He's actually a DEVIL in disguise. oh no!!!
This dog is damn smart. He knows what irritates you so after you had given him a scolding, he wld purposely go poo and pee anywhere but his tray. He KNOWS where he's suppose to poo and pee at but after a scolding, he will POO and PEE at anywhere thats not his tray!!! arggg.... N he thinks that my fingers and toes are edible!! He will leap at them.. n bite them!!
Oh no!! I'd gotten a devil who acts like an angel in the first few days!! sigh....
P.S He's 62.5cm long from nose to tail today.
Monday, September 29, 2008
5th day at home..
I weighted him today. Dun noe if i'm feeling paronoid or wat but i cld feel his bones when i caress him. I weighted him+ me, den me alone. He's 2.2kg today. Shld have weight him on the first day he arrived. I tried measuring his length frm nose to tail but i cldnt cause Darcy wont cooperates w me. Shall do so when hes taking his afternoon nap tmr.
I woke up this morning to discover blood in his faeces. I was so so worried, so i smsed my dog friend lcm and asked him. He said to call the petshop owner to check so i called Don. He said it might be because of Darcy's diarrhea for the past few days which was a result of stress, which i totally agree cause yest aft lcm + pyh left aft a nite visit where Darcy was scolded n terrorised by lcm, he had diarrhea immediately after i put him back in the cage.. aww.. Poor Darcy.. But on the other hand, he deserves it.. for peeing n pooing anywhere he seems fit.. ANyway, Don asked me to check his stool for the next 2-3 days and if there is more blood i shld bring him to the vet.
Luckily for now, the last few output was alrite. I'm wondering if he was stressed out by the rubbish truck tt comes every morning at seven. Where he will become paronoid and run around trying to find someone. sigh.. hes such a scarry cat yet so playful.. n is a biter.. hhahaa
I went to buy milk suitable for dogs and cats today, it costs about $5 for a pac. I wonder if i need to refridge it after i open. It states that giving dogs and cats some milk is good for their diarrhea as too much dry food is hard to digest. Another sales assistance promoting Science Diet was suggesting that i mix half can food to half dry food or to soak the dry food in water so that it will be softer. sigh.. shld see how for the next couple of days.
I bathed Darcy this afternoon. Hes such a brave boy. He didnt whine at all nor bark. Just quietly stood there on his hind legs while his front paws rest on my left arm. I was left with one right hand to do the rest of the things. He seems to enjoy water a lot as he likes going to the toilet a lot. But i caught him licking water from the toilet floor which shows how lazy he is from going to his water bottle in the balcony. But he's still so cute..
He's just so cute..
I woke up this morning to discover blood in his faeces. I was so so worried, so i smsed my dog friend lcm and asked him. He said to call the petshop owner to check so i called Don. He said it might be because of Darcy's diarrhea for the past few days which was a result of stress, which i totally agree cause yest aft lcm + pyh left aft a nite visit where Darcy was scolded n terrorised by lcm, he had diarrhea immediately after i put him back in the cage.. aww.. Poor Darcy.. But on the other hand, he deserves it.. for peeing n pooing anywhere he seems fit.. ANyway, Don asked me to check his stool for the next 2-3 days and if there is more blood i shld bring him to the vet.
Luckily for now, the last few output was alrite. I'm wondering if he was stressed out by the rubbish truck tt comes every morning at seven. Where he will become paronoid and run around trying to find someone. sigh.. hes such a scarry cat yet so playful.. n is a biter.. hhahaa
I went to buy milk suitable for dogs and cats today, it costs about $5 for a pac. I wonder if i need to refridge it after i open. It states that giving dogs and cats some milk is good for their diarrhea as too much dry food is hard to digest. Another sales assistance promoting Science Diet was suggesting that i mix half can food to half dry food or to soak the dry food in water so that it will be softer. sigh.. shld see how for the next couple of days.
I bathed Darcy this afternoon. Hes such a brave boy. He didnt whine at all nor bark. Just quietly stood there on his hind legs while his front paws rest on my left arm. I was left with one right hand to do the rest of the things. He seems to enjoy water a lot as he likes going to the toilet a lot. But i caught him licking water from the toilet floor which shows how lazy he is from going to his water bottle in the balcony. But he's still so cute..
