Sunday, June 29, 2008

This wk...

This is wat my horoscope in facebook shows:

You'll feel some lack of appetite; nausea and muscular cramps might accompany this phenomenon; verify to see if you're not suffering from a severe deficit in sodium chloride. This astral climate is apt to bring you a decisive amorous friendship, a happy, serene, and relaxed affective ambience; thus there'll be smiles on your lips and joys in your heart. But long-standing lovers should beware of midlife crisis: a young and charming person could make you lose your head!

Haa.. the first sentence is scary... But i'm sure that i'm not short of salt because i LOVE salty stuff... And, i eat salt. haha...

I sure want to have smiles on my lips and joys in my heart.

Young and charming? Hmm... haahaa....

On a Libra water pig: These Pigs are sophisticated (ermm..), beautiful individuals (ermm ermmm???) who make great companions (huh? haha...). They are easygoing (sure not??) and lovable (hahahahaha....), but a bit indecisive (BULLEYE).

The pig on vacation: As much as Pigs love food they would truly enjoy a culinary experience on vacation. When traveling they tend to dine at the finest restaurants, eat the richest chocolate and drink the most expensive champagne. In addition, their natures to be relaxed and laid back would lead them to an easygoing vacation somewhere on an island or in a resort where they can hang out and be completely taken care of. (I'm starting to get worried....)

Last nite, i was home before my mum. She was stunned when she saw me and said 'Home so early?' It was close to 11pm. Guess she wasnt used to having me at home on a sat nite. Same as dinner at home on friday. So to her, something must have went wrong if i'm at home on a fri and sat nite. So, to prevent her frm having such thoughts, i have to be not at home on these days.

I finally was able to have a wkend nap today. Thought it was for a short 2hrs only but better than nothing. Think i'm really in need of rest. The doct says this for the 2 times he saw me. 'Have LOTS of rest and drink more fluids'. This may be his 'kou tou chan' for all i know.

I came home at bout 8pm just now and aft crossing the road frm my busstop, i saw this tall, skinny, indian guy who looked like hes in his early twenties walking slowly in his direction. Den i saw him kept turing back and looking at me and then he changed his path and he started walking faster towards my direction. I was so freak out. Seriously. I dun noe why, i'm not racist (i hope so) but they just scare me so. In the end, i saw a couple walking into the lift at my block and i run the last 15m to get into that lift. I dun noe why, but i was seriously freak out. I hate this kind of feelings. Seriously.

I'd a rather disturbing dream last nite. I dream that i was scolding tyl. Very harshly. And i kept going on and on and on and i was real angry. I wasnt screaming nor just nagging. I was really scolding and i cld feel the anger emiting. It felt so real. And when i woke up, i remebered asking myself if wat i did was real or just a dream. It felt so so real. Damn. I just hope it doesnt happen in realife.


Did you notice the color of blue the skies was today? It was so beautiful and cheerful. Esp at 10am. If only you were there...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Last wkend (Part 2)

As promised, here goes..

Look at CL's face... Better dun let moo moo see this else she will stick the mic up ur 'bi kong' (hahaa.. i originally typed 'pi' instead of 'bi' hahaha... luckily i checked!)
Oh yeah, must be emotional..
I got bored...
I like this.. Dun you? Not the model but the moment.
No wonder he call himself 'du xing xia' cause really one legged..
A bit blured but the feel is there..

What face is this???
Scream, screaming all the time...
He looks nicest this way... Dun you agree? Well, its just an illusion...
Not forgetting some arty farty pict.. My fan, me and my woof, all in my room.

Lastly, my bf and i. The cresent fall off my wall the other day and i was too lazy to paste it back so here it will stay for the time being.

AHHHHH!!!! I just got my c.c bill. My dad was holding on to it for 3 days!! Ahh!!! What if i miss the payment date.. I will have lots of interest to pay u know... After all the time where i keep asking him if theres any mail for me, he left it lying on his desk for THREE WHOLE DAYS!! Cant believe it..

Dun bother guessing how much i need to pay. All i wld say is, thats damn a lot! Where can i pay the bill ah?

