The first day in hat yai, due to heat, pollution n insufficient sleep, I fall sick for an afternoon. Vomited out my dim sum and felt much better after that. The awful headache disappear after a panadol. Went to the floating mkt for dinner then back to city. Bought a pork burger from macdonals and share it w yx. It tastes like cheese burger but w pork patty instead. Had a good sleep in novotel. Bed n pillows are just right.
Sunday, woke up, went for hotel breakfast buffet, went back room to pack n slowly make our way to bus station. We took the local bus which cost about sgd7 and took us 6hrs to reach krabi. An unforgettable experience. Made me appreciate our transport system, but I was impressed by the passengers nevertheless.
Finally at ao nang after another tuk tuk ride. 450thb for a 30mins ride. Had a comical moment when waving goodbye at the banana prata lady. Nice helpful ladies! Checked in to haleeva, cheap but extremely cozy! Charged my HP, msged my cousin n we were out to dinner. We end the night w playing monopoly deal. This funny thing call fate.
Yx n I went walking to the 2 beaches e next day den took the white van to krabi town, 50thb each. Cheap and fast. Nothing to do there. Found a little cafe with strong aircon, good iced coffee and stacks of magazines and spent some time there. Thought we were gg to spend our time by the beach, lazing in hammocks, sipping coconut juice. But we didnt. Cause there was non to find in ao nang. Oh dear!
We found a mall, went in, bought stuff and were ready to go. Oh ya, it was the day after the election results were announced. Nothing was out of the norm, no riots whatnot. Everything was peaceful, slow n hot. Went back to haleeva, shower then meet the cousin for dinner.
Tuesday, I went diving w e cousin while yx went climbing. An extremely long awaited dive. The dive was okay, visibility was okay, underwater world was okay but I still enjoyed it very very much. I was able to control my breathing, buoyancy, and not panic when I was lost. Haaha.. thinking back, indeed it was dangerous. I could have got washed away by the currents into sea, or hit by the propellers when emerging from the water or simply not find my boat. But luckily non of these happened. When I found out I was lost, I went up, not see any boat or my divers, I went down, dun recognise any of the coral or rocks and I went up again. This time, I found my boat just 50m infront of me. I swam towards it and when climbing into the boat, my cousin appeared beside me. I think I scared the daylights out of him. His first words was 'I thought I lost you. Dun noe how I am gg to answer to your father.' That was when I realise that it was quite dangerous. But well, all well ends well. Thank you to those watching over me.
The second dive was better though I didn't see e shark or any turtles. Only saw a moray eel. Bad creatures! They were against the little mermaid. Saw lots of fishes. My fav will be when a pool of fishes swim around me. Them in unison, me in imitation. Haa. Nice.
Took a long time to travel from phiphi back to ao nang as the boat is real slow. But a great time to just sit in the shade, stare into the ocean and stoned. I like that very very much.
Right, yx has woken, time to pack n check out for phuket. Oh dear. Lesser ppl pls!
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