijiang - Lugu Lake - Lijiang - Zhongdian aka Shangri-la - Kunming

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Thursday, October 06, 2011


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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

day 2 @ dali, 上山下水。

Woke up early due to my early night but it was already 10 when I finished my breakie and step out of the hostel. The sun has been missing for the past 2 days but luckily it didn't rain. Just too gloomy for my liking and too dull for photography.

I made my way to 苍山,spend 30rmb for the entrance fees and 60rmb for the chairlift which takes about 15mins or more to reach the top. Hike 1.8km to the left to 陶溪 and back then 1km to the right and back. I didn't finish the whole hike which will be like 6km to the right and 6km to the left. Nope. Not mad enough to do that yet.

After 3-4hrs of walking, I took the chairlift down and had some biscuits while enjoying the view downhill. That is bliss. My way.

Went down and back to 大埋老城, took a bus (1rmb) to 耳海湖 and walk around the lake. The locals like to call this lake as sea. For example, 海景,二海,去海边等. But its a lake, quite a big one and an extremely popular tourist spot for the locals.

Anyway, I walked and since its time for tea, I arrived at this lakehouse situated on the lake and sat down for a cup of yunnan coffee. Chill and listen to the neighbouring table of Chinese kids talking.

3 guys 2 girls but I only hear the guys talking, or should I say boasting with a lot of "ma de" now and then and everywhere.

After the rest which luckily I didn't fall asleep I walk back, slowly. I have been walking very very slow today. Really 一步一步,慢慢走. Finally walked back to the bus stop, board the bus back to North gate walk to south gate and contemplate if I shld have the China version of kfc or go back to 猫三家. In the end, the latter won. Went back and had mushroom and pork stir fry with rice(22rmb). Yums!

After dinner, walked back and decided to try a more direct path but ended up having to walk thru a stretch of dark alley. Scary but I wasn't that alone. I stalked a Chinese girl and I think she sense that I was stalking her hence she quicken her pace. And so did I. Haha. At least it wasn't too long a stretch, at the speed we were gg. Reach back, sit in the dark in the common balcony, bath, packed and ready for bed.
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Day 1 kunming-dali

Arrive in kunming slightly before 7am. After check out, took a cab to south bus station (40rmb+) then realised there has been a reorganization (since 2yrs back) and I have to go to east bus station (60rmb+) which would have only cost 30+rmb if I went from airport. Faintz. All the online research.. wonder if they can be trusted now. The cabbie told me to check with them the next time I am unsure. Sigh. Everyone is warning me not to trust china ppl. How? Pay extra lor. Haha.

The temp upon arrival was 15 degrees, now it feels like Genting. Cool and comfortable. Just that there is some sort of fishy smell in the air. Constantly.

Took a bus to Dali (146rmb), less than 5hrs and I got to experience the doorless toilet. Haha. Interesting! When in Rome do what the Romes do. Finally got to Dali after 2 US movies in Chinese (0_0) and some ktv featuring bikinis clad ladies jumping around in the water. Tried to find a bus to dali old city and after getting wrong instructions from 2 people, the 3rd lady finally show me the correct place and correct bus. Just 2.5rmb! Wow.

Got off at west gate and stalked a 大姐 to cross the highway. Was quite lost as didn't know where is where and asked a traffic police for directions. Finally found the cluster of backpackers. No luck for the first but better luck with the second. 30rmb for 1 night in a 4 bed dorm. When I first ask for the price I heard "私人房,三十块" I asked "人民币吗?" Then the lady replied "四人房" and I got it, finally.

Put down my stuff and went to 老城 to look for lunch. Saw a lot of ang mo cafes but didnt feel like having it so kept walking. Saw some local stores but was worried on getting food poisoning so I kept walking. Until I see a Chinese cafe selling Taiwanese ruroufan (28rmb) which is surprisingly better than those in SG. But a bit oily.

As the shop wasn't crowned, with some of their few regulars, I sat there and relaxed after my meal and I fell asleep. Haha. Indeed I can sleep anywhere and everywhere. Woke up after I'd rest enough, chat with the kind auntie and went on my way again.

