Wednesday, May 31, 2006

e effects of studying...

I said something to a friend. And he called me lame. Guess he was shocked tt i would say somehting like that. But wat matter was, he called me lame. Because he's a lamer.

So if he calls me lame, being; i was called lame by a lamer.
So that means that i'm lamer than a lamer.
So i'm a lamer lamer.
So if i call someone lame.
Then wont that make the person lamer than a lamer lamer.
Meaning that, that person will be a lamest lamer.
Am i right to say that?

I think i'm being lame.

Yah, anyway the reason i was called lame is because i asked him for his seat number for his second paper which falls on the second day of our exam period which is 6th June 2006.

He's seating at 1500+ so i told him he's safe. Far from the seat number 666. And he said that i'm lame.

I was just being nice and warning him. But i forgot that its his first exam in uni and guess i scared him off a bit when i asked for his seat number. He thought something wrong with the seats.. haha.. I think he thinks too much too..

The effects of studying...

Time to start studying. Had nt done anything since e start of the day, which was 1pm for me!


Sunday, May 28, 2006

Early in the morning..

Its 4am, i'm done studying for the day but still wide awake due to the mug of milk tea i had at 12am.

Didnt seems to have much appetite today. But still had some food. Just for the sake of eating.

Went to watch X-men 3 today. It's incredible i must say. I wont say that its better than the previous 2 but its as good as them. They have more mutants in this show then the previous one. But the casts had all aged and not as good looking as before. But well, the plot is still good. No regrets watching it.

Had my last lecture with kim hong on friday, AM2. Kim hong is one of those few friends over here whom i can crap with, talk to, laugh with, laugh at and get laugh by. He's there to help me and always there to explain things to me whenever i'm confused which is very often. Althought he's 2 yrs younger than me, his mentality seems to be way younger. Last semester, while studying for our last paper (which happens to fall on the last day of the exam period) in the library, he got bored and together with another friend of ours, they started jumping from table to table, just like those monkeys in the zoo. The study area was empty obviously. But till this day, its something that i always use to tease them with whenever they tried to be mean to me.

He's just like a younger brother that i never had. He will tells me about his 'special girl' and will becomes shy whenever i tease him of her. Well, in short, he's one of those few friends that i value alot over here. But sad to say, he will be going for exchange for a year to Scotland. When he's finally back to Melb, i will be back in Sing. He's a malaysian, living in KL. So the chances of meeting him again will be pretty slim. This is one of the downside of studying here. Because most of the friends are not from sing. From HK, China, Thai, Indo, and mostly from Malaysia. The possibilty of losing contact with them is so high that i've already prepared myself for the worst ie to forget and to be forgotten.

At the end of the lecture, i said to him, 'Did you realise that this will be the last lecture that i will have with you?' He did. I felt kinda sad. Guess at times, i'm overly dependent on him. Esp during break time n assignment time.

Its funny how things happen. When i first came over, i stayed at Albert's House. He was staying there too. But we never talk as we were from different foundation courses. In uni, we are both in Actuarial but i never talk to him till yr 2 first semester. An unfortunate event that let me know him and a few others better.

He has also been like a big brother to me when it comes to studies. Encouraging me to do work, complaining with me on how slack we are and how hardworking we shld be instead. Gone were those days...

Bought a b'day present for him that day. His b'day falls on the day before our first paper so guess will pass it to him on 060606. Hope he will likes it and it will be put into good use when he's in Scotland.

Sigh... Guess i will miss him when he's gone..

Friday, May 26, 2006

Fog is romantic...

Believe me when i say its cold!! The fog is back...

Today's sunset...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

World's Biggest Morning tea!

Our club held an event today, the World's Biggest Morning Tea. Its organized by the Cancer Council to raise funds for cancer research. In the past, it was only Australia's Biggest Morning tea but now it had become World's Biggest Morning tea.(I wonder if sing has it??)

Anyway, we were suppose to provide brekkie for the ppl and 'encourage' them to make a gold coin donation. Here, a gold coin can be a $1 or $2. Our club had biscuits, coffee and tea as well as fruits for them to choose from.

