Wednesday, May 31, 2006

e effects of studying...

I said something to a friend. And he called me lame. Guess he was shocked tt i would say somehting like that. But wat matter was, he called me lame. Because he's a lamer.

So if he calls me lame, being; i was called lame by a lamer.
So that means that i'm lamer than a lamer.
So i'm a lamer lamer.
So if i call someone lame.
Then wont that make the person lamer than a lamer lamer.
Meaning that, that person will be a lamest lamer.
Am i right to say that?

I think i'm being lame.

Yah, anyway the reason i was called lame is because i asked him for his seat number for his second paper which falls on the second day of our exam period which is 6th June 2006.

He's seating at 1500+ so i told him he's safe. Far from the seat number 666. And he said that i'm lame.

I was just being nice and warning him. But i forgot that its his first exam in uni and guess i scared him off a bit when i asked for his seat number. He thought something wrong with the seats.. haha.. I think he thinks too much too..

The effects of studying...

Time to start studying. Had nt done anything since e start of the day, which was 1pm for me!


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