Walked and walked and went to a bubbletea store for some warm drinks. Haha. Note to self, for cute guys, go to bubbletea store. After the drink, walk on somemore. The crafts here are different to what I was used to seeing but somehow still rather similar somewhere. I saw the 过桥面线 shop and decided to have it for dinner (28rmb). A plate of raw beef and veggis for garnishing appears with a bowl of noodles and a bowl of boiling soup. Rule is to throw everything into the soup and wait for it to cook. The soup is rather oily but other than that its not too bad. And the noodles is nice. The beef is thinly sliced so its actually rather tender. After dinner walked some more and decided to head back to the accomodation, bath and call it a day.

I was so tired that by 10pm, I was dead to this world. All thanks to the electric blanket as well. Provided some sort of soothing effects to my overworked muscles.
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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

good bye singapore.

12.50am - I was just about to bid darcy goodbye
1.30am - I pass thru the automate custom and head towards times bookstore.

Reality finally sets in. I'm going aboard ALONE! Oh gosh!

Time for boarding!
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Monday, October 03, 2011

My first. Will it be my last?

Flying off early next morning. Alone. It's not my first time flying alone or going to a completely new country alone. But its a definite first for me to travel alone.

A lots of doubts on myself although it is for only 11 days. Will I enjoy myself? Will I be rob? Will I land myself in somewhere dangerous? Will I be able to stand seeing PRCs everywhere? Chatting loudly, spitting everywhere (hence I'm wearing covered shoes), and the toilets. I do not know if I will come back stronger and wiser or broken.

Packing was easy since I has most stuff I need. Thick jacket, thou I do not know what the locals will think when they see me in my big pong black down jacket with its furry cap during early autumn. But well, Play safe better than sorry. And the rest, just normal.

Thanks to all who had contributed, emotionally, physically or financially. I know I will make it back, somehow. Just, how?

I have a feeling I will be looking for comfort food frequently aka cafe lattes or maybe settling my meals in kfc or macs. But well, let's see how it goes.

5 more hrs to saying goodbye to darcy. 10 more hrs to boarding. 14 more hrs and I'll be there.

Lets hope I can find accom tmr. A bit worried because its their golden week. Omg!

Bringing: 3300rmb (hidden everywhere, I hope I won't forget where) + 400sgd + visa + masters
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Sunday, October 02, 2011

total expenses for Bali.

Exchanged: 316Sgd @ 6800idr per 1sgd + 35sgd prebooked accom
Diving: 120Usd
Airtic: 138sgd

Total spent for 5d4n: appr 630sgd

Remaining: 1000idr + a cup of ice blended.
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Friday, September 30, 2011

if I can have this view everyday...

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not the best but not too bad either.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

on bali, diving and car rides.

2nd night in bali but felt like I have been here for more than that. Spend the first night in Sanur, accomodation was about 35sgd per pax. Nice and cosy enough with a delightful French owner. Went to their night market to tabao back some dinner after booking our tours.

The place looks and feel even more laid back then krabi but their people is as nice, if not better.

It's interesting to talk to people when we start off on the same topic then each went each way and leaving each other to laugh. Then we say good day and good bye. No strings attached.

Went diving early today with the intention of swimming with mola mola but was not lucky enough. But some mantas decided to show themselves over our head. Again and again. Everytime the divemaster points up, I will look up, hold my breath and say a silent "wah......" while the mantas glide past, oblivious to the tens of divers underneath. I'm sure most were holding their breath or letting go in small breath in case the bubbles deter the mantas from gliding over. Loving diving still.

Den we went down towards the sea bed and I could see nothin but sand, dull corals and some fishy. Until my fm picked up a metal stick and tap on some sand. Woosh.. check up that hidden stingray getting away in fright. Reminded me of darcy when I will purposely slap his butt when he's sleeping with his face facing away from me. Haha. So fun. I saw a few more rays trying to camouflage themselves, unsuccessful. All the while shivering in my wet suit. My goodness. It was 20 degrees in the water.

