Friday, September 21, 2007

Its my month..

Lately, i had been sending out lots of smses wishing ppl a Happy Birthday. They are ppl who i gets along quite well but too much will make me sick kinda ppl. In short, they are all virgos. I came to realised that most of my guy-buddies or brothers are Virgos. One on 14th, one on 18th and one on 20th. I have a ger on 22nd, another ger on 24th, a tu di on 28th and lastly mine before the mth ends.

Wow.. Is sept a good mth to give birth or am i getting to know more friends or wat? I really do not know.

Next wed will marks my last day to my 5 mth contract for my first job. Nobody had thought i wld last so long. Almost all those who knows me felt that i wont last more than a mth in any office job. And when they know of my current work condition, they are even more impressed by me and lots kept asking me to get a new job or in short, get a life!

I always believe that we should not live to work. I just want a job that will pays me enough to support myparents + living expenditure+ a little savings+ a cute little dog, give me time to attend my dance lessons on every tues, allow for my mentoring sessions & tuitions on the weekend and i'll be happy. This is how life shld be like, for me.

I just want my life to be simple with little bits of treats here and there to keep me going. I do not need an ambitious career nor long working hours that leave me with less than 8hrs at home a day. I want time for my puppy, my korean drama and my sweet young things.

Hence, i'm not going to extend the contract for another 2 more months. Because, its simply just a waste of LIFE, MY LIFE!

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