Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It must be the moon tonight..

Things were weird during dance class tonight.

Most of us were behaving like kids today. Ok, correction, only the girls. One was sliding around on her new bought sockings. One were trying to do high kicking and one kept creeping behind me and knock the back of my knee with her front. Whats up with them exactly? I was normal as normal. Doing my casual stuff.

My dad called during my lunch to tell me that they are going off to KL for 2-3 days. My first reaction was, 'they haven buy my snow skin double yolks mooncake yet'. How could they. Now, i'm all alone, listening to FM933, typing on this lonely entry, alone while picturing ppl carrying lanterns, lighting candles and biting into their snow skin double yolks mooncake and washing it down with a fragent cup of pu er tea.

I shall bring out my Raffles Hotel's Mini Snow-skin Mooncake with Mocha Truffle.

Hmmup.. Dun envy me world!

**5 mins later..**

Guess what i found in my Raffles Hotel's Mini Snow-skin Mooncake with Mocha Truffle box, my parents arn't tt evil.

Yes, Snow skin double yolks mooncake, cut to a perfect size to pop into my mouth. Notice the yolks in every slice.. Oh yeah baby, life is good.

A quarter of the Raffles Hotel's Mini Snow-skin Mooncake with Mocha Truffle. It might look gross, but its to crave for.. Come and i will treat.. Its not to sweet yet soft and chewy enought to make it hard to resist another bite.

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