Lets live cheap ok?

Dun ask me if i need anything from any stores (u know who u are!! I dun need to put names)

Lets only watch movies in eng wah kay?

Dun go for dinner w me even if i beg u to, kay? ( u know lar..)

Lets live this way till Aug, kay?

BTW, anyone watched 'The adventure King' earlier on? Did anyone happened to catch the short clip on promoting HOME values? That was damn powerful. REALLY. It got me tearing in less than a minute. That.was.good..

Go watch it if you can.

Random updates..

I was on MC AGAIN on tues. Woke up feeling extremly giddy and i broke into cold sweat while trying to brush my teeth. In the end i went back to bed. All the while, i felt like vomiting but nothing came out. I went back to sleep and went to the doctor at noon time w my dad.

I think my dad suspected that i was pregnent. haha... He just wanted to be sure, cause he followed me into the examination room. Something he didnt do even when i had high fever last yr. I think he just need to hear it from the doctor. Talk about trust. hahaa...

Actually, so did my colleagues. The male sitting behind me notice tt i'd been eating a lot of sour plums lately and he told me female colleague. So you know, random office chat become gossip. Haa... But i clarified with them that the sour plums are for my sour throat. Hope there will be no rumors.

Oh no, den on wed, i was wearing my black dress (that looks like a trash bag to one and a pregnant dress to others) with flats and someone offered me a seat on the MRT. It was so embrassing. So So embrassing. And i wasnt feeling all that well already. I really need a hole to hide. hahaa... But tts a moment to remember.... hahaha.....

Anyway, the doct said that giddyness can a result of several factors being diet, looking at comp screen for too long and much, stress, not sufficient sleep.

To the above 4, i'm guilty as charged. Stress, i think is due to the r/s btw unoewho n me as well as the stress over my c.c bill. Now, i hope i will get better.

Will be going for a full body check up in Sept. Anyone wanna join me? This will be a b'day present to myself, frm myself. If only theres a dog as well. A dog that can bark, wag its tail, pee anywhere and everywhere, growl at e ppl i dun like and most importanly, scare the dog above. Haha... I think golden retrievers are out of the question as they are too kind (just like me.. hahaha... dun puke)

Oh.. Marley and Me will be showing on screen in Jan 08. Yipee!! Cant wait.. 6 more mths to go.. argggg!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Last wkend (Part 1)

It takes too long to upload those that i want to upload. Will do a part 2 tmr or the day after. In the meantime, keep yourself occupied with these first. I admit, i'm still getting to know my bf but thanks to the counselling session with Mr Peng, our chemistry grew stronger and i understand him more. Thanks Mr Peng!

Sat, Sentosa, Evening, Model(FOC)
Dun think she's lost hence the confuse look. She's actually thinking of dinner..
A happy young couple. Those were the days..
The story of a moth and a lizard at 2am. 2 posers who cant pose.
More at ease yah..
Her heaven.
Dun think only woman can multi task, it is proven cows can too..
Thats all for now!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Memory Lane

Its moments like these that i want to capture and share the joy and laughter with everyone else.

Thanks ger.. U make me day and many others too..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I'm sick. Again

Wasnt feeling well these few days but today was the ultimate. After lunch, i started feeling feverish and i thought it was just because of the coffee i had earlier on. I took a panadol and felt slightly better. Den i drown myself with lots of fluid till i kept rushing to the toilet.

On the way home on the train, the aircon was blasting and my goosebumps started to pop out. Den suddenly my ears got block and i seriously heard a ringing sound. Suddenly i started to see stars and i thought thats it.

Luckily i didnt faint nor wat. The rest of the journey was a mystery. I only remember feeling extremly cold and shivering thru out.

By the time i got home, i took my temp and it showed 37.5. Still not tt bad but i decided to drop by the doctor for some medicine.

Luckily i didnt have to wait long as there was only 2 others infront of me. Thanks CL for coming when i asked. Sorry for asking you to go back again. Cause i thought it will be a long long wait.