After we surface and went back on the boat, I was shivering very badly until the kind Holland 叔叔 handed me his towel. Den I felt better. I sleep up my 2nd dive as I really couldn't take it and I was feeling super tired. I heard from the dm that it was due to my body losing too much heat. Anyway, I slept. I reckon I was and still is very tired from work, short sleeping hours and heat loss.

Took a pre-arranged transport to Amed. Took us about 2hrs to reach this supposedly sleepy fishing village but is slowly becoming another tourist attraction.

Now, after dinner and showering under the stars (which is not such a good idea when the cold breeze blows), waiting for the hair to dry while listening to the waves falling onto shore and checking out the blinks blinks hanging in the skies. Will I be able to own a house like this next time?

Diving tmr@ 8am. Wish my luck for my sunrise quest tmr.

Goodbye 27!
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Time flies when you least expect it to. Sept has always been my fav month but somehow it has pass me by. Leaving only 3 days for me to pick myself up.

Life has always been kind to me. Giving me more than I deserve but yet, there will never be enough.

Not enough of this not enough of that. Unhappy because of this then that. Once again, it has become a chore to be happy. I feel like I'm losing myself. I have become someone who has given up hope on ppl and couldn't care. It's everyone for themselves. It doesn't matter how much you have done in the past, its the present that matters.

I want to find back me before I lose to depression. Will i?
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Good morning world!

Life is wonderful w caramel latte..
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Friday, September 09, 2011

pride of singapore

A conversation between a group of taiwanese tourists and me

Tw: 不好意思,请问一下滨海艺术展览馆在哪?
Me: ..pause.. 是esplanade 吗?
Tw: ..pause.. 是那两粒大榴莲。在哪?
Me: 哦。这里上去就是了。

Well done SG!

Actually, I should have corrected them. It's 1 not 2 big durians. It's 2 halves.
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what will you do??

If your dog which is sleeping on YOUR bed started shifting closer and closer to you. Then lean on you for cushion/support. Then realise this is not enough and starts kicking you for more space to create his own comfort zone.

Do you...
1. Shift him to the edge of the bed to teach him a lesson, when he turn n drop off the bed? Or
2. Lies there and let him kicks as he is your darling pet? Or
3. Logon to Blogger and write a post on your sleeping dog?

Drinking coffee milk aft dinner is not a wise choice..
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Thursday, September 01, 2011

the little things tt woke me up this morning.

My latte was actually the 2nd thing that woke me up.

The first was the sight tt greeted me when I step on board the mrt at 6am.

I saw this upper secondary (geeky looking) sch boy holding 2 similar bouquets of roses. One red, one yellow.

First thought, "what was he thinking? Giving 2 girls similar looking bouquets? 没死过?"

Next was "wow, a geek yet he has 2 girls to give flowers to.. impressive!"

Then was "it it some special occasion today? 东方情人节?"

Next came "wait. Did he lose a bet? Hence being sabotage."

Finally, Eureka!


But still, a bit wrong to give your teacher roses. Esp red roses!
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Friday, August 26, 2011

charity off in lieu

Had to clear this unofficial off in lieu by 9th Sept hence I took it today.

Slept at 2am, when the eyes cldnt take anymore Hk drama n woke up today at 10am.

Made myself an afogato and had 1 and a half tai Yang bing. Yum. Sweet start to my day. Went back to Hk drama until dad decided to bring darcy for a walk.

I went with them but proceed on to e public pool. $1 entry and I have the whole big pool to myself. Almost. Delicious swim. Can feel the water performing its magic on my stiff muscle. Can't wait for my dives in Bali. Mola mola...
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Monday, August 15, 2011

lunar 0715

Sat night, I played tennis on the rooftop of ntu alumni.

To my left I see the setting sun. Then, to my right I saw the rising moon. It was a full moon. Big, round and slightly orangey.

I spent time watching it. Noting the path it took. Gently following the already set sun.

