Friday, January 20, 2012

Talking dog or barking human

Darcy has been with me for around 3 and a half yrs. These 3+ years, we have learn a lot from each other. We trained each other well to get what we want.

I taught him to sit, hand, down, up, five, play dead. He taught me to feed him treats when he does either of that.

He showed us what his fav food are by standing on his 2 hindlegs to rest his head between his paws on the tabletop and look up at you with raised eyebrowns. I showed him who's boss by placing the food infront of him but out of reach.

Lately, he has been teaching me to speak his language. I was a faithful student. Always encouraging him to teach me more. I practise on Darcy and tried my skills on the dogs in Thailand. I concluded that dogs speak a universal language but they each have their own slang. The Thai dogs will stop whatever they were doing and try to concentrate when I speak. They were too shy to converse with me but being polite, they will pay their utmost attention and move on only when I stop talking.

Darcy is better at keeping a conversation gg. He will reply when I speak and sometime even try to outtalk me. He win most of the time because when we get too carried away, the parents will step in and put all blame on me.

I promise one day, I will outtalk darcy! When my parents are out.

posted from Bloggeroid

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