Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Resolutions for Feb 2012

One month has passed and its time to review,

Resolutions for Jan 2012

1. Charge less than $500 to credit cards. (failed!-650+)
2. Start my tuitions!(failed!)
3. Exercise at least once a week.(failed!)
4. Only 1 overseas trip!(passed!)

Let's set resols for Feb!

Resolutions for Feb 2012

1. Charge less than $400 to credit cards.
2. Start my tuitions!
3. Exercise at least once a week.
4. Not go for any overseas holiday or buy any airtics.
5. Save money!
6. Survive on $600.

Ps. My 20th post in a month. Never had I post so many entries in a single mth. Oh dear, what is going on..

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Man vs woman

Went for coffee w my 2 other 23 years friends just now and started on "His" and "Hers" expectations. Hj said that woman nowadays are confused and didn't know what they want. They want their guy to earn more than them, better educated and when the guy expect them to cook simple meals, they are labelled as sexist.

I have got to admit that this is true. It got me thinking of my expectations. I always tell my friends that I want this, this and this in a guy but never thought of what were the guys looking for. Now I kinda can understand why ppl around me are telling me to lower my expectations. Because I do not have much to offer, I should not be asking for too much.

I do not know if its fair to say tt SG women are kinda screwed up when it comes to theirs expectations, maybe its just some, not all.

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Sunday, January 29, 2012



朋友说的笑话,让我狂笑了。Darcy的一举一动让我减压的笑。记得车一传到能看见泸沽湖的景点时,我傻笑了。第一次到shipwreck潜水,看到那色彩缤纷的海底世界时,我也笑了。第一次滑雪的时候。走在Pai, Thailand的夜市时,好想象袋鼠般的跳来跳去。从松山林寺看下时,舒服的笑了。第一次驾着电单车,稍微的加速了,也开心的笑了。


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Thursday, January 26, 2012


July 2009 Perth, 无忧无虑的躺在蓝蓝的天下,谈着有没有的话题。

September 2011 Amed, Bali 躺在流星下,一个字,爽!

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012


One of the Resolution for 2012 is to take more photos. Be it during travelling, day to day or aob, I should shoot more.

Was thinking of my yunnan trip while on my way home just now and conclude that I have a few regrets.

Because I 怕死, I didn't dare to get lost. I didn't dare to wonder off the usual path to take the path less travelled hence I felt like a tourist when I got back.

Because I 怕死,I didn't dare to eat a lot of food. I was afraid of getting food poisoning or LS hence I only walk by and forgo many meals. Depending many lunches on the biscuits in my bag.

Because I 怕死,I didn't take out my dslr but instead used my compact during most times hence I feel un-exercised.

Because I 怕死,I didn't try adventurous stuff like hiking 虎跳 or taking the bike and venture off in shangrila hence I'm still regretting.

So, other than the resols to shoot more, 1 more resols is to care less and dare more.

2012秋, 就让我们相约在四川/韩国吧!

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

To love or to hate, flu vaccination.

I took the jab last March before I went to Taiwan. Since then, I have not gotten the flu but twice I had experience the cold.

There is a difference between the cold and the flu. Cold basically is having a running nose, temperate above 37.5 degree, watery eyes etc while a flu is all of the above as well as having a high temperate of above 38.5 degrees and you will experience winter and summer every 10mins.

My worst flu was in Aug 2010, where I got the flu, some stomach virus and the menses all at one. I had high fever for 3-4 days and stomach cramps so bad that I thought I will faint from the pain. Since then, I get slightly paranoid when I have the cold and the stomach started turning. It was indeed a very painful lesson and I hope I will not experience it again.

Back to now, all thanks to the flu jab, I and immune to the flu virus but not the cold. Which is what I think im having now. I'm having running nose, watery eyes, dry throat, warm forehead and sneezing. I can feel the virus trying to go full force but is prevented from doing so by the vaccination. As a result, it makes me feel real lousy. If it goes full force, I still can claim sick leave for a day or two, but now, with no fever to convince the doct, I still have to go to work. This is why I'm feeling so sorry for myself. Sadded.

I know I Will not be takin the vaccination again this year.

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Monday, January 23, 2012


I think 4 pillows on a queen size bed is a bit too many.

Last night was the first night on my mattress topper, I felt like I was sleeping on fluffy clouds.. so this whole day I was thinking of the fluffs and aft work, I prepared myself for bed.

I cooked some lunch. Making sure not to prepare too much nor too little. Then I drank a bottle of cider as the finishing touch. As I turn on the aircon and switch off the lights, the msg came in to meet me in 30mins time. Awwww... I could have 2-3hrs more of sleep.

So now, I'm gg to bed and I hope I won't wake up too early tmr. Let me sleep till 11am pls.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

The bed will be an even nicer place to be at..

Aft I lay out the $189 1.5 inches kingkoil plush comfort microgel mattress topper (100% down alteratives) and change to my $59 extrafirm kingkoil microgel fibre filled pillow, I am sure there will be no place like MyBed.


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Bloggeroid apps

The thing I like about this application is that I can compose my entries and not upload them till I am happy. I can come back again and again without having to save it and it will still be here. Nice!

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Talking dog or barking human

Darcy has been with me for around 3 and a half yrs. These 3+ years, we have learn a lot from each other. We trained each other well to get what we want.

I taught him to sit, hand, down, up, five, play dead. He taught me to feed him treats when he does either of that.

He showed us what his fav food are by standing on his 2 hindlegs to rest his head between his paws on the tabletop and look up at you with raised eyebrowns. I showed him who's boss by placing the food infront of him but out of reach.