It was a beautiful day cross night. The kind I like.

That night, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was in Melbourne. Just that, it was more New Zealand-ish than Melbourne. But still, not a place in nz.

I was with a grp of ppl. Only a few that I know. They brought me to their favourite hangout. A cafe situated on a slope facing a beach or lake, it was too dark for me to see beyond.

It was a cold winter night. The place feels like Queenstown in nz, but I know its not.

The moment I step into the cafe, I was captivated by the view. We were looking down at the bay. The low lying moon in a distance. It's reflection captured by the water. I saw 2 moons. 2 big round orangy bright moons. I drag the chair to the window and took my time to admire the views. The grp of friends sitting around me, chatting within themselves.

Once again, he noticed me. Saw that I am out of the group, in my own space. With my face almost sticking onto the window planes.

He asked, will I still be around on Friday. If yes, he can drive me somewhere, where there's a place i am sure to love. Again, I didn't reply him.

This time, I do not need to reply him. Because, I woke up.

I can't help but ask myself, why am I still so wishy-washy. Why cant I be more determine and face up to what I really want? Why do I always paste a smile on my face and come up with any reply to avoid answering the question truthfully, so as to hide what I really feel.

When will I have the guts to speak for myself and be true to my heart?

"Did you hear me, when I talk to the moon?"
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Thursday, August 11, 2011

cheapskates or cheapthrill-ers?

I always believe those drivers who slow down behind ERP gantries the min or 2 before 10.30pm to be those who like to defy the gov instead of ppl trying to save a dollar or 2.
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

nothing better to Do..

I wonder how long more they are gg to take..

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tts wat rum are for..

Homemade improvised mojito.
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To date..

I have 14 days of annual leave to clear. 4 days of ph+ election. Bringing it to a total of 18 days.

Taking away 3 days for Bali, 1 day for KL. I still have 14.

If I bring forward 5 days, I will still have 9 days that I need to clear for this yr.

What shld I do? Where shld I go?
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

I see myself..

surrounded by greenery, blue skies, white clouds, warm comfortable sunlight, cooling cold breeze this Oct/Nov.

But I do not know where is that.

Note to self: DO NOT travel over the 2nd last weekend of Nov. Repeat, DO NOT
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Monday, July 18, 2011

no biggie..

I seriously dun see anything wrong with using Google directions map while on public bus.

Just want to ensure that I will not miss my stop or Google map work. And not because I'm afraid that the driver does not know the route.


Lately, I can feel my heart beating and sometimes I find it painful to breath. It takes effort. Is it because of wrong posture? Too much stress hence additional pressure on the heart? Why?


I've discover the powerfulness of Google over the years and it never seems to fail me. I'd ask Google thousands of questions and it always provide me with a satisfying answer. But not this time.

I'd been asking, where should I travel next? But so far, nothing can leads me anywhere.

I feel lost...
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I admit..

I love money too much to think of my own happiness..

Oh dear!..
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Sunday, July 10, 2011

my cuppa caffe!

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welcome back to reality..

At least there is Darcy to lessen the pain..
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Saturday, July 09, 2011

total cost so far.

Accom: 36+54+42=132
Transport: 40+110=150
Expenses: 450

Total: 732
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back to SG tonight..

The day after the dive trip, the 3 of us booked a cab to emerald pool n hot spring. Relaxing and beautiful places. The upsides with travelling during low season are cheap accom, less tourists everywhere and slightly higher bargaining power. Nice.

Thursday morning, we left for phuket. A lot of messy roads and slightly more tourists around here. More sleazy bars around, more Wendys as well. Dun like it here as much. But Karon beach seems nice enough. Not as crowded as patong. Phuket has more shopping malls as well too. It's just another city which!

Thursday, we arrived in phuket at around 3pm, checked in then went to search for food and beach. We went back to the hotel at around 8pm and sat at the dark balcony and chat till late. Just like how it was in sun moon lake, but this time with a cha nong instead of brown rice milk.

