Saturday, May 20, 2006

Saturday nite...

Here i am, once again, to blog bout how fast time pass without me knowing it yet still unwilling to do anything about it. Still in a self-denial state of mind. Set a aim for myself tonight, that is to study till either 4 or 6am. To finish my part 1 of my AM2 notes. So, trying to find some nice soundtracks to accompany me thru this long and lonesome nite.

Met up w a friend for a quick dinner just now as he was rushing to uni to finish some assignment. He told me bout this Avocado plucking job at the North of NSW which he was thinking of doing. I WANT!! But i do not know if i will get the chance to do that. I've already plan the things i will be doing but there are still so much more that i want to do. I want to go Cairns, I want to go Fiji, I want to go Skiing!! But... i don't know if i should go. Argg.. I hate making decisions, absolutely!!

Will be having a 5 weeks break before semester 2 starts. First week will be off for a roadtrip, 2nd will be in Melb. 3rd wk will be to Tassie. So, originally, 4th n 5th week is for my puppy. But now.. Sigh.. So much things i want to do. But guess a good first step to take, will be to start studying.


Aim for tonight: Study lar!!!

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