Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Day 1 kunming-dali

Arrive in kunming slightly before 7am. After check out, took a cab to south bus station (40rmb+) then realised there has been a reorganization (since 2yrs back) and I have to go to east bus station (60rmb+) which would have only cost 30+rmb if I went from airport. Faintz. All the online research.. wonder if they can be trusted now. The cabbie told me to check with them the next time I am unsure. Sigh. Everyone is warning me not to trust china ppl. How? Pay extra lor. Haha.

The temp upon arrival was 15 degrees, now it feels like Genting. Cool and comfortable. Just that there is some sort of fishy smell in the air. Constantly.

Took a bus to Dali (146rmb), less than 5hrs and I got to experience the doorless toilet. Haha. Interesting! When in Rome do what the Romes do. Finally got to Dali after 2 US movies in Chinese (0_0) and some ktv featuring bikinis clad ladies jumping around in the water. Tried to find a bus to dali old city and after getting wrong instructions from 2 people, the 3rd lady finally show me the correct place and correct bus. Just 2.5rmb! Wow.

Got off at west gate and stalked a 大姐 to cross the highway. Was quite lost as didn't know where is where and asked a traffic police for directions. Finally found the cluster of backpackers. No luck for the first but better luck with the second. 30rmb for 1 night in a 4 bed dorm. When I first ask for the price I heard "私人房,三十块" I asked "人民币吗?" Then the lady replied "四人房" and I got it, finally.

Put down my stuff and went to 老城 to look for lunch. Saw a lot of ang mo cafes but didnt feel like having it so kept walking. Saw some local stores but was worried on getting food poisoning so I kept walking. Until I see a Chinese cafe selling Taiwanese ruroufan (28rmb) which is surprisingly better than those in SG. But a bit oily.

As the shop wasn't crowned, with some of their few regulars, I sat there and relaxed after my meal and I fell asleep. Haha. Indeed I can sleep anywhere and everywhere. Woke up after I'd rest enough, chat with the kind auntie and went on my way again.

Walked and walked and went to a bubbletea store for some warm drinks. Haha. Note to self, for cute guys, go to bubbletea store. After the drink, walk on somemore. The crafts here are different to what I was used to seeing but somehow still rather similar somewhere. I saw the 过桥面线 shop and decided to have it for dinner (28rmb). A plate of raw beef and veggis for garnishing appears with a bowl of noodles and a bowl of boiling soup. Rule is to throw everything into the soup and wait for it to cook. The soup is rather oily but other than that its not too bad. And the noodles is nice. The beef is thinly sliced so its actually rather tender. After dinner walked some more and decided to head back to the accomodation, bath and call it a day.

I was so tired that by 10pm, I was dead to this world. All thanks to the electric blanket as well. Provided some sort of soothing effects to my overworked muscles.
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