Look at CL's face... Better dun let moo moo see this else she will stick the mic up ur 'bi kong' (hahaa.. i originally typed 'pi' instead of 'bi' hahaha... luckily i checked!)

AHHHHH!!!! I just got my c.c bill. My dad was holding on to it for 3 days!! Ahh!!! What if i miss the payment date.. I will have lots of interest to pay u know... After all the time where i keep asking him if theres any mail for me, he left it lying on his desk for THREE WHOLE DAYS!! Cant believe it..
Dun bother guessing how much i need to pay. All i wld say is, thats damn a lot! Where can i pay the bill ah?
Lets live cheap ok?
Dun ask me if i need anything from any stores (u know who u are!! I dun need to put names)
Lets only watch movies in eng wah kay?
Dun go for dinner w me even if i beg u to, kay? ( u know lar..)
Lets live this way till Aug, kay?
BTW, anyone watched 'The adventure King' earlier on? Did anyone happened to catch the short clip on promoting HOME values? That was damn powerful. REALLY. It got me tearing in less than a minute. That.was.good..
Go watch it if you can.
Random updates..
I was on MC AGAIN on tues. Woke up feeling extremly giddy and i broke into cold sweat while trying to brush my teeth. In the end i went back to bed. All the while, i felt like vomiting but nothing came out. I went back to sleep and went to the doctor at noon time w my dad.
I think my dad suspected that i was pregnent. haha... He just wanted to be sure, cause he followed me into the examination room. Something he didnt do even when i had high fever last yr. I think he just need to hear it from the doctor. Talk about trust. hahaa...
Actually, so did my colleagues. The male sitting behind me notice tt i'd been eating a lot of sour plums lately and he told me female colleague. So you know, random office chat become gossip. Haa... But i clarified with them that the sour plums are for my sour throat. Hope there will be no rumors.
Oh no, den on wed, i was wearing my black dress (that looks like a trash bag to one and a pregnant dress to others) with flats and someone offered me a seat on the MRT. It was so embrassing. So So embrassing. And i wasnt feeling all that well already. I really need a hole to hide. hahaa... But tts a moment to remember.... hahaha.....
Anyway, the doct said that giddyness can a result of several factors being diet, looking at comp screen for too long and much, stress, not sufficient sleep.
To the above 4, i'm guilty as charged. Stress, i think is due to the r/s btw unoewho n me as well as the stress over my c.c bill. Now, i hope i will get better.
Will be going for a full body check up in Sept. Anyone wanna join me? This will be a b'day present to myself, frm myself. If only theres a dog as well. A dog that can bark, wag its tail, pee anywhere and everywhere, growl at e ppl i dun like and most importanly, scare the dog above. Haha... I think golden retrievers are out of the question as they are too kind (just like me.. hahaha... dun puke)
Oh.. Marley and Me will be showing on screen in Jan 08. Yipee!! Cant wait.. 6 more mths to go.. argggg!!!
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