Thursday, January 31, 2008


Late last yr, before the N's result were out i kept smsing my tutee asking her about her grades to the point she asked why am i more excited than she is.

Last week, i totally forgot the O's were coming out till my tutee called me. He was happy with his results. Very happy and i cld picture him jumping around in cartoon style. First thing he asked, 'When are you bringing me to ktv again? Den we go eat pizza ok?' But he was working over all wkends and i was working over all wkdays. So we cant work out a date and left it pending.

Yest, he sms me telling me that he had quit and can go ktv anytime. I wonder, what had i make him into. A ktv addict?

There was once i was having lunch w the NP mentors. 3 guys n 1 old lady. I bump into my tutee's mum and we chatted abit. I was a bit worry that she saw my company and think tt i'm into younger guys.. hmm.. will she?

Think i will miss my this tutee kid. He may be rude at times with attitude problem, but he knows what is respect and he knows his limit. The things he said are sometimes better than what my so-called brothers say. Its hard not to dote on him too much.

His childhood friend, me another tutee was the one sitting for her N's last yr. She had also showed major improvement over the last year. She might not be as quick as the guy but she make up for being hardworking. Looking at the sometimes even i myself find it unreasonably too much homework that she completes really touched me.

These 2 kids of mine, they are really great company for tuition. The guy always throw me out once 1.5 hrs is up whereas i normally stay for 2 to 3 hrs for the gal. Not just for maths only but to gossip on the latest korean drama, her friends and mine. They really make the hours seems shorter and make my weekend more worthwhile.

Last oct, i gave my mentee extra maths lessons on her own request. Just 2 2hrs lessons before her end of yr exam. When the results came back, she told me with a bright smile that she gotten a seventy plus and added 'because of you.' This, i think is what makes me keep coming back for mentoring. Not just to improve on her results, but to let her know that she can do it if she wants to.

I'm not a perfect person myself and there are many faults within me. Hence i cant guide her on being a better person. The least i can do is be there when she needed someone and help her when she asked. This, should be the passion that everyone is talking about, at least i think this is for me.

They always ask me why am i still going back for? Am i getting paid? If not, why am i still doing it? Even my dad asked me to stop. My guy buddies have difficulties in understanding this part of me. My girlfriends are mostly still sleeping when my dad drives me into the school compound. Till this date i still do not know how to describe to them how i felt. So i used the infamous word, 'passion ba'. The day when my passion runs out, i will stop.

But now, i still wanna enjoy the thrill i get when i see those big bright eyes.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Long day today..

Had been missing frm e office due to induction for the past 2 days. It gets more and more enjoyable as time goes by. Seriously. With all the time for breaks and lunch, our table bonded more and more. The first day, each was having lunch with the ppl they know earlier on. Today, we had lunch together as a table. Which was a nice feeling to it other than its yummy desserts (which is just a bonus). Anyway, during the past 2 days, all i cld remember was the food. I'm sure i'd put on a kilo or 2 from just these two days alone. But the TEA was good. As in the tea TEA and not as in high tea TEA. I like. Its mild yet not too mild. But give me stronger tea anytime.

At the end of this two days, i kinda know what i want yet still not know what i want. We had this talk on career path and such and i know that i wld not want to stay in this position for more than 2 yrs. I wld want to find a job which requires more analytical thinking. I do not desire a change in ranking and such, but i would enjoy a diff workload. Or so i think. Well, we shall see now in 2 yrs time. Who knows, i might still be exactly where i am 10 yrs frm now.

I went shopping at MS aft the induction today. I was still thinking about the dress i saw last friday so i went to try it on. Reason why i didnt try last friday was because i felt uncomfortable with 3 hawks watching me. They were all standing in a single row watching me look at clothes. Goodness. Where did their EQ went to? I was alone today and i was in the shopping mood and i was feeling rich so i went and buy a black dress and a skirt. Haa.. I'm happy with my purchases as they are unique goods and on sale. Yeah. Thats what i like. Just that the black dress makes me look pregnant. So, shall see if anyone will give up their seat for me on the MRT now. Haa..

