Friday, January 04, 2008

My 3rd hundred post.. wohoo..

Dear Chicken eater, i cant stand that u insulted my position in mathematics. "To think u teach maths" I cant believe that came out from you. I was trying extremely hard to hold back on composing an entire post to leash back at you but that did it. Also, i didnt want to waste my BIG 3 hundredth on you but you push your luck too far this time.

Firstly, just want to let you know that you had chosen the wrong person to mess with when it comes to mathematics and economics because that were my core subjects for my 2.5yrs in uni and i enjoyed quite abit of them. It is also a known fact that Maths is the love of my life and i can drool just at the sight of them.

Please dun be like ignorant TYX(who has no econs background AT ALL) and yet tried to bluff her way thru with demand and supply infront of tyl, cheryl (her maybe still can bluff thru la) and me where all three of us took econs in JC though nt scoring fairly well.

In terms of maths, i have 2 tu dis who till this day calls me shi fu when they see me and remember me well in terms of my power in mathematics.

So, you better dun play play and better start pray pray..

Secondly, you being a virgo and always wanting the last word in, is not going to hold valid in my post here because whatever thing you wanna say will be ignored and forgotten unless you AGREE with me.

Thirdly, i'm a LIBRA and everyone knows that they are the fairest of them all, afterall we are represented by the scales.

So, lets start the argument on why your statements are incorrect.

Using a scenario to illustrate, a 100kg guy A and a 60kg girl B are on a contest to lose weight.

Guy A lost 30kg whereas girl B lost 20kg. Who has the biggest achievement?

Those who vote for guy A, pls go knock your head against the wall. Those who vote for girl B come look for me, i'll give you Royce chocolate.

Why should B be the biggest loser?

1. It is harder for a lighter person to lose weight as compare to a heavier person.
2. Proportionally wise, A only lost 30% whereas B lost 40% which makes B the biggest loser.
3. If you watch the reality show "The biggest loser", you will realise that this is only fair.

In terms of your economics statement "4 a fair test, all things the same, u never learn econs ah' I'll like to direct tt question back to you. 'You never learn econs ah?'

Anyone who did economics in whatever level knows that you always build your arguments on one thing. "ASSUMPTIONS!!" You always assume this and that, thats how your essay holds. Otherwise all arguments will fall apart. The most used will be 'assuming ceteris paribus' which means assuming all things are the same. Thats why we can never ever make all things the same because one simple fact, our heights are already widely different.

Also, in terms of economics, our income levels are also different as well as standard of living, lifestyle, savings and expenditure. So in short, to start off with, nothing was the same other than our aim, that is to lose weight.

But since you are a virgo (always want the last word in) and i being a libra (always fair and equal), why not take our BMI(dun noe if this is the correct name), the weight on height square thingy. That will take into consideration more factors such as our height. Or if you want to be even more accruate and fair, i know of a nice lady(Juliana Wong) who owns a weighing scale which can calculates body fats and stuff. We can use that if you really want. (Dun say i bully you hor)

Also, Cheryl had been made to join in and the bet had been increase to $100. So that we will really work for it.

So, chicken eater, is this A DEAL OR NO DEAL?
Because we will need to start discussing the terms and conditions once all are settled.

To all the innocent parties namely TYX and CHerly BlueWee who had innocently been rolled into this argument, i apologised for the use of your names as supporting examples because they are the most powerful one can ever get.

To TYX: I agree with you that i need someone intellectual. Someone who can talk maths and econs with me.

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