Saturday, January 05, 2008

My orange Salmon

I was home today and my dad provide me a piece of salmon fillet and some oranges. He asked me to cook my own dinner.

So i did. Now its baking in the oven, i wonder how it will taste in 30mins time.

I added.

black pepper (fine and coarse)
olive oil
2 spoon of sweet wine
orange slices and zest
more peppercorn

This is what i got.

Will upload the product later.
Valentine Day set Dinner going at $38 per pax in a romantic and private balcony setting.

Inclusive of

Appetiser: Soup/ Salad
Main Dish: Orange Salmon / Mango Chicken (Yet to try out)
Dessert: Tiramisu (Homemake)
Drinks: Wine/ alcohol/ 7-up/ Juices (While stocks last)

Interested couples, please call 6235-35-35.
Interetsed single males, ladies will be provided at your own cost.
Interested single ladies, please find a male and bring him along to foot the bill.

25mins later..

Well, there are places that i need to improve on. Such as marinate longer. Slicing the top to let the marinate sips in more. Add in orange juice before baking. More Salt.

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