This march, I was crazy on the idea of flying to Laos and slowly make my way to Shangrila by land. It still haven happen.
This May, I couldn't decide on anywhere to go. Eventhou budget airlines have good deals, I wasn't seduced by any. All I could think of is to save money and quit and freelance.
Will i tomorrow? Will i? Should i?
If so, I will be jobless in September, that's another 3 month till next year. Will I be able to survive that 3 mths?
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But after u've left the job in Sep, can start looking for jobs le mah. Surely, can find one soon?
Well, sometimes, u juz hafta take the leap. =P
But have enough savings to last you for 6mths at least is the advice given by many. =)
hmm why Sep? err where's Shangrila? i thought it' a fictional place??
It's in China. Near kunming.
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