Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Long day today..

Had been missing frm e office due to induction for the past 2 days. It gets more and more enjoyable as time goes by. Seriously. With all the time for breaks and lunch, our table bonded more and more. The first day, each was having lunch with the ppl they know earlier on. Today, we had lunch together as a table. Which was a nice feeling to it other than its yummy desserts (which is just a bonus). Anyway, during the past 2 days, all i cld remember was the food. I'm sure i'd put on a kilo or 2 from just these two days alone. But the TEA was good. As in the tea TEA and not as in high tea TEA. I like. Its mild yet not too mild. But give me stronger tea anytime.

At the end of this two days, i kinda know what i want yet still not know what i want. We had this talk on career path and such and i know that i wld not want to stay in this position for more than 2 yrs. I wld want to find a job which requires more analytical thinking. I do not desire a change in ranking and such, but i would enjoy a diff workload. Or so i think. Well, we shall see now in 2 yrs time. Who knows, i might still be exactly where i am 10 yrs frm now.

I went shopping at MS aft the induction today. I was still thinking about the dress i saw last friday so i went to try it on. Reason why i didnt try last friday was because i felt uncomfortable with 3 hawks watching me. They were all standing in a single row watching me look at clothes. Goodness. Where did their EQ went to? I was alone today and i was in the shopping mood and i was feeling rich so i went and buy a black dress and a skirt. Haa.. I'm happy with my purchases as they are unique goods and on sale. Yeah. Thats what i like. Just that the black dress makes me look pregnant. So, shall see if anyone will give up their seat for me on the MRT now. Haa..

Went for dinner with my UNI mates just now. Finally, after such a long endless wait, i can say i went to have dinner with my UNI mates and they are not just Erica n XL. There were 8 of us today. Sadly, only 4 are sings, the other 4 are malaysians who are working in sing. But heard that there will be more coming over. Yeah... We can have our Safeway Alumni soon. Upon meeting everyone, where some doesnt know the other, after all introductions are made, the same qns come up. 'Do you know who-who-who is at where now, doing what?' Ya.. Talk about catching up. We really really have lots of catching up to do. Some are staying in Melb, some are back in their home country, some are thinking of coming to sing, some are all around the world simply said. Haa.. Its nice having a UNI gathering for deprived ppl like me. If only more will come over.

Anyway, my 'little bro' is here. I kinda mention him in a couple of entries in June-July 2007. He's starting work as an acturist. Wow.. Bright future, nice guy, what more can you ask for? Too bad he's two yrs younger than me. Anyone interested?

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