Inside the doct, he asked me whats wrong and i told him of my sore throat, blocked ears, body ached and fever. He checked my ears and breathing and said its not too bad. Den he pop a thermometer into my mouth and carried on writing down the symptons on my card. He was done and the thermometer have not beep yet. He looked at the clock and i try to look at the thermometer. 'Ho sai liao' I thought to myself.

By the time it finally beeped, it shows 38.9 degree. How did that happened within 15 mins?

He asked me if i need MC and i said yes, den he asked if i want 2 days and i said no. I'm kinda regretting it now. But if i'm on leave, there will be 2 of them left only. So shall see how tmr...

Now, the temp is currently 38.1 after medicine and a bath. I just hope that i wont have nitemares all nite just like last May.

Think i'm not suited to work. Las time before i started working, i nv had temp above 38. But now, in a yr, i experience it twice. I dun like it.

Because nothing good happens when i fall sick. Dun let it happened this time too ok?

Monday, June 16, 2008

My bf..

I still remember the first time i saw him, it wasnt love at first sight i wld say. I was choosing btw him and another but after introduction has been make, i know hes of a better quality. Though some pursuade me to choose the other, in the end i still choose him.

I still remember the first time i held him, my hands started to tremble. I do not dare to hold him too hard as hes so fragile to me. I was afraid that i wld break him but how silly of me to think this because hes so strong.

He has a nice firm grip and my hand just fits nicely on his. Its a match make in heaven.

His body is so lean and sleek i cld spend hours staring at him and thinking what a masterpiece he is. He cant be make anymore perfect than what he already is.

I'd spend hours trying to understand him but sad to say he is still a mystery to me. But i still like him for who he is. Because i know, one day i will be able to understand him in and out. Able to bring out the best in him and make everyone goes wow with his achievements.

With him, i can share my thoughts and we can experiment with anything. Althought our vision is blured, i'm sure one day everything will be sharp and clear. The blue skies will be bluer than what our naked eyes can see.

I cant wait for that day to come..


All along, i'd told ppl that the place i want to go most is Greece. Now i finally know the exact place in Greece that i want to go. I finally found the name of this place with white houses sitting on the hill beside the sea.

Now that i have my bf, i really hope we can go there soon...


Sunday, June 15, 2008

My assets, my Canon 450D

I got my first DSLR yest. At a total cost of S$1898.

Many were shocked with my decision to purchase such a big expansive camera as nowadays anyone can easily get a good digi camera at one third the price. Some thought that i'm rich. Some felt that the passion wont last long. Some dont even know wats a DSLR.

So to clarified things up,

I'd always wanted a DSLR since 2 yrs ago.

I rather spend my money on my canon 450D instead of a LV/Gucci bag unlike most ladies. I just have a different set of priorities.

I'm not rich. I'm going to be having all lunches at foodcourt for the next 2 months if my colleagues permit. And yes, i'm worrying about money already. I cant wait for my first c.c bill to arrive. The $10 i spend on 4D today, has become a sunk cost. (Its my dad fault. hahaha. for being so supportive)

I've not regreted buying this nor my airticks to Perth. And i cant wait for my trip to Perth not for the things i wld be doing but for the picts i will be taking.

At the same time, i wld like to express my gratitudes to my

Purchasing Office - for obtaning all the extra freebies and cheaper cost as well as doing all the adminstrative and PR work while i was on the phone.

ku li - for carrying the heavy freebies without complains and bringing us to the nice quiet little eatery.

Commander in charge - for advising which model to get and what freebies to ask for as well as the conversation with the promoter over telecommunication.

Well, all i wld say, its a big purchase. My biggest purchase to date. Followed by my piano more than 10 yrs ago.

I'd decided to skip the psp/mp4/itouch/watever for the time being. Simply because, 'qian qian qian bu gou yong.' I'll just bring some books onboard to accompany me during the total 10hrs ride.

3 more wks to go...

Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm sorry.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Note to self

Never EVER wear high heels when still recovering from muscleache especially at the tighs area.

Remember, never EVER!

Monday, June 09, 2008


There are people who choose to take on 'christian' or aka 'english' names at certain point in life.