Went for dinner with my UNI mates just now. Finally, after such a long endless wait, i can say i went to have dinner with my UNI mates and they are not just Erica n XL. There were 8 of us today. Sadly, only 4 are sings, the other 4 are malaysians who are working in sing. But heard that there will be more coming over. Yeah... We can have our Safeway Alumni soon. Upon meeting everyone, where some doesnt know the other, after all introductions are made, the same qns come up. 'Do you know who-who-who is at where now, doing what?' Ya.. Talk about catching up. We really really have lots of catching up to do. Some are staying in Melb, some are back in their home country, some are thinking of coming to sing, some are all around the world simply said. Haa.. Its nice having a UNI gathering for deprived ppl like me. If only more will come over.

Anyway, my 'little bro' is here. I kinda mention him in a couple of entries in June-July 2007. He's starting work as an acturist. Wow.. Bright future, nice guy, what more can you ask for? Too bad he's two yrs younger than me. Anyone interested?

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Late nite out.

I'd always rejected offers of walking me up to my flat as i felt that my area is quite safe. Even if it was in the middle of the nite. But it all changed..

A couple of months ago while out on a mid nite show, my dad called me. He asked me what time i will be back so i said after one or two. Then he told me that the police had put up a sign board asking for witnesses rgdg a case of indecent act near the rubbish dump area. We know no head nor tails of the event and our best guess was that there is some molester at large here. That nite i was out watching the movie with Jul, Erica n Ck. So he, being the only male had to do the tedious job of sending us up to our doorstep.

Last friday, after another late movie, 27 dresses, it was already after one when i reach back. As the lift door opens on the 6th floor, a hand suddenly came in followed by an indian man. As i was standing near the door, with another few inches he wld had grab onto my hand. I didnt see him at all as he was standing behind the wall so i was taken aback when his hand suddenly appeared. Him upon seeing ck, i guess he decided to wait for us to get out before entering into the lift.

He stink of pee and he has one hand rubbing his stomach area or maybe elsewhere. I kept looking back to see if he had enter the lift and he did. But he kept looking out at us. It freaks me. Earlier on, while on the ground floor, i notice that one of the lift was on the 6th floor. So meaning, if he was to take a lift down, he cld easily took that instead of waiting for ours to come up.

Sat morning while waiting for the lift on the 6th floor to go down, i notice a liquid stain on that lift door. I dun noe if its pee or watelse but i know its cause by a male and not a dog unless its a large tall dog. There is an odor lingering around the waiting area.

All in all, i was glad that my dad told me of the signboard. Otherwise i wld be alone that nite. And not forgetting ck who had to walk the girls up. Thanks a lot!

So guys, if i happen to be out late with you, kindly walk me up. My lift is not haunted.. Thanks you!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A typical conversation btw me and my dad.

Me on my hp: Where are you?

Dad on his hp: At home. Where are you?

Me: At home. Are you sleeping?

Dad: Ya.

Me: Anything to eat?

Dad: No.

Me: Are you hungry?

Dad: No.

Me: I'm hungry. What is there to eat?

Dad: We go out and buy.

Me: Got car?

Dad: Ya.

Me: Ok. Go where to eat?

Dad: ... I dun noe. Where you want to eat?

Me: I dun noe. I give you 10 mins to think.

Dad: ok. I give you a call later when i thought of one.

Me: ...

I'm not the lazy one lor.. Hes even worst than me. As the saying goes, like father like daughter.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

wo hao lei.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


After the 2.5k scare i got frm my dad, (which i'm still recovering frm it. Maybe i'm making too big a fuss of it, but hey, it created an impact alrite.) i'd been thinking of ways to save money the wiser way possible (i.e so that i still can have enough to spend, get my W&Ns and enough for emergencies and my parents).

I was thinking about it on the bus ride home and i came up with an idea which i mention to xy and later to my dad.

The idea comes from our govt which they name it "CPF".

I was thinking of setting up a CPF account for my parents. That is , for every 20% of 'allowances' i give my parents monthly, i open a bank account and save it for them. If at the end of the yr and they wanna go travelling or such, they can use that amount to go anywhere they want. Or in the case of any emergency, there is something to fall back on.

Well, as you can guess, the response from both my dad n xy wasnt good. Aft i mention to me dad, he laugh (prententiously), look at me for a brief moment(to see if i'm serious), and went back to what he was doing. All these indicates the signals for 'try if you dare and you will see what i will do. Not in a good sense obviously.'

