Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!!!

Haa.. Just got back frm breakfast at Woodgrove aft spending the nite at yl's place. Very satisfied. hee..

Went to CWP for e countdown yesterday. Actually not for the countdown but more for the fireworks.. We found a position around 15 mins before the clock strike 12 and stood there with ample breathing space waiting. Finally, at 1200, the firework show started. It lasted for maybe last than 5 mins and will not be as spectacular as those at Marina or Mt Faber but hey, Woodlands, up in the mountains, we have our own fireworks ok.. TYL had a clip of the whole show.

So, dear friends, why not have a gathering next yr in CWP?We shall meet at 11.30pm to just countdown at our 'di pang'. I'm sure a lot of u will be free as i realised that a lot of us OLD ppl were nt in the city partying but instead were staying at home watching tv with their parents.. We can have a steamboat dinner at TYL's place as it will be windy and cold and perfect for a steamboat. Haa... Provided her parents agree la..

We had the steamboat dinner there yest. We being yl, Cherly n me. But with the voices of 10 women in the mkt as put by tyl. Dun ask us why but we were screaming and whining even though the dinning room is not that far from the kitchen. I wonder how her yl's mum cld stand us. But come to think about it, her mum is not any better than us.. Haa.. (I have a feeling her mum will know what i wrote bout her here) :p

Anyway, its the time of the year for (Drumroll..) drum drum drum drum drum.. roll rolll roll roll roll.. (Damn lame)


A recap on last year's: (frm Jan 01, 07 entry)
1) LOSE WEIGHT (I'd heard enough comments from anyone and everyone bout hw great a life i had in Aust. Or hw cheap meat n milk is down under. Enough is enough!)
2) Get a job n earn some money. I need to find my direction in life!!
3) Try not to feel so stress when mi frends n i are talking bout BGR. What will come will come.

So, did i manage to accomplish them?
(1) Lose weight? Hmm.. Still have not reach my target. But shld be not as bloated as when i first came back i shld think. Anyone who disagree, pls tag.
(2) Job. Yupe. Got a perm job finally. Today is the first day of my perm job. But direction in life.. Hmm.. Does retiring at 30 to look aft dogs considered a direction? If yes, den i'd found it. Haha.. Anyone who disagree, tag n leaves ur comment lar..
(3) BGR. Status still unchange. But well, what will come will come. I had fun this year knowing lots of great ppl. Haa.. So.. so far still good.

Finally, 08 resols,
(1) Travel. My aim is Tibet/ Vietnam/Sipandan/ China/ Taiwan. Any 2 is fine.
(2) Lose Weight. Aim will be 50kg. Thats 8kg. A recent medical check up shows that i'd nt lost any weight since i got back and had instead shrink 0.5cm. Damn. I shld go for it before lunch lor..
(3) Dog. Get a pup with melting eyes.
(4) Get insurance or financial planner.
(5) Save $5k by end of year?.. Too little or too much? hmm.. I think i need tuition. Lobangs anyone?

Alrighty. We shall see how in 365 days time.

Wohoo.. Its two o o eight.. Finally!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

P.S.: I Think i'm high on teh tarik.
P.P.S.: I have a new heartthrob. Shld i pay $260 for this? I think i like Kate Spade bags..
P.P.P.S.: When is my P.S I love you coming out.. Arggg!!!

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