Thursday, January 17, 2008

A typical conversation btw me and my dad.

Me on my hp: Where are you?

Dad on his hp: At home. Where are you?

Me: At home. Are you sleeping?

Dad: Ya.

Me: Anything to eat?

Dad: No.

Me: Are you hungry?

Dad: No.

Me: I'm hungry. What is there to eat?

Dad: We go out and buy.

Me: Got car?

Dad: Ya.

Me: Ok. Go where to eat?

Dad: ... I dun noe. Where you want to eat?

Me: I dun noe. I give you 10 mins to think.

Dad: ok. I give you a call later when i thought of one.

Me: ...

I'm not the lazy one lor.. Hes even worst than me. As the saying goes, like father like daughter.

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