This event started at 9am this morning and last till 12pm.

Saying that this was a cold morning is an understatement. It was FREEZING cold!! I stepped out of my apartment and the first thing I noticed was vapor forming when I exhaled thru my nose! At first I thought that I had blurry eyes so I *blink* *blink* hard but after a few more steps, when I exhaled again there were still vapor. I was impressed. It was fun. Because all you need to do is to exhale. I dun even need to open my mouth to make vapor. It was how cool and how COLD!!(Later, I heard that it was seven degree that morning!)

But our mood wasn't frozen by the low temperature. Okay, maybe in the beginning it was. It had been sometime since I'd approached ppl to make a donation so I didn't know how to start but after a while of no donation from the passer bys and rude reactions as well as weird stares received, we 3 girls decided to show our power. We took the tray of goodies and the donation box and walked towards our first target! He donated! So, moral of the story, 'Sex sells!' After that brief encouragement from that fine gentlemen, we become more bold and started approaching more people. We targeted both sexes, individuals as well as big groups, the old and the young as well as all nationalities.

In that 3 hours, we had people who
- ignored us COMPLETELY
- took a big detour to avoid us
- stared at us like some caged animals (eventhough we were free to roam)
- asked if the food is free and walked away when we mentioned the word 'donations'
- walk by, extended his hand, took a biscuit and walked off
- smiled at us politely and said 'no thanks'
- stop, took a biscuit and made a donation
- pass me their cups of coffee they were holding, search for some coins and donated cheerfully
- gave us $20 without taking any bakkies
- approach us and asked if we were holding the Biggest Morning Tea and contentedly take out their purse and donated. Adding a few words, 'Keep up the good work!'

And yes, that was the kind of 'customers' we had.

So, was it worthwhile
- to wake up at 7.45am and reach Uni by 8.45am (earliest I'd ever reach Uni)
- pull myself out of my warm and comfty bed and stand in the cold for 3 hours continuously
- smile and smile and smile and smile for that 3 hours non-stop

Obviously, a big YES!

To top it off, we managed to raise $300 in 3 hours, with an average of 5 manpower.

It was tiring, but fun and most importantly, it's for a good cause!

A big round of applause to all those who had supported the World's BMT!!! You are indeed one in a million!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Good news!!!

My parents called me tonight and they had great news for me..

They are coming over this July! Wohooo.. Den they will be going for the roadtrip with us and to tassie as well.. Meaning, i do not need to take the ferry back myself. Haha.. But i've yet to tell Grace bout it! Need to work out another plan!! Maybe can psycho them into going Cairns with me. My mum wants to go see snow so we will be going skiing. Haha... So excited!! Maybe this will bring me more motivation to study. BUT if things go according to plan, they will be here on the day i finish my exams or the day after meaning that i wont have time to sleep n sleep n sleep which is one of the thing tt i'm looking forward to!! Imagine this, sleeping and waking up at anytime of the day in my warm, comfty bed and watching drama n snacking in bed.. Oh.. Non of such things now.. I will be sleeping outside on my portable air bed, breathing in cold air and i'm going to have a cold nose again!

I'd lied to my parents that i'd already bought a dog and they believed me. But in the end, i told them that i'd yet to do so, but will definitely get one in July. Now that they are coming, i think they will try to prevent me from buying a dog because my mum told me to wait till they are here then we will go look for one together. But i dun think they will let me buy one. So, we shall see how when they are here!!! Haha... Evil me...

Shoick sia....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Saturday nite...

Here i am, once again, to blog bout how fast time pass without me knowing it yet still unwilling to do anything about it. Still in a self-denial state of mind. Set a aim for myself tonight, that is to study till either 4 or 6am. To finish my part 1 of my AM2 notes. So, trying to find some nice soundtracks to accompany me thru this long and lonesome nite.

