I still remember the first time i saw him, it wasnt love at first sight i wld say. I was choosing btw him and another but after introduction has been make, i know hes of a better quality. Though some pursuade me to choose the other, in the end i still choose him.
I still remember the first time i held him, my hands started to tremble. I do not dare to hold him too hard as hes so fragile to me. I was afraid that i wld break him but how silly of me to think this because hes so strong.
He has a nice firm grip and my hand just fits nicely on his. Its a match make in heaven.
His body is so lean and sleek i cld spend hours staring at him and thinking what a masterpiece he is. He cant be make anymore perfect than what he already is.
I'd spend hours trying to understand him but sad to say he is still a mystery to me. But i still like him for who he is. Because i know, one day i will be able to understand him in and out. Able to bring out the best in him and make everyone goes wow with his achievements.
With him, i can share my thoughts and we can experiment with anything. Althought our vision is blured, i'm sure one day everything will be sharp and clear. The blue skies will be bluer than what our naked eyes can see.
I cant wait for that day to come..
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