Saturday, June 07, 2008

Numerlogy + Paintball

This is what mine says... If you want to know yours, go here to check it out.

This is quite similar to what the tarot readings says, isnt it? I hope it is true.

You're about to take major steps forward in finances and creative work. If you're honest about your ambitions, you'll gain support from someone who will help you achieve success. As for love, you'll strengthen a passionate tie, probably with someone you already know. This relationship will end an old pattern of behaviour that has caused much heartache. You'll discover you're treasured for who you are, and this strong union will free you to be more passionate and daring. With your combined talents, you will shine as a star couple.

I just realised that most of the love part for many other numbers talk bout the same. Haa... Poor humans...

Went for a paintball session today. Its good. In the sense that when you fired away not caring whether you are hitting anything or anyone and you dun even know that you have no more paintball left till the refee advices. Den you decided to do the dash for the brick/flag because you have nothing to lose and you feel clean and you know that your enemy aims as bad as you are or maybe you feel that everyone elses paintballs have been used up so theres not a high chance of getting shot. Only to realise after the whole game that you are the only one with no more bullets whereas others still have lots more to go. Oh yeah.. This is good.

Wore my jc's t-shirt today. Not wore it out for a long time and yeah, 'The best is yet to be'. That was what one of the Marshall said to me as i walked past. Sometimes cant help but feel tt the ac spirt is really strong. Some love it, some hates it. Me? Thats up to you to decipher.

If i eat like how i'd been eating for the past week, i think i will hit my target in maybe one or two more months..

Gosh, i wanna exercise.. I need to sweat it all out..

Go Swimming w me lei Ciccio..

Play badminton w me lei CL..

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