Can see hes not a firm beliver of CPF either. Haa...

part 2.

Thanks all for ur suggestions and comments.

Think now my solution is to have 2 savings account. One for emergency purposes, always on standby and one for my wants and needs.

It will take longer for my wants and needs (W&N) to be acheived but well, at least they will be achieved.

I need to go to a bank to open a savings account with no card. hmm..

I will post the details of my W&N account so that people who are feeling rich can help contribute some money to me to let me reach my goal sooner.

Thanks all for your help!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Monday blues..

Went for induction today. It was so boring. We were let off at 5.15pm. Went home straight and i was starving. Cooked tom yum instant mee, dry style and had it for dinner. 2 packs.

Dad came home and while watching tv and painting my toenails he told me that during my mum's checkup this morning, the doctor advise mum to go for a operation to reduce the swelling in her arm. The operation is safe and already carried out in Japan. My dad said it will cause around $10k. I asked bout his medisave, insurance and what not. He said in the end will be $5k. He asked if i can contribute half. How can i say no?

I saw my puppy, hp, wall tv, bag, camera all flying out of the window.

After one commercial, after my dad discover my unsmiling face, he said, 'the nurse called and said that my medisave can covered, so only need to pay for the hospital charges which is not much.

Hai.. i dun noe what to say.

A breath of relief that all the items i want come flying back?
Or shld i start worrying on savings as in seriously, if something is to happen now, i wont have any cash to deal with it. So are all those items hanging in mid air?

A friend once told me that if theres something i want, just get it. The more i wait to save for them, the harder i will get them.
A lot of other friends will surely say, save till you have more than enough money to spend on that item then buy it.

What shld i do?

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Was feeling down and lonely. Went to find a couple of friends for dinner but non was able to make it. The person i thought was least available was free.

Thanks for accompanying me for dinner chicken eater.

Sigh. A whole weekend at home. I was busy watching Coffee prince and i consume my last episode at 4plus this noon. Took a nap as i do not know what else i can do. When i woke up, it was already 6 plus and i was beginning to feel hungry. So i started finding ppl to quench my cravings for lamb chop.

The first person didnt reply my sms. Think he's out in e sea ba.
The second person was at Bedok and he just got home with BBQ chicken wings. My dad.
The third person was already eating at Yishun.
The fourth person needs to go to the airport.
The fifth person was Chicken Eater.

I was scrolling through my contact list and i cant find anyone else to have dinner with me. How come? Suddenly, i felt so lonely. If only there is someone.. But what is that someone to do when i have my korean dramas? Hmm...

Xy told me about a song after i told her tt i was feeling lonely. One of the phase goes like this..

晴天 阴天 今天又是星期天
出门或不出门 没差别

Yah. Kinda like what i'm feeling today. Wasted another weekend.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

My orange Salmon

I was home today and my dad provide me a piece of salmon fillet and some oranges. He asked me to cook my own dinner.

So i did. Now its baking in the oven, i wonder how it will taste in 30mins time.

I added.

black pepper (fine and coarse)
olive oil
2 spoon of sweet wine
orange slices and zest
more peppercorn

This is what i got.

Will upload the product later.
Valentine Day set Dinner going at $38 per pax in a romantic and private balcony setting.

Inclusive of

Appetiser: Soup/ Salad
Main Dish: Orange Salmon / Mango Chicken (Yet to try out)
Dessert: Tiramisu (Homemake)
Drinks: Wine/ alcohol/ 7-up/ Juices (While stocks last)

Interested couples, please call 6235-35-35.
Interetsed single males, ladies will be provided at your own cost.
Interested single ladies, please find a male and bring him along to foot the bill.

25mins later..

Well, there are places that i need to improve on. Such as marinate longer. Slicing the top to let the marinate sips in more. Add in orange juice before baking. More Salt.

Friday, January 04, 2008

My 3rd hundred post.. wohoo..

Dear Chicken eater, i cant stand that u insulted my position in mathematics. "To think u teach maths" I cant believe that came out from you. I was trying extremely hard to hold back on composing an entire post to leash back at you but that did it. Also, i didnt want to waste my BIG 3 hundredth on you but you push your luck too far this time.