He's just so cute..
Sunday, September 28, 2008
4th day at home..
We had our first afternoon nap together today. He on the floor, me on the sofa..
aw.. if only everyday can be spend like this..
P.S: Darcy is a nice name ok. Go here to read more on him!
aw.. if only everyday can be spend like this..
P.S: Darcy is a nice name ok. Go here to read more on him!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
3rd day at home..
Darcy was being complained by my mum today. I went out and came back late and find a sleepy Darcy standing up. I let him out for a while and he was 'teh-ing' away. Rolling onto his back to get his belly rubbed. I realised that he likes to do it when hes sleepy or just woken up. Or maybe i'm just not spending enough time with him to know what he's like in the day.
I was rather angry as Darcy was having liquid stools. He had not drank much water for the last two days and as heard from mum he had had diarrhea for the whole day. I asked her what had she been feeding him and she said dog biscuit in the morning and boiled chicken in the evening. Then why is poor Darcy having watery stool.
He had dragonfruit yesterday thou but it had been shited out yesterday as i saw seeds in his shit. Damn.. Hope he will be better tmr. I told my mum to stop giving him any other food other then dog food. Let him get used to it first before feeding him with all kinda junks.
So worried. =(
I was rather angry as Darcy was having liquid stools. He had not drank much water for the last two days and as heard from mum he had had diarrhea for the whole day. I asked her what had she been feeding him and she said dog biscuit in the morning and boiled chicken in the evening. Then why is poor Darcy having watery stool.
He had dragonfruit yesterday thou but it had been shited out yesterday as i saw seeds in his shit. Damn.. Hope he will be better tmr. I told my mum to stop giving him any other food other then dog food. Let him get used to it first before feeding him with all kinda junks.
So worried. =(
Thursday, September 25, 2008
2nd day at home
Came home later than planned today. Cause, can you believe it, a human was actually fighting for attention with my puppy. Haha... I was telling her on the way back, if she was my bf, i wld be home already. So, she shld be satisfied with the limited attention i showered her today.
Turned out, she really get along quite well with my boy boy. After all, they are just 3 days and 25yrs apart. haha..
Came back and my boy boy dun recognise me again. But it only took him a few seconds to realised that its me. His fav human. haha..
My parents fed him boiled chicken and dragonfruit today. And i thought that i was suppose to be the only one who will spoiled him.
Have decided on his name. Initially was thinking of onite and whinny which was the two names i wanted to call my dogs 2 yrs ago and since my boy started whinning today and i bought him in sept, both names suits him. But along came Mr Darcy and ya, Darcy will be good for him. Like the human who was jealous of him and also crazy over majong, she started calling him 'da xi' which sounds like throwing west in majong. But, my dog is DARCY. DAR-CI. Dar for short. haha... His chinese name should be De-Xi. So, will be Darcy Wong De Xi. Nice rite. Haha..
Oh, btw, Darcy is a Shetland sheepdog. Suppose to be the 6th brightest dog as shown in the webbie. Haha.. He sure is smart. I just hope that he will grow up to be a happy dog. =)
Anyway, i will be home sun to wed, so those interested or needs a cutie to brighten your day, just give me a call n drop by to visit him if you want. He might melts you for all you know..
I bought a bone and the teeth cleaning thing for him to chew on. My parents commented that i shld have gotten a ball instead for it to play. I shall go find one tmr then..
I wonder what is going thru his head..
My dar-dar falls asleep before 10pm. What a baby.. aww..
Turned out, she really get along quite well with my boy boy. After all, they are just 3 days and 25yrs apart. haha..
Came back and my boy boy dun recognise me again. But it only took him a few seconds to realised that its me. His fav human. haha..
My parents fed him boiled chicken and dragonfruit today. And i thought that i was suppose to be the only one who will spoiled him.
