Friday, September 09, 2011

what will you do??

If your dog which is sleeping on YOUR bed started shifting closer and closer to you. Then lean on you for cushion/support. Then realise this is not enough and starts kicking you for more space to create his own comfort zone.

Do you...
1. Shift him to the edge of the bed to teach him a lesson, when he turn n drop off the bed? Or
2. Lies there and let him kicks as he is your darling pet? Or
3. Logon to Blogger and write a post on your sleeping dog?

Drinking coffee milk aft dinner is not a wise choice..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4


Eagle Ivan said...

First you logon to Blogger and write a post on your sleeping dog, then you continue to lie there and let him kicks as he is your darling pet till you can take it no more & you shall shift him to the edge of the bed to teach him a lesson, when he turn n drop off the bed. That probably will let him understand who's his owner & the real owner of the bed! =P

Ting said...

Darcy indeed choose the right ppl to bully.

evie said...

SO CUTE!!! hahahaha so funny!