Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Lately, I kept thinking of our relationship. This trip, it hit me that we have actually known each other for 23 years. That is like 79% of my life! I have never thought that I will stay in contact with people that I have known for ages esp the Opp sex! (Good news is, he is not the only one I have on my list.)

I have been thinking of what actually is our status. Friends, ex-classmates seem to be an understatement. Buddies, bff, 知己 seem to be too over. Activities partner, khakis seem to not be too true. Brothers, sisters... nah!

Finally, out of the blue I know what I can call him. 老友!

老友 seems to best describe our friendship.

A friend I have known for ages, who is immune to my nonsense and can ignore without any extra effort. Someone who I will call out for whenever I want certain things done and not be annoyed when the demands are not met because thinking back those tt are met simple exceed those not met by miles over.

I won't call ours a plantonic relationship (other than the fact that it is a boy+girl friendship) because we are not on such close terms to know what each other are thinking by a twitch of eyebrow, or be able to pour everything out over a beer or two.

And I won't call it a casual friendship because there had been parts of our lives where we were close and well in contact and on the other hand, there had been periods where we simple do not know what'sup in the other lives.

I still remember the statement I said during the wedding dinner."你是我的 true love, best love, first love!" It came from nowhere but reflecting on it now, two thirds are indeed true. 真爱,最爱,初恋。


May there be many more to come!

posted from Bloggeroid

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