Firstly, just want to let you know that you had chosen the wrong person to mess with when it comes to mathematics and economics because that were my core subjects for my 2.5yrs in uni and i enjoyed quite abit of them. It is also a known fact that Maths is the love of my life and i can drool just at the sight of them.

Please dun be like ignorant TYX(who has no econs background AT ALL) and yet tried to bluff her way thru with demand and supply infront of tyl, cheryl (her maybe still can bluff thru la) and me where all three of us took econs in JC though nt scoring fairly well.

In terms of maths, i have 2 tu dis who till this day calls me shi fu when they see me and remember me well in terms of my power in mathematics.

So, you better dun play play and better start pray pray..

Secondly, you being a virgo and always wanting the last word in, is not going to hold valid in my post here because whatever thing you wanna say will be ignored and forgotten unless you AGREE with me.

Thirdly, i'm a LIBRA and everyone knows that they are the fairest of them all, afterall we are represented by the scales.

So, lets start the argument on why your statements are incorrect.

Using a scenario to illustrate, a 100kg guy A and a 60kg girl B are on a contest to lose weight.

Guy A lost 30kg whereas girl B lost 20kg. Who has the biggest achievement?

Those who vote for guy A, pls go knock your head against the wall. Those who vote for girl B come look for me, i'll give you Royce chocolate.

Why should B be the biggest loser?

1. It is harder for a lighter person to lose weight as compare to a heavier person.
2. Proportionally wise, A only lost 30% whereas B lost 40% which makes B the biggest loser.
3. If you watch the reality show "The biggest loser", you will realise that this is only fair.

In terms of your economics statement "4 a fair test, all things the same, u never learn econs ah' I'll like to direct tt question back to you. 'You never learn econs ah?'

Anyone who did economics in whatever level knows that you always build your arguments on one thing. "ASSUMPTIONS!!" You always assume this and that, thats how your essay holds. Otherwise all arguments will fall apart. The most used will be 'assuming ceteris paribus' which means assuming all things are the same. Thats why we can never ever make all things the same because one simple fact, our heights are already widely different.

Also, in terms of economics, our income levels are also different as well as standard of living, lifestyle, savings and expenditure. So in short, to start off with, nothing was the same other than our aim, that is to lose weight.

But since you are a virgo (always want the last word in) and i being a libra (always fair and equal), why not take our BMI(dun noe if this is the correct name), the weight on height square thingy. That will take into consideration more factors such as our height. Or if you want to be even more accruate and fair, i know of a nice lady(Juliana Wong) who owns a weighing scale which can calculates body fats and stuff. We can use that if you really want. (Dun say i bully you hor)

Also, Cheryl had been made to join in and the bet had been increase to $100. So that we will really work for it.

So, chicken eater, is this A DEAL OR NO DEAL?
Because we will need to start discussing the terms and conditions once all are settled.

To all the innocent parties namely TYX and CHerly BlueWee who had innocently been rolled into this argument, i apologised for the use of your names as supporting examples because they are the most powerful one can ever get.

To TYX: I agree with you that i need someone intellectual. Someone who can talk maths and econs with me.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2nd day of 08..

Haa.. So far my 2 days are still good.

Yest aft tt entry, i persuade chicken eater to go play badminton with me. He did. Even though it was for a short while only but better than nothing. After that we went for lunch, home to bath and den to watch The Warlords.

'Da ge shi dui de' wahhhahaha.. CMI lor..
The other one. 'qiang qian, qiang liang, qiang nian men' Hahaa.. Catchy phases..

On the way home, Dablueagent called a swim. Super shoick. My first swim in wld complex since its renovated. Not much ppl so nt tt bad.. Den home for dinner and an episode of coffee prince. I slept at 9 plus. Till this morning. Not too bad for someone with insufficient sleep. Haa..

Then today aft work, went swimming with dablueagent again. Its good having someone drives you home aft worknswim. Upon reaching home, bath n dinner. Told my dad tt i do not wanna eat rice cause i'm on diet. Then i finish the whole plate of veggis and tau huey.

Immed aft dinner, my dad took a bowl of 'tang yuan' in soya bean milk into my room and ask me to try. I said i dun want as i'm on a diet den he says 'jian se mo jian la. geng wo chi yi li!'

