Another week gone..
didn't realize that 7 days had flew by until I sat down at my desk and stare at my calendar. Hello week 10!! 3 more weeks to my exams.. Sigh.. I really really need to start studying..
Come to think bout it, I manage to accomplish much of the stuff on my schedule. I cleared 2 ass. Went for the wine appreciation course. Had time for dinner n movie with my friends and even went for yum cha this morning.
Did lots of stuff, just that didn't manage to stay at home enough to remind myself that I need to change the light bulb for my ceiling light. It went out since tues and frm thurs till tonight, the earliest I reach home is eleven plus. Too tired mentally and physically to change a light bulb.
I once heard this joke on 'How many people does it takes to change a light bulb?' Think now I should have a poll to estimate how long it will take me to change a light bulb. Sigh.. I'm just too lazy to go to the supermarket(which is just downstairs) to buy the light bulb, get a stool, climb up, change it and climb down. Just wish that there is someone who can do it for me.. Haha.. Dream on mate!!!
Went for the wine appreciation course with the club on Thurs night. Several of us went for dinner before the course and we had normal western food, yeah.. knife and fork. While spreading the hard butter on my bread, my knife accidentally slip off the bread and hit the plate below my bread. It produce quite a big 'clang' as I was exerting some force trying to spread the HARD butter. It was already embarrassing enough and someone had to say to our professional development director, 'Think next time we should have a dining etiquette class.' I could feel my face turn hot and there was nothing I could say. Really have no idea why I'm like this now. In every meal, there will definitely be something that I will do to embarrass myself. Its time to stop..
After the W.A course, my friends and I went for cheesecake. Another grp of friends from dinner. Aft we left the cafe, I walked to the nearest plant I could find and puke. It was awful. That night, I didn't go online, didn't bath and went straight to bed after reaching home. I decided that I will hate red wine from den on. All these while I'd prefer white wine and dessert wine to red and after that night of puking I think I will never drink more than a slip of red. That whole night, I could taste the red wine that I'd drank and trust me, its not a good night. Luckily I did not have a hangover the next morning. Otherwise I will be screwed. Conclusion, dun drink too many different wine in 1.5hours. We had bout 14 types of wines and at e end of the course, I still have no idea which was which. I could feel the effect of the alcohol but I wasn't drunk. Not yet.
Aft maintaining my image for 2yrs of no drinking in Melb, I choose to ruin it in my last year here. Still remember all those nagging I got (recorded in my mp3 player) bout banning me from drinking as they know the effects of me drinking.. Well, enter the right ear and leaving thru the left. Same old normal me! But do not worry, I wont drink anywhere. Only when I have friends who I can trust to be around will I drink more than I should. So, sit back n relax...
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