Wednesday, January 25, 2012


One of the Resolution for 2012 is to take more photos. Be it during travelling, day to day or aob, I should shoot more.

Was thinking of my yunnan trip while on my way home just now and conclude that I have a few regrets.

Because I 怕死, I didn't dare to get lost. I didn't dare to wonder off the usual path to take the path less travelled hence I felt like a tourist when I got back.

Because I 怕死,I didn't dare to eat a lot of food. I was afraid of getting food poisoning or LS hence I only walk by and forgo many meals. Depending many lunches on the biscuits in my bag.

Because I 怕死,I didn't take out my dslr but instead used my compact during most times hence I feel un-exercised.

Because I 怕死,I didn't try adventurous stuff like hiking 虎跳 or taking the bike and venture off in shangrila hence I'm still regretting.

So, other than the resols to shoot more, 1 more resols is to care less and dare more.

2012秋, 就让我们相约在四川/韩国吧!

posted from Bloggeroid

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