Have decided on his name. Initially was thinking of onite and whinny which was the two names i wanted to call my dogs 2 yrs ago and since my boy started whinning today and i bought him in sept, both names suits him. But along came Mr Darcy and ya, Darcy will be good for him. Like the human who was jealous of him and also crazy over majong, she started calling him 'da xi' which sounds like throwing west in majong. But, my dog is DARCY. DAR-CI. Dar for short. haha... His chinese name should be De-Xi. So, will be Darcy Wong De Xi. Nice rite. Haha..
Oh, btw, Darcy is a Shetland sheepdog. Suppose to be the 6th brightest dog as shown in the webbie. Haha.. He sure is smart. I just hope that he will grow up to be a happy dog. =)
Anyway, i will be home sun to wed, so those interested or needs a cutie to brighten your day, just give me a call n drop by to visit him if you want. He might melts you for all you know..
I bought a bone and the teeth cleaning thing for him to chew on. My parents commented that i shld have gotten a ball instead for it to play. I shall go find one tmr then..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Shld i call it Mr Darcy??
We went to 6 locations from city to west to east, around 20 shops and finally i found him.
We were told that hes the naughty one among the two but also the brighter one. The other one is tamer. But the other one doesnt seem to like me as much and i even caught him rolling his eyes at me. Hence this is the one.
My boy was born on 14th July 08, needs one more vaccine and is needing a leash, collar, bowl and lots of toys.
Was msning w gh on dogs' names and he suggested naming him after my idol. I dun really have any serious one and the only one i cld think of was Mr Dacy as in the Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. That Darcy appears to be snobbish and arogrant and incredibly hansome. In truth, hes a gentlement, steady and well behaved as ultimately hansome. So i'm thinking of naming my boy Mr Darcy. When i like him lots i will call him darling or dar dar. On days he is not being hes best i will scold him DARREN!! hahaha...
He was walking in circles in my small living room about half hour after his meal. He kept looking at the cage but he didnt dare to take the small step down to the balcony. In the end, he finally cldnt hold it anymore and pee in the living room. I quickly carried him to his cage and place him on his pee+poo tray and pointed to the tray and said in a stern voice 'bad boy'. He looked real sorry for himself. I went back to clean up the mess and came back to check on him afterwards to discover a whole chunk of gold on the tray. So guai!!! Hes indeed tray-trained. haha...
After which he whined a bit when i left him in the cage. Gosh.. I hope he will be fine tonite. The last i checked on him, he was on the verge of sleeping and he looks at me with those sleepy eyes.. aww...
Den when my mum scolded me for not sleeping, he woke up.. haii.. Hope he's first night will be good..
We were told that hes the naughty one among the two but also the brighter one. The other one is tamer. But the other one doesnt seem to like me as much and i even caught him rolling his eyes at me. Hence this is the one.
My boy was born on 14th July 08, needs one more vaccine and is needing a leash, collar, bowl and lots of toys.
Was msning w gh on dogs' names and he suggested naming him after my idol. I dun really have any serious one and the only one i cld think of was Mr Dacy as in the Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. That Darcy appears to be snobbish and arogrant and incredibly hansome. In truth, hes a gentlement, steady and well behaved as ultimately hansome. So i'm thinking of naming my boy Mr Darcy. When i like him lots i will call him darling or dar dar. On days he is not being hes best i will scold him DARREN!! hahaha...
He was walking in circles in my small living room about half hour after his meal. He kept looking at the cage but he didnt dare to take the small step down to the balcony. In the end, he finally cldnt hold it anymore and pee in the living room. I quickly carried him to his cage and place him on his pee+poo tray and pointed to the tray and said in a stern voice 'bad boy'. He looked real sorry for himself. I went back to clean up the mess and came back to check on him afterwards to discover a whole chunk of gold on the tray. So guai!!! Hes indeed tray-trained. haha...
After which he whined a bit when i left him in the cage. Gosh.. I hope he will be fine tonite. The last i checked on him, he was on the verge of sleeping and he looks at me with those sleepy eyes.. aww...
Den when my mum scolded me for not sleeping, he woke up.. haii.. Hope he's first night will be good..
