Monday, April 01, 2013

Today is a day of ferries and..


After dropping the parents at Jeju international airport for their flight to Shanghai then back to Singapore I went to the information counter and check on the next part of my journey.

I was contemplating if I should cut this trip short and return with my parents as I had been having diarrhoea since the 3rd day of this trip. But well I know I will regret if I did.

I was told the next ferry to mainland korea will be at 12pm and it was 11am when I was checking. So I went to bid my parents farewell after another short chat with them, took a cab to the 10mins away ferry terminal, after some miscommunications with the guy at i, I finally bought my ticket and board my ferry with 10mins to spare. After a relaxing 1h40mins trip I arrived at Wando terminal. Sadly the lady at i wasnt able to speak English but with the help of 1330 she managed to answer my question. I obtained contacts for my tonight accommodation and with 10mins to spare, bought my ferry ticket to Cheongsando, the first slow city recorded. I hurriedly went to drop my luggage at the luggage storage and half run half jog to board the ferry. After a 50mins ride I arrive at the slow city at close to 3.30pm. Went for my slow walk along slow route 1 and feast my eyes with many pretty sights.

Then I gave my poor lonely heart a fright by being lazy. Instead of backtracking I decided to go on a supposedly shorter route 2.

But I failed to notice that it is off road. The stone path soon become a path over the cliff with ropes as preventive measures, just a slip might let me fall down the cliff into the cold sea water 4-5 storey high. Although this trek only took 10-20mins it felt like forever. The race against time to catch the last ferry that departs at 6pm made my left and right feet move on else I will be on my knees slowly crawling my way out. I guess I have aged a lot. When I finally got out and back to civilisation I have gotten jelly knees but I still need to walk back to the jetty because the ferry will be leaving in 40mins time and I have yet to buy the tickets back. T_T

Other than another 2, 3 photos I walk my normal City Hall speed aka quick IN A SLOW CITY (*shake head*). Finally got back with a thumping heart and weak knees, buy tickets, board ferry find a place on the roof to plant my butt for a good view of the sunset, surrounded by souju and beer drinking ajumas and ajushis.

By the time I reach wando about 7pm, I was freezzzzzzing. .

Went to grab my backpack, take a cab show the name of the motel(제우스모텔 Tel: 554-0700) and reached my motel before the meter jump. Went out and bought this back for dinner.

posted from Bloggeroid

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