Friday, went for breakfast, chill, went to some mall, met Kelly+Guohui den went to a factory outlet then went to dinner at chalong. Nice little place. We went back at around 8 after buying our cha nong @ 7/11. Balcony time again. Best part of the day, I would say. The true nua time. Nv knowing when will the next fireworks go off and how big or how high it is. Nice.

Today, last day of the trip, I'm desperatly looking for another trip to go for. When will that be? When? Some clues? Any clues?

Starting to feel lost again. So.not.healthy.
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Thursday, July 07, 2011

leaving for phuket..

Sitting here, thinking of the past few days spent in krabi. Not sure if I'm ready for the big city in phuket! :(

The first day in hat yai, due to heat, pollution n insufficient sleep, I fall sick for an afternoon. Vomited out my dim sum and felt much better after that. The awful headache disappear after a panadol. Went to the floating mkt for dinner then back to city. Bought a pork burger from macdonals and share it w yx. It tastes like cheese burger but w pork patty instead. Had a good sleep in novotel. Bed n pillows are just right.

Sunday, woke up, went for hotel breakfast buffet, went back room to pack n slowly make our way to bus station. We took the local bus which cost about sgd7 and took us 6hrs to reach krabi. An unforgettable experience. Made me appreciate our transport system, but I was impressed by the passengers nevertheless.

Finally at ao nang after another tuk tuk ride. 450thb for a 30mins ride. Had a comical moment when waving goodbye at the banana prata lady. Nice helpful ladies! Checked in to haleeva, cheap but extremely cozy! Charged my HP, msged my cousin n we were out to dinner. We end the night w playing monopoly deal. This funny thing call fate.

Yx n I went walking to the 2 beaches e next day den took the white van to krabi town, 50thb each. Cheap and fast. Nothing to do there. Found a little cafe with strong aircon, good iced coffee and stacks of magazines and spent some time there. Thought we were gg to spend our time by the beach, lazing in hammocks, sipping coconut juice. But we didnt. Cause there was non to find in ao nang. Oh dear!

We found a mall, went in, bought stuff and were ready to go. Oh ya, it was the day after the election results were announced. Nothing was out of the norm, no riots whatnot. Everything was peaceful, slow n hot. Went back to haleeva, shower then meet the cousin for dinner.

Tuesday, I went diving w e cousin while yx went climbing. An extremely long awaited dive. The dive was okay, visibility was okay, underwater world was okay but I still enjoyed it very very much. I was able to control my breathing, buoyancy, and not panic when I was lost. Haaha.. thinking back, indeed it was dangerous. I could have got washed away by the currents into sea, or hit by the propellers when emerging from the water or simply not find my boat. But luckily non of these happened. When I found out I was lost, I went up, not see any boat or my divers, I went down, dun recognise any of the coral or rocks and I went up again. This time, I found my boat just 50m infront of me. I swam towards it and when climbing into the boat, my cousin appeared beside me. I think I scared the daylights out of him. His first words was 'I thought I lost you. Dun noe how I am gg to answer to your father.' That was when I realise that it was quite dangerous. But well, all well ends well. Thank you to those watching over me.

The second dive was better though I didn't see e shark or any turtles. Only saw a moray eel. Bad creatures! They were against the little mermaid. Saw lots of fishes. My fav will be when a pool of fishes swim around me. Them in unison, me in imitation. Haa. Nice.

Took a long time to travel from phiphi back to ao nang as the boat is real slow. But a great time to just sit in the shade, stare into the ocean and stoned. I like that very very much.

Right, yx has woken, time to pack n check out for phuket. Oh dear. Lesser ppl pls!
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Tuesday, July 05, 2011

let's go, let's go!!

Gg diving, gg diving. Last dive in 06. Hope this will be good n I will come back alive!
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

homemade cuppa coffee..

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


7 more working days to go!

I can make it! I know I can.

Reckon noone can be happier than I'm on the thoughts of spending half a day on the coach. But I'm seriously looking forward to it very very much.

First time travelling with a Libra alone. I wonder what will happen...

