Monday, June 09, 2008


There are people who choose to take on 'christian' or aka 'english' names at certain point in life.

To them, this is just for convenience sake or just a good chance to get a new identity because honestly, how many people truely loves their given name.

A lot of times, fellow friends and strangers asked why didnt i get an english name? I normally replied with a 'i dun noe' look and shrug it off. They never ask again.

The best part with using my chinese name is that, the lecturers/tutors seldom call on me because they dun noe how to pronounce my name. Yan is pronounce as yang and i have to settle with ang mos calling me yang teng.

At starbucks, when asked for my name, i will say yan which they, 10 out of 10 times, spelled it as Y-E-N. If i spelled out my name for them as Y-A-N, they read it out as yang. In the end i let them be, my eyes just followed the cup with my name so that i wld know tt its me they are calling when they called.

When i was in sing, ppl call me ting. But over at down under, they call me yan. For what reasons, i do not know. I always prefer it when ppl call me ting to yan because yan is the common name in my family whereas ting is MY name. So i was very unused to having ppl calling me yan over there. But as time goes by, i settled for yan.

When i go to starbucks or when i need to introd myself to ppl i will meet only once, i call myself yan. But the problem is, i do not response when ppl call me yan. So, sometimes i wonder, what should i call myself.

I like my given name and i cant think of anything else to call myself. My yan is unique and to date, i have know of less than a handful who uses the same yan as me. One famous hot hunk will be wu yan zhu. Hence i like my yan as much as i like my ting.

All thanks to my dad for giving me this name.

I did something very nosensical to my dad just now. It was a trick we played on each other for the past 20 over years. But it kinda stop as i grew older and more ladylike. He was unprepared and caught in surprise after i done what i done. Hence he threaten to tell all my friends about it. I just hope he wont be so heartless. hahahahahaha..... So to prevent him from doing that, i'm not going to bring friends back for the time being...

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