Lately, he has been teaching me to speak his language. I was a faithful student. Always encouraging him to teach me more. I practise on Darcy and tried my skills on the dogs in Thailand. I concluded that dogs speak a universal language but they each have their own slang. The Thai dogs will stop whatever they were doing and try to concentrate when I speak. They were too shy to converse with me but being polite, they will pay their utmost attention and move on only when I stop talking.

Darcy is better at keeping a conversation gg. He will reply when I speak and sometime even try to outtalk me. He win most of the time because when we get too carried away, the parents will step in and put all blame on me.

I promise one day, I will outtalk darcy! When my parents are out.

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Internal hemorrhaging..

I'm normally 1 wk later than my previous but this time I'm 1 wk earlier ie 2 wks before the expected date.

This is not good. Because how am I suppose to make plans for my next quarter diving trips now.

Come to think of it, what had happened to trigger tis? No stress? Healthy lifestyle due to too much walking? Winding roads to and fro MHS? Hur? What else...

Oh ya, welcome to womanhood.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Lately, I kept thinking of our relationship. This trip, it hit me that we have actually known each other for 23 years. That is like 79% of my life! I have never thought that I will stay in contact with people that I have known for ages esp the Opp sex! (Good news is, he is not the only one I have on my list.)

I have been thinking of what actually is our status. Friends, ex-classmates seem to be an understatement. Buddies, bff, 知己 seem to be too over. Activities partner, khakis seem to not be too true. Brothers, sisters... nah!

Finally, out of the blue I know what I can call him. 老友!

老友 seems to best describe our friendship.

A friend I have known for ages, who is immune to my nonsense and can ignore without any extra effort. Someone who I will call out for whenever I want certain things done and not be annoyed when the demands are not met because thinking back those tt are met simple exceed those not met by miles over.

I won't call ours a plantonic relationship (other than the fact that it is a boy+girl friendship) because we are not on such close terms to know what each other are thinking by a twitch of eyebrow, or be able to pour everything out over a beer or two.

And I won't call it a casual friendship because there had been parts of our lives where we were close and well in contact and on the other hand, there had been periods where we simple do not know what'sup in the other lives.

I still remember the statement I said during the wedding dinner."你是我的 true love, best love, first love!" It came from nowhere but reflecting on it now, two thirds are indeed true. 真爱,最爱,初恋。


May there be many more to come!

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Swimming @ sunset is like swimming in blue water with bits and pieces of pink reflective glass floating on the surface.

Wonder how it will be like to be diving at sunset at some crystal-clear shore. One day I will know..

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Feeling a tiny bit carnivorous

Craving for a medium rare ribeye with a dash of freshly grounded pepper and sea salt, accompanied by a glass of red.


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Friday, January 13, 2012


I enjoy learning as long as there is no exams. Over my 20 over years, I had attended many lessons, most which I gave up halfway. Thinking, I feel like going back to pick up where I stopped. Maybe this list will help.

Learned halfway:
Wall climbing - level 1

Want to learn:
Oil painting
Kite sailing

Still learning:
Argentine tango

*Resolutions for 2012, to re-pick up from where I stopped.

Monthly Budget
Tango - $30x4=$120
Bike - $40x4=$160
Piano - $90

Total:$370/mth (Omg!)

I guess 3 classes a week is more than enough.

You think I can get my bike license by June? I need to get more long sleeves shirts.

Travelling wise, I seriously want to cut down. So going forward, I will only use my OT/PH claims. Hence once every 3 months to a nearby country.

For the next 2 years, I will not go to any parts of Thailand, Taiwan, NZ. Wish I could say the same for KL, but I know it is not attainable.

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Last twenties..

2012. A year of last twenties for a lot of my friends and I.

Sitting outside @ the balcony, watching the slight drizzle, feeling the cold breeze, thinking what is to become of me this year.

When we first cross over to 12, I was filled with optimistic that this year will be much better, everything wise. Now, I'm not so sure again. Am I pms-ing hence thinking of all the pessimistic stuff? What do I really want? What do I want to accomplish by age 30?

30 seems so far away but I will be there soon, with nothing to talk about. No successful career or asserts to fall back on, no sso, children to boast on. And to be honest, I still do not understand the definition of companion. Why do we human all need someone to grow old with? Is it a need or necessity? I don't understand. And being from a finance background, if you don't understand, you don't invest.

I see friends getting married 1 by 1, even those unlikely ones. I started asking myself, how do they know this will be the one who will walk with you till the end of time? How does this game play? I really do not know. I feel like a bystander, watching from over the fence. Seeing the group of children playing ball and not asked to join in. So I started telling myself that I am not interested. But if I'm really not interested then why do I keep peeping over to see how much fun they are having? What do I really want? What can I be in control of? I feel so lost and scare of all possibilities. What should I do?

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Seldom can I stand straight while taking pictures esp in heels.

This trip I can stand up tall and firm, in heels and jump around and still be shorter than the tallest in the group.


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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, January 09, 2012

Back in Chiangmai..

Waiting for hair to dip dry as there is no hair dryer. I was so tired that I fell asleep while waiting for my turn to use the shower. Now, its my turn to wait while listening to the symphony of the gentle snoring and the crickets or toads outside.

This Lanna Boutique village Hotel is situated way out of the city and rite smack in nature. But as it was already dark when we arrived we couldn't really see our surrounding really well.

Actually I'm quite tired. But cldnt sleep and noone to talk to.

好想 Darcy..


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Sunday, January 01, 2012