TBC.. I hope.
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Aurora Borealis

They say catching the northern lights is like falling in love.

You never know when you will get it.

In that case, I think I shldnt even try going for it.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

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Monday, June 06, 2011

a much needed vacation. but where to?

I tendered last Friday. But took it back today.

The colleagues are all asking me to go for a break. But where to? Any suggestions?

Duration: 1-2 wks
Weather: cool to cold
Preference: somewhere I've nt been to.
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Thursday, June 02, 2011


Last December, I was crazy on the idea of quitting my job once I got my bonus and tour Europe in 3 mths. My bonus payout made it impossible. Hence I'm still around.

This march, I was crazy on the idea of flying to Laos and slowly make my way to Shangrila by land. It still haven happen.

This May, I couldn't decide on anywhere to go. Eventhou budget airlines have good deals, I wasn't seduced by any. All I could think of is to save money and quit and freelance.

Will i tomorrow? Will i? Should i?

If so, I will be jobless in September, that's another 3 month till next year. Will I be able to survive that 3 mths?
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Monday, May 09, 2011


I'm hungry. But its so hot. SO goddam HOT and wishy washy humid!

I just want to stay in my air conditioned room with constant man-made wind. I wonder if I shld send darcy to the groomer to 'shave all'. But his fur is so "pom" and soft now. A bit bu se de.

When is the temperate gg to drop? Arggg.. save me!

I'm still hungry! Cold soba anyone?
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Friday, April 22, 2011


But I want it.

Give me strength to ask for it.
Give me hope to wish for it.
Give me luck to obtain it.

I want IT!
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Monday, April 18, 2011


Once again, I started asking myself what do I want. Maybe I'm feeling tt life can be better than what im experiencing now. Am I so unsatisfied with life? My life?

Do I really like Argentine tango? Why dun I feel happy for the past 3 weeks after classes? Am I losing interest again?

This picture at the top of the blog reminds me to find peace within me. Remember the blue skies above you, warm sunrays shining at you, cool breeze around you, soft green grass beneath your feet, tall mountains in front of you, ice coffee within your reach. Life can't be any more perfect than this picture.

Then I will ask myself, how long can I last in the countryside?

What do I really want?
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

first times..

There's always a first time for everything.

When will be my first time travelling alone?

Wanna be anywhere but here.

The travel bug is here again. Been reading travel blogs, esp backpackers. Wondering when will I go and for how long. But all these are just thoughts. They are nothing until I've take action.

Jetstar, pls give me a pleasent surprise!
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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Nw tt e knee is not trying its bestest to get my attention, I can walk, dance and swim to my heart content. Arent tt e best thing in life.

Indeed, you won't know fear until it looks you up. Once, I even wondered what if I can't move as freely as I could, how would I feel? What would I do? What are the regrets that I would have?

If, I'm not able to walk. I know I will be missing out on a few of my fav things. So now, I want to walk. Anywhere, everywhere. I want to dance, any chance I can find. I want to swim. I want to dive. I want to explore as much as I can.

Before I reach the stage where I need to hold my breath for every step I take, I want to do all these.

I know someday, oneday, I will be there. So now, let's just be happy and do whatever I can. While I can.
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Sunday, April 03, 2011


I miss Melbourne. Suddenly.

When am I gg back?
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

random little feng Shiu

At the beginning of the yr, et told me that dog will bring fortune to pigs and suggested bringing little doggie stuff out. I asked her to give me a pict of her. But she didn't.

Before the trip to Tw, I emptied my wallet and insert in a Polaroid of darcy.

I think, he's more suitable to be my wealth controller than I'd imagine.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

note to self

Credit cards exchange rate might not be as bad as it seems.

They gave me 22.6NT while I only got 22.5NT from the money changer.

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Monday, March 21, 2011

back n gg..

Been back for slightly more than a wk.

Sitting in the clinic, waiting for my turn. The knee is still not getting any better. Just hope e doct has some ans n solutions.

Tw was great. I miss the weather lots. Who would have thought it would still be that cold. Looking back, think I miss e late night wonderings most. Nice.