My boy is smiling..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
My Oct resolutions..
I must spend only $600 this oct.
So as to pay off my previous debt..
Damn the credit cards.. ~_~
So as to pay off my previous debt..
Damn the credit cards.. ~_~
Monday, September 22, 2008
Aft so many tuition sessions, i finally did it..
Its not a honourable thing.
I made my tutee cry last sat. I took out a piece of tissue and told her its the last one. I gave a loud sigh and said, 'Why are you crying when i haven even scold you?' I waited for her to wipe her tears away and continue with the lesson.
I didnt ask her to stop crying. I didnt ask her whats wrong. I didnt tell her that everything is alright. I didnt say a lot of things tt i shld have said. Instead i was cool to the point of being cold after she told me her results. She flunked, badly. Shes sitting for her O's and truth to be told, shes not ready.
I know she didnt dare to tell her mum as she knew that her mum wld scold her. But she choose to tell me. Instead of consoling her, i gave a loud sigh and said 'I really do not know what to do with you.' We went thru her exam paper and somewhere at probability her tears started to drop.
I guess its the silent treatment that made her realise the seriousness of the current situation. I just hope that in this remaining one mth she will go back to the time where i first started teaching her. When she cared more about maths than where i'm going afterwards. Where she take pride in her work and main aim is to score. I just wish that she will not have any regrets when the O's results are out. I wish that next year when she called to tell me her results, i can picture her jumping up and down and not be hiding in one corner crying away.
Hope she will not choose to give up but be more motivated..
What can i do now?
I made my tutee cry last sat. I took out a piece of tissue and told her its the last one. I gave a loud sigh and said, 'Why are you crying when i haven even scold you?' I waited for her to wipe her tears away and continue with the lesson.
I didnt ask her to stop crying. I didnt ask her whats wrong. I didnt tell her that everything is alright. I didnt say a lot of things tt i shld have said. Instead i was cool to the point of being cold after she told me her results. She flunked, badly. Shes sitting for her O's and truth to be told, shes not ready.
I know she didnt dare to tell her mum as she knew that her mum wld scold her. But she choose to tell me. Instead of consoling her, i gave a loud sigh and said 'I really do not know what to do with you.' We went thru her exam paper and somewhere at probability her tears started to drop.
I guess its the silent treatment that made her realise the seriousness of the current situation. I just hope that in this remaining one mth she will go back to the time where i first started teaching her. When she cared more about maths than where i'm going afterwards. Where she take pride in her work and main aim is to score. I just wish that she will not have any regrets when the O's results are out. I wish that next year when she called to tell me her results, i can picture her jumping up and down and not be hiding in one corner crying away.
Hope she will not choose to give up but be more motivated..
What can i do now?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Things tt made me happy..
This is not just any chips. This is my FAV chips worldwide. N my beloved bro bought for me frm Perth for my b'day pressie a couple of wks ago. Its not the pressie that made me happy, its knowing tt he remembered my fav chips when hes in down under tt makes me happy!!
My all time crave - western style brekky in a nice garden ambience with my fav ice coffee + great friends to accompany. Happylicious..
My Skagen watch. Though this is not the one i fall head over heels with, but the more i look at it, the more i fall for it. Haa.. My friends do noe me best..
Last but not the least.. This nv fails to bring a smile to my face..
Saturday, September 20, 2008
yt is feeling domestic this sept..
For the first 2 wks of sept, i did laundry and iron all the clothes tt need to be ironed. I normally will only iron them 5 minutes before wearing. Not this month, i had clothes ready to be worn at all times.
Now tt its mid sept, i kept having ideas on how to cook what. I'd been reading recipes online and had kinda gotten the touch on what i want to cook.
I went to buy lamb chop (finally) which cost me $12 for jus 1 piece (filthy ex) and pork chop just now. Both are being marinated in the fridge this very minute. The lamb will be my first so i used the normal seasoning of rosemary, pepper etc etc. (Must remember to salt it tmr, just before cooking as adding salt to the marination will draw the moisture out if) Wonder how will it taste like. Hope its not too tough.. haa.. But i will be the only one eating it so not nice also must say nice lar.. Then from the web, i found a way of marinating pork using lime/lemon carbonate soda. This will be the first time i use this kinda liquid marination. Really have no idea how all these will turn out.