To them, this is just for convenience sake or just a good chance to get a new identity because honestly, how many people truely loves their given name.

A lot of times, fellow friends and strangers asked why didnt i get an english name? I normally replied with a 'i dun noe' look and shrug it off. They never ask again.

The best part with using my chinese name is that, the lecturers/tutors seldom call on me because they dun noe how to pronounce my name. Yan is pronounce as yang and i have to settle with ang mos calling me yang teng.

At starbucks, when asked for my name, i will say yan which they, 10 out of 10 times, spelled it as Y-E-N. If i spelled out my name for them as Y-A-N, they read it out as yang. In the end i let them be, my eyes just followed the cup with my name so that i wld know tt its me they are calling when they called.

When i was in sing, ppl call me ting. But over at down under, they call me yan. For what reasons, i do not know. I always prefer it when ppl call me ting to yan because yan is the common name in my family whereas ting is MY name. So i was very unused to having ppl calling me yan over there. But as time goes by, i settled for yan.

When i go to starbucks or when i need to introd myself to ppl i will meet only once, i call myself yan. But the problem is, i do not response when ppl call me yan. So, sometimes i wonder, what should i call myself.

I like my given name and i cant think of anything else to call myself. My yan is unique and to date, i have know of less than a handful who uses the same yan as me. One famous hot hunk will be wu yan zhu. Hence i like my yan as much as i like my ting.

All thanks to my dad for giving me this name.

I did something very nosensical to my dad just now. It was a trick we played on each other for the past 20 over years. But it kinda stop as i grew older and more ladylike. He was unprepared and caught in surprise after i done what i done. Hence he threaten to tell all my friends about it. I just hope he wont be so heartless. hahahahahaha..... So to prevent him from doing that, i'm not going to bring friends back for the time being...

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Numerlogy + Paintball

This is what mine says... If you want to know yours, go here to check it out.

This is quite similar to what the tarot readings says, isnt it? I hope it is true.

You're about to take major steps forward in finances and creative work. If you're honest about your ambitions, you'll gain support from someone who will help you achieve success. As for love, you'll strengthen a passionate tie, probably with someone you already know. This relationship will end an old pattern of behaviour that has caused much heartache. You'll discover you're treasured for who you are, and this strong union will free you to be more passionate and daring. With your combined talents, you will shine as a star couple.

I just realised that most of the love part for many other numbers talk bout the same. Haa... Poor humans...

Went for a paintball session today. Its good. In the sense that when you fired away not caring whether you are hitting anything or anyone and you dun even know that you have no more paintball left till the refee advices. Den you decided to do the dash for the brick/flag because you have nothing to lose and you feel clean and you know that your enemy aims as bad as you are or maybe you feel that everyone elses paintballs have been used up so theres not a high chance of getting shot. Only to realise after the whole game that you are the only one with no more bullets whereas others still have lots more to go. Oh yeah.. This is good.

Wore my jc's t-shirt today. Not wore it out for a long time and yeah, 'The best is yet to be'. That was what one of the Marshall said to me as i walked past. Sometimes cant help but feel tt the ac spirt is really strong. Some love it, some hates it. Me? Thats up to you to decipher.

If i eat like how i'd been eating for the past week, i think i will hit my target in maybe one or two more months..

Gosh, i wanna exercise.. I need to sweat it all out..

Go Swimming w me lei Ciccio..

Play badminton w me lei CL..

Thursday, June 05, 2008


One morning last week, while i was rushing to work along the city link, my eyes fall onto a window display. My gaze follows it as i walk past in long strides.

That lunch, i went to the watch shop and went to have another look at the watch.

Its a Denmark brand, SKAGEN. The watch was placed on the lower shelf and i still do not understand how it caught my attention.

It has white leather straps, a rose gold rim and mother of peal face.

On second look, its not as pretty as it seems. I went in to ask for the price and also to try it out.

Surprisingly, its rather slim and cost bout 220 aft discount.

Shld i get it?

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Why is it that when humans are created, they do not have a RESET button inbuilt in them?

Or is it just that i have not found mine?

Make it stop. Please.