Its 4am, i'm done studying for the day but still wide awake due to the mug of milk tea i had at 12am.
Didnt seems to have much appetite today. But still had some food. Just for the sake of eating.
Went to watch X-men 3 today. It's incredible i must say. I wont say that its better than the previous 2 but its as good as them. They have more mutants in this show then the previous one. But the casts had all aged and not as good looking as before. But well, the plot is still good. No regrets watching it.
Had my last lecture with kim hong on friday, AM2. Kim hong is one of those few friends over here whom i can crap with, talk to, laugh with, laugh at and get laugh by. He's there to help me and always there to explain things to me whenever i'm confused which is very often. Althought he's 2 yrs younger than me, his mentality seems to be way younger. Last semester, while studying for our last paper (which happens to fall on the last day of the exam period) in the library, he got bored and together with another friend of ours, they started jumping from table to table, just like those monkeys in the zoo. The study area was empty obviously. But till this day, its something that i always use to tease them with whenever they tried to be mean to me.
He's just like a younger brother that i never had. He will tells me about his 'special girl' and will becomes shy whenever i tease him of her. Well, in short, he's one of those few friends that i value alot over here. But sad to say, he will be going for exchange for a year to Scotland. When he's finally back to Melb, i will be back in Sing. He's a malaysian, living in KL. So the chances of meeting him again will be pretty slim. This is one of the downside of studying here. Because most of the friends are not from sing. From HK, China, Thai, Indo, and mostly from Malaysia. The possibilty of losing contact with them is so high that i've already prepared myself for the worst ie to forget and to be forgotten.
At the end of the lecture, i said to him, 'Did you realise that this will be the last lecture that i will have with you?' He did. I felt kinda sad. Guess at times, i'm overly dependent on him. Esp during break time n assignment time.
Its funny how things happen. When i first came over, i stayed at Albert's House. He was staying there too. But we never talk as we were from different foundation courses. In uni, we are both in Actuarial but i never talk to him till yr 2 first semester. An unfortunate event that let me know him and a few others better.
He has also been like a big brother to me when it comes to studies. Encouraging me to do work, complaining with me on how slack we are and how hardworking we shld be instead. Gone were those days...
Bought a b'day present for him that day. His b'day falls on the day before our first paper so guess will pass it to him on 060606. Hope he will likes it and it will be put into good use when he's in Scotland.
Sigh... Guess i will miss him when he's gone..
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