Just hope tt xy will not be reading this before tmr else i doubt tt she will come to be my taster. Haha.. My another taster manage to run away before its too late to an addidas sale so i'm only left w one. Not including my parents cause i feel tt their taste buds are not functioning well enough. haha..
But nt to worry, i'd got more mouths to feed in 2 wks time where i will be making beer battered fish n mash potatoes.. haaaaa... I'm like so nice to find the eve of the p.h to cook for them so that they can have e whole p.h to recover from whatever mishap that is to happen. haa.. thanx me quick!!!
Now tt its mid sept, i kept having ideas on how to cook what. I'd been reading recipes online and had kinda gotten the touch on what i want to cook.
I went to buy lamb chop (finally) which cost me $12 for jus 1 piece (filthy ex) and pork chop just now. Both are being marinated in the fridge this very minute. The lamb will be my first so i used the normal seasoning of rosemary, pepper etc etc. (Must remember to salt it tmr, just before cooking as adding salt to the marination will draw the moisture out if) Wonder how will it taste like. Hope its not too tough.. haa.. But i will be the only one eating it so not nice also must say nice lar.. Then from the web, i found a way of marinating pork using lime/lemon carbonate soda. This will be the first time i use this kinda liquid marination. Really have no idea how all these will turn out.
Just hope tt xy will not be reading this before tmr else i doubt tt she will come to be my taster. Haha.. My another taster manage to run away before its too late to an addidas sale so i'm only left w one. Not including my parents cause i feel tt their taste buds are not functioning well enough. haha..
But nt to worry, i'd got more mouths to feed in 2 wks time where i will be making beer battered fish n mash potatoes.. haaaaa... I'm like so nice to find the eve of the p.h to cook for them so that they can have e whole p.h to recover from whatever mishap that is to happen. haa.. thanx me quick!!!
Monday, September 08, 2008
3 times
They say bad things come in threes. I'm waiting for the third one now.
The first two had brought out friends i didnt noe existed. Giving me all the encouragements when i needed them most. People i thought who will be just a mere passer-by in life pop up here and there to remind me of their existence. Not forgetting those who are alway here, by my side. A big thank you for being with me when i needed you most.
Like i mentioned several times in previous posts, 'when nothing seems to goes right, just hang in there. Oneday it will all go right'. With each passing day, things seem more east bound. The pain mellow down like a bottled of aged wine, where it seems more smooth and easy down the throat.
I'm finding peace with myself and i'm preparing for the third one to come.
I can never say i'm ready for the third because they like to come out of nowhere and give you the shock of your life. But at least now, i know i'm not alone.
In the meanwhile, i'm putting one foot infront of the other. Its just going to be another day. I'm walking towards another day as well as i'm walking away from just.another.day.
This is life, and life is good. They take some but at the same time, they give some. And sometimes even more.
I'd actually learn and gain a lot this time round.
Thank you!
The first two had brought out friends i didnt noe existed. Giving me all the encouragements when i needed them most. People i thought who will be just a mere passer-by in life pop up here and there to remind me of their existence. Not forgetting those who are alway here, by my side. A big thank you for being with me when i needed you most.
Like i mentioned several times in previous posts, 'when nothing seems to goes right, just hang in there. Oneday it will all go right'. With each passing day, things seem more east bound. The pain mellow down like a bottled of aged wine, where it seems more smooth and easy down the throat.
I'm finding peace with myself and i'm preparing for the third one to come.
I can never say i'm ready for the third because they like to come out of nowhere and give you the shock of your life. But at least now, i know i'm not alone.
In the meanwhile, i'm putting one foot infront of the other. Its just going to be another day. I'm walking towards another day as well as i'm walking away from just.another.day.
This is life, and life is good. They take some but at the same time, they give some. And sometimes even more.
I'd actually learn and gain a lot this time round.
Thank you!
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