Thursday, May 25, 2006

World's Biggest Morning tea!

Our club held an event today, the World's Biggest Morning Tea. Its organized by the Cancer Council to raise funds for cancer research. In the past, it was only Australia's Biggest Morning tea but now it had become World's Biggest Morning tea.(I wonder if sing has it??)

Anyway, we were suppose to provide brekkie for the ppl and 'encourage' them to make a gold coin donation. Here, a gold coin can be a $1 or $2. Our club had biscuits, coffee and tea as well as fruits for them to choose from.

This event started at 9am this morning and last till 12pm.

Saying that this was a cold morning is an understatement. It was FREEZING cold!! I stepped out of my apartment and the first thing I noticed was vapor forming when I exhaled thru my nose! At first I thought that I had blurry eyes so I *blink* *blink* hard but after a few more steps, when I exhaled again there were still vapor. I was impressed. It was fun. Because all you need to do is to exhale. I dun even need to open my mouth to make vapor. It was how cool and how COLD!!(Later, I heard that it was seven degree that morning!)

But our mood wasn't frozen by the low temperature. Okay, maybe in the beginning it was. It had been sometime since I'd approached ppl to make a donation so I didn't know how to start but after a while of no donation from the passer bys and rude reactions as well as weird stares received, we 3 girls decided to show our power. We took the tray of goodies and the donation box and walked towards our first target! He donated! So, moral of the story, 'Sex sells!' After that brief encouragement from that fine gentlemen, we become more bold and started approaching more people. We targeted both sexes, individuals as well as big groups, the old and the young as well as all nationalities.

In that 3 hours, we had people who
- ignored us COMPLETELY
- took a big detour to avoid us
- stared at us like some caged animals (eventhough we were free to roam)
- asked if the food is free and walked away when we mentioned the word 'donations'
- walk by, extended his hand, took a biscuit and walked off
- smiled at us politely and said 'no thanks'
- stop, took a biscuit and made a donation
- pass me their cups of coffee they were holding, search for some coins and donated cheerfully
- gave us $20 without taking any bakkies
- approach us and asked if we were holding the Biggest Morning Tea and contentedly take out their purse and donated. Adding a few words, 'Keep up the good work!'

And yes, that was the kind of 'customers' we had.

So, was it worthwhile
- to wake up at 7.45am and reach Uni by 8.45am (earliest I'd ever reach Uni)
- pull myself out of my warm and comfty bed and stand in the cold for 3 hours continuously
- smile and smile and smile and smile for that 3 hours non-stop

Obviously, a big YES!

To top it off, we managed to raise $300 in 3 hours, with an average of 5 manpower.

It was tiring, but fun and most importantly, it's for a good cause!

A big round of applause to all those who had supported the World's BMT!!! You are indeed one in a million!!

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