Met up w a friend for a quick dinner just now as he was rushing to uni to finish some assignment. He told me bout this Avocado plucking job at the North of NSW which he was thinking of doing. I WANT!! But i do not know if i will get the chance to do that. I've already plan the things i will be doing but there are still so much more that i want to do. I want to go Cairns, I want to go Fiji, I want to go Skiing!! But... i don't know if i should go. Argg.. I hate making decisions, absolutely!!

Will be having a 5 weeks break before semester 2 starts. First week will be off for a roadtrip, 2nd will be in Melb. 3rd wk will be to Tassie. So, originally, 4th n 5th week is for my puppy. But now.. Sigh.. So much things i want to do. But guess a good first step to take, will be to start studying.


Aim for tonight: Study lar!!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday nite...

Just feels like blogging. Nothing else to do. Woke up from a nap and felt like puking. Must be due to the 'luo han guo + chyrsanthemum' tea that i had been filing myself w since yest. Too sweet to be taken before a nap.

Went to Laguna yesterday. Its a grocery store open by an indo. So, it has more variety of malay+indian food than the chinese grocery store a few streets away. Due to its slightly inconvenient location, my friends and i seldom go there. But once we do, its like being in paradise. We can find kuae lapis, tau sa bin, all kind of malay chili sauces, indian curry and so much more. Everything i see makes me misses my mother more. Simply because i do not know how to cook those things like assam paste. Also, if my parents are here, it will be 3 eating, not only one so it will be more worth the effort and time put in to prepare the meals.

Guess now i understand why the people here like to have potluck so often. Because most of them are staying alone or with another hsemate hence seldom cook. Even if they do cook, it will only be a dish or two or more often instant mee. Hence when the desire to cook arises, its time for potluck. To spend hours after hours in preparing one meal that will be served to many others. This will make the time spend and energy used more worthwhile.

My friend and i strolled down aisle after aisle, not missing a single one. Stopping at almost every section to examine what products they have carefully. Almost every step we take make us miss sing's food more. There are instant products such as Thai green curry paste, Emperor's chicken and more but i didnt buy any. Not because i'm too lazy to cook. But because the serving portion is too much for me. I do not want to have the same food day after day. Neither do i want to throw anything away aft keeping it in e fridge for half a month. So, we went to the instant noodles section and spend time choosing our favouite flavors. The 'collection' is amazing. There are representatives from Thailand, China, Korean, Japan and Indonesia. There is dry and soup based. From tung fen to ramen. Seafood to vegetarian. We are simply spoilt for choice. Every single one looks so delicious that we felt like rushing home to cook and eat them immediately. But we did out best to control our cravings and went to a Shanghai dumpling restaurant for dinner instead. There, we had 'drunken chicken', 'salted duck', 'xiao long bao', fried rice and not forgetting 2 plates of 'jian jiao'. We were greedy. Very greedy. There were only 4 of us. 4 girls. And once again. We ordered more than necessary and finish everything.

By the time i reach home, i was in the mood for snacks. So i took out my recent purchase of fried anchovy from Thai and munch on them while watching my korean drama. I got sick of them after a while and started on Callebe black pepper prawn crackers. I finished it for breakfast the next day.

So, dear friends, pls be prepared to receive a super-upsize me when i arrive at the airport in dec. Or maybe you wont even get to see me as i didnt vote. Hence i may be detain at the immigration counter. Then what is my puppy going to do? It will be there alone waiting for me to come out. But when will that be?? Poor thing.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

L-O-V-E (Nat King Cole)

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you can adore

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you can adore

Love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart and please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you
Love was made for me and you

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The moon outside...

Another week gone..

didn't realize that 7 days had flew by until I sat down at my desk and stare at my calendar. Hello week 10!! 3 more weeks to my exams.. Sigh.. I really really need to start studying..

Come to think bout it, I manage to accomplish much of the stuff on my schedule. I cleared 2 ass. Went for the wine appreciation course. Had time for dinner n movie with my friends and even went for yum cha this morning.

