Monday, May 01, 2006

May first...

My fifth month here.. Wow.. Time flies..

So far still have no craving to go back to sing for the holiday. Instead had made lots of plans for my one month stay here. Need to settle in a monkey, One last roadtrip w Xinling n Hanwei, go to tassie, get my love.. Hehe.. Lots of things to be done.. But still prepared mentally n emotionally that I might go back though chances are super slim. Its my last yr here so shld really make use of my remaining days.

On the LHS of this blog, there's an area labeled archives. Its increasing with time. By the time another December appears, it will be time for me to return. To leave this country with 4 seasons, with roads that seem to be never ending, countless sunrise and sunsets that could be seen, the rose bushes that can be found in almost every garden. How much I will miss this place, I do not know. Having mixed feelings. I know I will not stay here and work. Neither will I do honors as my results are too suck. Sing is still e ultimate choice. But why am I missing something that I've not lost yet?

My favouite season, shld be ending soon. My last autumn. No more red and yellow leaves falling down. No more natural air-conditioning. Sigh...

Called home on sat, mum told me that if baboon is nt coming over in the end, den she n my dad will come over n stay for 3 mths. Haha.. All thanks to me for inputting this idea into her head. I always whin to her bout how lucky others are when their mums come over and cook for them during exams period and stuff. So, she thought might as well come over and look after me.. Guess her heart aches for her precious.. To be alone n away.. But can sense that this year they are really worried about me as-in REALLY worried. Maybe because my mum is nt as busy so she has more time to think about things. Anyway, miss my parents. More than ever.. Dun noe why too. For the past 2 and half yrs that i had been away, I never really missed them. But now, this year, really does misses them. Maybe its because can see that they have aged. Can feel that its time to change roles. For them to depend on me. For me to nag at them when they 'misbehave'. Its time...

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