Wah.. dun noe who was the one who said i'm fat lor..
Dun noe who was the one who name my legs 'saw wa de ka'(pig leg) lor..
Dun noe who was the one whose sister commented that all my photos are involve with food lor..

And now he 'gan gan' come tell me to eat. He power.

Anyway, today lunch, i had double fish soup (fried fish and sliced fish) w/out rice. Then all my colleagues first reaction was 'ni jian fei ah?' Power. But they are right, cause i really wanna minimise my stomach. Haha.. Dun noe if it works ma..

I think frm now on, i will only eat soupy lunch w/out rice or noodles. Den only on fridays n sats will i indulge in my red meat namely lamE and Beef.. wahaahah.. I cant wait for friday to come.. haha..

How long do u think i can last? Two wks? I really see me no up.

Chicken Eater, i wanna 'tiao zhan' you. See who can be the biggest loser.. Haha.. U dare to accept my challenge?

Life is good. Oh yeah!!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008!!!

Haa.. Just got back frm breakfast at Woodgrove aft spending the nite at yl's place. Very satisfied. hee..

Went to CWP for e countdown yesterday. Actually not for the countdown but more for the fireworks.. We found a position around 15 mins before the clock strike 12 and stood there with ample breathing space waiting. Finally, at 1200, the firework show started. It lasted for maybe last than 5 mins and will not be as spectacular as those at Marina or Mt Faber but hey, Woodlands, up in the mountains, we have our own fireworks ok.. TYL had a clip of the whole show.

So, dear friends, why not have a gathering next yr in CWP?We shall meet at 11.30pm to just countdown at our 'di pang'. I'm sure a lot of u will be free as i realised that a lot of us OLD ppl were nt in the city partying but instead were staying at home watching tv with their parents.. We can have a steamboat dinner at TYL's place as it will be windy and cold and perfect for a steamboat. Haa... Provided her parents agree la..

We had the steamboat dinner there yest. We being yl, Cherly n me. But with the voices of 10 women in the mkt as put by tyl. Dun ask us why but we were screaming and whining even though the dinning room is not that far from the kitchen. I wonder how her yl's mum cld stand us. But come to think about it, her mum is not any better than us.. Haa.. (I have a feeling her mum will know what i wrote bout her here) :p

Anyway, its the time of the year for (Drumroll..) drum drum drum drum drum.. roll rolll roll roll roll.. (Damn lame)


A recap on last year's: (frm Jan 01, 07 entry)
1) LOSE WEIGHT (I'd heard enough comments from anyone and everyone bout hw great a life i had in Aust. Or hw cheap meat n milk is down under. Enough is enough!)
2) Get a job n earn some money. I need to find my direction in life!!
3) Try not to feel so stress when mi frends n i are talking bout BGR. What will come will come.

So, did i manage to accomplish them?
(1) Lose weight? Hmm.. Still have not reach my target. But shld be not as bloated as when i first came back i shld think. Anyone who disagree, pls tag.
(2) Job. Yupe. Got a perm job finally. Today is the first day of my perm job. But direction in life.. Hmm.. Does retiring at 30 to look aft dogs considered a direction? If yes, den i'd found it. Haha.. Anyone who disagree, tag n leaves ur comment lar..
(3) BGR. Status still unchange. But well, what will come will come. I had fun this year knowing lots of great ppl. Haa.. So.. so far still good.

Finally, 08 resols,
(1) Travel. My aim is Tibet/ Vietnam/Sipandan/ China/ Taiwan. Any 2 is fine.
(2) Lose Weight. Aim will be 50kg. Thats 8kg. A recent medical check up shows that i'd nt lost any weight since i got back and had instead shrink 0.5cm. Damn. I shld go for it before lunch lor..
(3) Dog. Get a pup with melting eyes.
(4) Get insurance or financial planner.
(5) Save $5k by end of year?.. Too little or too much? hmm.. I think i need tuition. Lobangs anyone?

Alrighty. We shall see how in 365 days time.

Wohoo.. Its two o o eight.. Finally!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

P.S.: I Think i'm high on teh tarik.
P.P.S.: I have a new heartthrob. Shld i pay $260 for this? I think i like Kate Spade bags..
P.P.P.S.: When is my P.S I love you coming out.. Arggg!!!