Thursday, February 03, 2011

Happy Lunar New Year

大年初一,I spent my morning in the office. Kinda drag my time around, not wanting to go home so early. Since as long as I can remember, the first day of the cny were always spent at grandma's.Today, we didn't do any visiting. We just stayed in.

Seems like just any public holiday to me. I didnt do any ny shopping this time round. Partly because I still have some new items from my bkk trip last Oct and partly because I dun see myself in need of ny clothings.

While on the train this morning, I felt like I wasn't part of this cny celebration. I felt like I was alone in a foreign country, not having anywhere to visit. I see ppl in new clothes, on their way to friends or relatives, with their oranges in the little red paper bag. It sure feels weird to not be participating in this.

But I guess, I will get used to it.
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