Did lots of stuff, just that didn't manage to stay at home enough to remind myself that I need to change the light bulb for my ceiling light. It went out since tues and frm thurs till tonight, the earliest I reach home is eleven plus. Too tired mentally and physically to change a light bulb.

I once heard this joke on 'How many people does it takes to change a light bulb?' Think now I should have a poll to estimate how long it will take me to change a light bulb. Sigh.. I'm just too lazy to go to the supermarket(which is just downstairs) to buy the light bulb, get a stool, climb up, change it and climb down. Just wish that there is someone who can do it for me.. Haha.. Dream on mate!!!

Went for the wine appreciation course with the club on Thurs night. Several of us went for dinner before the course and we had normal western food, yeah.. knife and fork. While spreading the hard butter on my bread, my knife accidentally slip off the bread and hit the plate below my bread. It produce quite a big 'clang' as I was exerting some force trying to spread the HARD butter. It was already embarrassing enough and someone had to say to our professional development director, 'Think next time we should have a dining etiquette class.' I could feel my face turn hot and there was nothing I could say. Really have no idea why I'm like this now. In every meal, there will definitely be something that I will do to embarrass myself. Its time to stop..

After the W.A course, my friends and I went for cheesecake. Another grp of friends from dinner. Aft we left the cafe, I walked to the nearest plant I could find and puke. It was awful. That night, I didn't go online, didn't bath and went straight to bed after reaching home. I decided that I will hate red wine from den on. All these while I'd prefer white wine and dessert wine to red and after that night of puking I think I will never drink more than a slip of red. That whole night, I could taste the red wine that I'd drank and trust me, its not a good night. Luckily I did not have a hangover the next morning. Otherwise I will be screwed. Conclusion, dun drink too many different wine in 1.5hours. We had bout 14 types of wines and at e end of the course, I still have no idea which was which. I could feel the effect of the alcohol but I wasn't drunk. Not yet.

Aft maintaining my image for 2yrs of no drinking in Melb, I choose to ruin it in my last year here. Still remember all those nagging I got (recorded in my mp3 player) bout banning me from drinking as they know the effects of me drinking.. Well, enter the right ear and leaving thru the left. Same old normal me! But do not worry, I wont drink anywhere. Only when I have friends who I can trust to be around will I drink more than I should. So, sit back n relax...

Monday, May 01, 2006

May first...

My fifth month here.. Wow.. Time flies..

So far still have no craving to go back to sing for the holiday. Instead had made lots of plans for my one month stay here. Need to settle in a monkey, One last roadtrip w Xinling n Hanwei, go to tassie, get my love.. Hehe.. Lots of things to be done.. But still prepared mentally n emotionally that I might go back though chances are super slim. Its my last yr here so shld really make use of my remaining days.

On the LHS of this blog, there's an area labeled archives. Its increasing with time. By the time another December appears, it will be time for me to return. To leave this country with 4 seasons, with roads that seem to be never ending, countless sunrise and sunsets that could be seen, the rose bushes that can be found in almost every garden. How much I will miss this place, I do not know. Having mixed feelings. I know I will not stay here and work. Neither will I do honors as my results are too suck. Sing is still e ultimate choice. But why am I missing something that I've not lost yet?

My favouite season, shld be ending soon. My last autumn. No more red and yellow leaves falling down. No more natural air-conditioning. Sigh...

Called home on sat, mum told me that if baboon is nt coming over in the end, den she n my dad will come over n stay for 3 mths. Haha.. All thanks to me for inputting this idea into her head. I always whin to her bout how lucky others are when their mums come over and cook for them during exams period and stuff. So, she thought might as well come over and look after me.. Guess her heart aches for her precious.. To be alone n away.. But can sense that this year they are really worried about me as-in REALLY worried. Maybe because my mum is nt as busy so she has more time to think about things. Anyway, miss my parents. More than ever.. Dun noe why too. For the past 2 and half yrs that i had been away, I never really missed them. But now, this year, really does misses them. Maybe its because can see that they have aged. Can feel that its time to change roles. For them to depend on me. For me to nag at them when they 'misbehave'. Its time...