I took the jab last March before I went to Taiwan. Since then, I have not gotten the flu but twice I had experience the cold.
There is a difference between the cold and the flu. Cold basically is having a running nose, temperate above 37.5 degree, watery eyes etc while a flu is all of the above as well as having a high temperate of above 38.5 degrees and you will experience winter and summer every 10mins.
My worst flu was in Aug 2010, where I got the flu, some stomach virus and the menses all at one. I had high fever for 3-4 days and stomach cramps so bad that I thought I will faint from the pain. Since then, I get slightly paranoid when I have the cold and the stomach started turning. It was indeed a very painful lesson and I hope I will not experience it again.
Back to now, all thanks to the flu jab, I and immune to the flu virus but not the cold. Which is what I think im having now. I'm having running nose, watery eyes, dry throat, warm forehead and sneezing. I can feel the virus trying to go full force but is prevented from doing so by the vaccination. As a result, it makes me feel real lousy. If it goes full force, I still can claim sick leave for a day or two, but now, with no fever to convince the doct, I still have to go to work. This is why I'm feeling so sorry for myself. Sadded.
I know I Will not be takin the vaccination again this year.
There is a difference between the cold and the flu. Cold basically is having a running nose, temperate above 37.5 degree, watery eyes etc while a flu is all of the above as well as having a high temperate of above 38.5 degrees and you will experience winter and summer every 10mins.
My worst flu was in Aug 2010, where I got the flu, some stomach virus and the menses all at one. I had high fever for 3-4 days and stomach cramps so bad that I thought I will faint from the pain. Since then, I get slightly paranoid when I have the cold and the stomach started turning. It was indeed a very painful lesson and I hope I will not experience it again.
Back to now, all thanks to the flu jab, I and immune to the flu virus but not the cold. Which is what I think im having now. I'm having running nose, watery eyes, dry throat, warm forehead and sneezing. I can feel the virus trying to go full force but is prevented from doing so by the vaccination. As a result, it makes me feel real lousy. If it goes full force, I still can claim sick leave for a day or two, but now, with no fever to convince the doct, I still have to go to work. This is why I'm feeling so sorry for myself. Sadded.
I know I Will not be takin the vaccination again this year.
posted from Bloggeroid
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