Not forgetting Watsons and cosmed. Hee.

Going away in 3.5days more. Hope the knee will be good.

Yah. I broke my resols.
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Monday, March 14, 2011


A new look, a new job? Perhaps..
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

one of my resols for 2011..

To travel, but not to over-travel.

Meaning, at most 1 trip per quarter even if its to nearby getaways. As long as its gg to spend more than a day, with a chop in my passport, its a trip.

So far, I'm still doing good. Yeah!
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

bits & pieces..

Trip updates
All accomodation booked. All transport arranged. Maps, some printed some not. Insurance, not yet.

Can't wait for the day to come for me to bring down my northface bag and start dumping the mustbrings in. Oh, how I missed packing for a trip.

Yeah.18 more days to go!

Random bits..
It's said that 2011 is not a good year for those born in the year of the boar. There will be more downs then ups. Work, r/s, health, family, fortune, nothing much will be gg your way. So, the best is to lie low and not make much changes.

In actual fact, I'm scared. I do not know what this year will bring but i told myself to be prepared for the worst.

Or shld I go all out and take whatever comes by its horns and turn it into my way. Will I have the strength?

Again, I asked myself. What do I really want. For myself.
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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Happy Lunar New Year

大年初一,I spent my morning in the office. Kinda drag my time around, not wanting to go home so early. Since as long as I can remember, the first day of the cny were always spent at grandma's.Today, we didn't do any visiting. We just stayed in.

Seems like just any public holiday to me. I didnt do any ny shopping this time round. Partly because I still have some new items from my bkk trip last Oct and partly because I dun see myself in need of ny clothings.

While on the train this morning, I felt like I wasn't part of this cny celebration. I felt like I was alone in a foreign country, not having anywhere to visit. I see ppl in new clothes, on their way to friends or relatives, with their oranges in the little red paper bag. It sure feels weird to not be participating in this.

But I guess, I will get used to it.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

34 more days to go.

Sometimes, its not about where you are going or who you are going with.
It's how much you pay for your airtick that get you excited over your trip.

Air ticket - $382
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Saturday, January 01, 2011

Welcome 2011!!

Another year has passed, so quickly with nothing much worth mentioning. I spent 2010 working, complaining about work, getting upset over work and not getting anywhere at work.

I spent my 2010 surfing for cheap air ticks to escape from work, get over work and then to come back to work. Sadly, the cycle carry on, over and over again.

The good stuff that comes from this is, I got to enjoy many short trips to places where budget air goes.

I start my 2010 travelling with Langkawi and found the lovely Koh Lepe. Now I know where to escape to when I want a bit of paradise. Next will be the forever Bangkok. The place where till now, I'm still not sick of despite going there over and over again.

March to May were escapes to Melacca and Bintan where hotels are so nice and relaxing. Penang, Ipoh, Cameron Highlands and Genting were the much needed trip for me to spend some quality time with my parents. Now I know what Penang, Ipoh and CH are like and I know that CH will not be on my list of escapes ever.

Bali, same same but different. At times similar to Thailand but still different. All the simple cosy accommodations at cheap prices make me wanna stay there for long periods just to feel the breezes blowing pass me, blue skies, green fields, magical.

Then there was KL. Such a short near trip yet filled with pleasant surprises here and there. It reminds me that there will always be a first anywhere, anytime.

Lastly, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and Bkk. Thru out this yr, in all the places I'd been to, id finally refound my Passion in photography at The White Temple. How said? The moment I reach and saw the temple, I found my heart beating faster and my hand reaching to unbuckle my crumpler,took out my 450d while my eyes were still staring at the surroundings. This must be love at first sight. I snaped around not to test my camera and see what it can do but to sincerely capture the beauty and artwork of this place.. I have not had this feeling for ages and I thought I'd lost it like my youth, once gone never coming back. But luckily this is not the case.

Passion, the thing that makes my heart comes alive will always be around, sometimes just taking a short/long break from me.
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