Friday, September 09, 2011

pride of singapore

A conversation between a group of taiwanese tourists and me

Tw: 不好意思,请问一下滨海艺术展览馆在哪?
Me: ..pause.. 是esplanade 吗?
Tw: ..pause.. 是那两粒大榴莲。在哪?
Me: 哦。这里上去就是了。

Well done SG!

Actually, I should have corrected them. It's 1 not 2 big durians. It's 2 halves.
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1 comment:

evie said...

hmm your post just made me realise how meaningful Chinese is compared to the English language.. "yi shu zhan lan guan" you know what it's for. "Esplanade"- not really huh. unless maybe ...arts theatre etc