Monday, October 03, 2011

My first. Will it be my last?

Flying off early next morning. Alone. It's not my first time flying alone or going to a completely new country alone. But its a definite first for me to travel alone.

A lots of doubts on myself although it is for only 11 days. Will I enjoy myself? Will I be rob? Will I land myself in somewhere dangerous? Will I be able to stand seeing PRCs everywhere? Chatting loudly, spitting everywhere (hence I'm wearing covered shoes), and the toilets. I do not know if I will come back stronger and wiser or broken.

Packing was easy since I has most stuff I need. Thick jacket, thou I do not know what the locals will think when they see me in my big pong black down jacket with its furry cap during early autumn. But well, Play safe better than sorry. And the rest, just normal.

Thanks to all who had contributed, emotionally, physically or financially. I know I will make it back, somehow. Just, how?

I have a feeling I will be looking for comfort food frequently aka cafe lattes or maybe settling my meals in kfc or macs. But well, let's see how it goes.

5 more hrs to saying goodbye to darcy. 10 more hrs to boarding. 14 more hrs and I'll be there.

Lets hope I can find accom tmr. A bit worried because its their golden week. Omg!

Bringing: 3300rmb (hidden everywhere, I hope I won't forget where) + 400sgd + visa + masters
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